When we laugh at something, do we do so with light-heartedness, pity, or cynicism? Laughter can be cruel, or it can be an emotion expressing honest joy and relief from the norm. To be honest, right now, most of the world is responding with a cynical laughter even at the mere mention of the name, “Trump”. Guess what folks, the joke is on us, and it’s real. Continue reading Laughter, and what to do with real evil
Author: Hippie Tom
The knowledge of good and evil, that’s the difference between you and a Baboon – Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD
From the moment we are born, we begin to gather knowledge and experience, both good and evil, that we hold on to, and we call it intelligence, a learned habit, an experience, “growing”, etceteras. It may differ between cultures and societies, but individually we believe in what we think, or assume, is a good thing, along with everyone else in our culture or society, or state of mind.
Cannibals were humans that ate (as in food) other human beings. It started in Europe approximately 32,000 years ago. During famines, for the Neanderthal’s, human flesh was a dietary supplement. Eventually, In some cultures becoming a ritual to ward off evil spirits. For some, it also was a warning to enemies.
Was that evil to those people? Apparently not. Evil to modern day cultures and societies? Yes, unless your aircraft you are on is the one that crashed in the Andes in 1972. Pass the Grey Poupon, please. Cannibalism. Evil or good. Ask Dr. Roberto Cannassa, a survivor. Horrible, horrible thing. Would you do it? Pass the Heinz 57, please.
Okay, so I sorta made this a topic NOT to be discussed around the dinner table with the kiddies. Cannibalism versus farting in church. Is farting in church evil? I don’t think so, especially if it’s a little old grandma type sitting in the pew in front of you.
Just as naturally as the color of our hair and skin, our knowledge of the difference between right and wrong is a sensory part of our brain that separates humans from other species. Just as the animals in the forest naturally nurture their offspring teaching them how to fly, to hunt, to fish, humans teach their offspring as well, except for one significant difference between the human species and ALL other species.
Humans are the only species with the knowledge or the very ability to think, of the difference between good versus evil, from birth as an instinct, that becomes tainted by external pressures and processes (playground bullies, parental guidance, DUI Court) along life’s way. Tainted, changed if you will, by both good and evil.
What is “Good” you ask? What is “Evil?” The very first time that one of our cave dwelling ancestors picked up a piece of wood or a large rock and killed another cave man, there probably was no remorse or thoughts of good or evil.
If the killing was to prevent injury to oneself, or to the others, there only was a good feeling, which eventually would be accepted as the norm. Perhaps the deceased was stealing food, or sexually attacking the mate of the other? There was no remorse.
Eventually remorse became part of a set of human feelings, that differentiated us from all other species. Remorse was and still is, a feeling, not an instinct. Humans are the only species that feels that emotion, as far as we know. When my dog did something wrong, it MAY have shown guilt, but remorse? I don’t think so.
An animal attacking another of the same species is seen as part of the familial rise of a leader, and is purely instinct, like two male deer fighting, or two male gorillas fighting. The simple fact is that two animals can fight for dominance is neither good nor evil.
An animal killing another animal of a different species for food is instinctual, and totally without remorse, neither good nor evil. A Lion bringing down a Gazelle is not sport, it’s called food, i.e., survival of the fittest. Not evil. The loss of life by natural disasters. Not evil, not good either, and it falls under the “Shit happens” category.
How about the moment a human being feels that power and dominance from killing another human being, it can be considered good, or evil, i.e., you just shot a serial killer who was in the process of slicing your child’s throat……You just took a life, GOOD for you, you’re not evil!
Someone just walked into a crowded school and opened fire with an array of semi-automatic weapons, killing 47 children, and 5 adults…..EVIL! Of course not good….If you are protecting your loved ones, it’s a good feeling to be the survivor, and winner. And it may come with a little remorse mixed in with your joy.
If you are killing another human being for no good reason at all, then consider it an evil deed. Tens of millions, hundreds of millions of humans have been killed because of the evilness in the hearts of human kind.
The answer to all this philosophical bullshit has been taught since that first cave man hit the other dude with a big piece of wood or a rock. Even if the survivor walked away and left the carcass of his adversary to rot, my guess is that at that moment, he not only was thinking about his first “weapon”, he maybe discovered wither “good” or “evil” was real, even though if just a fleeting thought in his mind.
Triumph or sadness, and all other kinds of emotions are discovered. Some emotions, can be “good” to some, “evil” to others. If that caveman was simply defending his “family” and possessions, I’m pretty sure he was feeling good about the ordeal if he was the winner.
If instead, the victor was using his “weapon” to lay claim to that which was previously owned by the deceased, then we could assume that the rush of feelings that the winner felt were based on the evilness of his deed? Think about it.
The people or tribe of the dead man are now feeling fear, loathing, despair, nothing good, and the people or tribe belonging to the winner is feeling nothing but joy and goodness, cheering his victory as they continue with the slaughter of the enemy.
Good versus Evil, it’s all relative. The ONLY species that recognize these particular FEELINGS is the HUMAN SPECIES, Homo Sapiens. However, I know that my dog felt joy when I came home. Or maybe that look, that smile, his barking, was because he was hungry?. Basically, I believe I have seen animals show emotions, but not human evil, not human good.
Throughout our evolutionary process, much evil, evil of all kinds, has also been characterized as “good” by many peoples, even entire cultures and societies. That same result is true in the opposite, referring to the millions of people, men women and children that have been slaughtered because of one religious belief or another.
Mankind has been trying to understand these human traits since the beginning of time. Religions upon religions, all the various kinds of worship of everything from the SUN, to golden statues of various animals, to Man-Gods, have in many ways, complicated our evolution as a species.
Our species is the only species on this planet that has killed, and continues to kill our own species for the cause of our religions and so-called faith (add the other ludicrous reasons here, like oil).
Mankind’s experience with religion has always been the isolation and worship of some thing or some one. What I am suggesting is that if we love ourselves, if we love others how we want to be loved, if we treat others as we would desire to be treated, we wasted a whole lot of time, and a whole lot of brick and mortar down through the years, not to mention all the EVIL and wrongful death we have beset upon humankind. My church? I am my church.
“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”
— The Epicurean paradox, ~300 BCE
Boil it down folks. Strain out all the crap. And what you have left is something quite simple……..wait for it……..The Golden Rule.
How simple can it get. Treat your fellow man, as you want to be treated. For me, I hope for nothing but love and goodness from you, so my conscious has a strong desire to love, respect, and care for you. Utopia? Maybe, but we are human, not animal. We have the option. Be good? Or be bad!
If we gather together in a meeting, perhaps at someone’s home, we won’t call it church, or Sabbath. We won’t pray to some possibly fictitious person or God, or image of a young Elvis Presley. We might sing, songs of joy and love for one another, and yes, we may smoke a little weed, eat a little pizza, but not as a ritual.
We will exercise our free will as humans only can, and teach love, not hate. Peace, not war, yadda yadda yadda. How simple can that be? No memorizing words, no dropping money in a bucket, unless you want to participate in the refreshments, whatever you might be serving.
When you meet, you discuss ways to help other people, like the homeless. Food for the starving. Help for the medically and/or mentally challenged. Shelter for the homeless. The list goes on and on. The only difference is you are truly practicing this “preach” in your daily lives.
The church as we have known it, regardless of what or who WAS worshiped in the past, becomes like so many antiquities of our past and our cultures. Perhaps all the churches, synagogues and mosques are turned into living space for the homeless.
The real truth becomes the living reality of how to live our lives in goodness, and how we treat others, and so on. Think about it. Not hard to comprehend. You don’t even have to come to my house to hear this simple message, just click “share”.
We can truly love one another, just drop the pistol – Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE
If we can truly love ourselves with the innocence of a newborn child, then we can truly love one another – Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE
The knowledge of good and evil, that’s the difference between you and a Baboon – Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE
I love you from afar, no matter where or who you are. If you do come by to say hi, I can guarantee that you will feel goodness while you’re here, goodness when you leave, and goodness when you get home. If you have nowhere to call home, we will fix that. If you are hungry, we will feed you. Everything is possible! Be kind to one another. Pass the bong, please.
Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, السلام والالتزام , שלום ושמירה, Paix et Demeure, Խաղաղությունը եւ մնալը, Мир и пребывание,, 平和と遵守, 和平與恪守, Aştî û Abad, صلح و عبید, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite, शांति और निवास, Hòa bình và ở lại, Мир и Абиде, שלום און בלייַבן, สันติภาพและการปฏิบัติ, Mir in bivanje,
Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE
For my faithful readers that are aware that I’m finally working on “The Dead Armadillo” story, like say, a Producer, or a Director, or a Screenwriter or someone or a company that desires to option my novel, you can contact me at any time, night or day. If you are a one of those faithful readers that wish to read and follow my progress as I work on this novel, I will be posting updates as a PDF file on every new post on this website/blog. Here’s the latest of “The Dead Armadillo”
Click on a link here to share:
This website is not filled with a bunch of “Click-On” ads for the latest in “Toothbrushes” “Fashion” or “Free trips to wherever” generating millions of pesos in income. We are not seeking your financial support as a primary goal or function of this website, although we know at some point, that we will have the necessary funding to carry out our mission at ITAD-NAO. First and foremost, If you feel this is worthy of your financial support and you do donate, that’s great, and we sincerely thank you, but first and foremost we are looking for your involvement with whatever skill-sets you may have to offer. Communicate with us, help us organize, help us plan, and help us execute the plan. Thank you
“Be true to oneself”, or as Shakespeare once said, “To thine own self be true”
The phrase “To thine own self be true” comes from Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Here are a few new quotes to go along with it.
Being true to oneself, will sometimes be regarded as retarded, by those who could give a flying fuck about you anyway – Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE
So if I am crazy, but at the same time, I’m true to myself, am I really consciously crazy? – Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE
If you TRULY are true to yourself, you have a chance of being true to others, think about it. – Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE
If you are consciously trying to be true to yourself, you really might be crazy. – Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE
I have never met anyone who said to me, “I’m seriously trying to be true to myself today”- Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE
I have never met anyone who said to me, I’m seriously going to try to be true to you today”- Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE
What is it to be true to someone? Is it to be faithful to that person regardless of the process, journey or outcome? Yes. Of course – Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE
So being true to oneself, i.e., “yourself”, sane or insane as it may be, is also to believe in one’s integrity, process or journey as a human – Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE
Yes, I might be a little off on the compass reading right now, but I will remain “True to my course” – Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE
I will remain “True to my course” in spite of spilling coffee on my map. – Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE
In other words, if someone you know is a little crazy, just say, “Dude, I think you’ve spilled a little coffee on your map” – Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE
Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, السلام والالتزام , שלום ושמירה, Paix et Demeure, Խաղաղությունը եւ մնալը, Мир и пребывание,, 平和と遵守, 和平與恪守, Aştî û Abad, صلح و عبید, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite, शांति और निवास, Hòa bình và ở lại, Мир и Абиде, שלום און בלייַבן, สันติภาพและการปฏิบัติ, Mir in bivanje,
Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE
For my faithful readers that are aware that I’m finally working on “The Dead Armadillo” story, like say, a Producer, or a Director, or a Screenwriter or someone or a company that desires to option my novel, you can contact me at any time, night or day. If you are a one of those faithful readers that wish to read and follow my progress as I work on this novel, I will be posting updates as a PDF file on every new post on this website/blog. Here’s the latest of “The Dead Armadillo”
Click on a link here to share:
This website is not filled with a bunch of “Click-On” ads for the latest in “Toothbrushes” “Fashion” or “Free trips to wherever” generating millions of pesos in income. We are not seeking your financial support as a primary goal or function of this website, although we know at some point, that we will have the necessary funding to carry out our mission at ITAD-NAO. First and foremost, If you feel this is worthy of your financial support and you do donate, that’s great, and we sincerely thank you, but first and foremost we are looking for your involvement with whatever skill-sets you may have to offer. Communicate with us, help us organize, help us plan, and help us execute the plan. Thank you
What to do with the most vicious of society
First of all, “Punishment” is what it says, and is not meant to be a device of rehabilitation, but a device or method used to deter a crime, or a thought or process that is in conflict with your own. Spanking children is not rehabilitation, it’s punishment, pure and simple.
Execution by any method, in effect, instantly ending a person’s life, is meant to be a deterrent, although if you ask some wild-eyed homicidal maniac if the last execution in Texas deterred him or not, I suspect that they will laugh in your face.
“Cruel and Unusual” punishment is in the mind of the beholder, i.e., what seems cruel and unusual to you may not be too bad for your neighbor down the street, who’s dogs have been shitting all over your front yard. Society and progress, progress and evolution.
Different strokes for different folks, some governments chop your head off, some use poison gas, some use drugs in an IV stuck in your arm. Some will hang you so brutally that when you drop, and hit the end of your rope, the force is such that it rips your fucking head off. Brutal, but still not a real deterrent in society. Bullets. Have I left any out? Tell me. Almost forgot, “Guillotine”.
Secondly, incarceration without rehabilitation, is exactly what it is, punishment. After so many years, you do recognize it as a life style change for sure. Even though the handlers may assist the truly evil by segregating them from the “normal” population, like a Dahmer type, they still end up experiencing the pain and anguish of a violent death. Well deserved? Yes. Soon enough? No.
Dig a hole six foot long, by four foot wide, by 30 feet deep.
Backhoe equal deep hole. This is a form of punishment, NOT meant to rehabilitate. For sure an experiment in deterrence.
Note: Set this form of punishment aside for those really evil crimes, that have been solidly proven by DNA or solid eye witnesses, i.e., We do not want to use this on the “Really? No Guilty?”, “Whoops! Sorry, we made a mistake” types that are exonerated after 20 years.
Having said that, if the person deserves the “Hole”, lower that person into the hole, gently, with a rope. When you are pulling the rope back up, and you feel the weight of the condemned on the end of the rope not wanting to let go, yell down the hole, “We are now going to raise the rope up 29 feet, when we reach that point, we are going to cut the rope, giving you 29 feet of rope in a thirty foot hole, and a quick 29 foot fall until you hit the bottom and break your neck, back, both legs, and arm? Anyway, you get the picture”.
So, wise man that you are, you elect to let go of the rope when you reach the bottom of the hole. How long can a person’s body go on before it dies of natural causes? Like starvation, thirst, etceteras. 2 weeks? A month? How long before the mind tells the body to stuff enough dirt in your mouth to expatriate your life from your body?
Now, you are the next condemned person to be politely lowered into the hole. At the bottom, you discover the first dude…..he died two months ago but there’s still some meat left on those bones. What does the second dude do? He lives a little longer, or at least until he has run out of flesh and died of natural causes.
Eventually, you are lowering more evil people down the hole while other evil dudes are still alive. Imagine the battles between two or more live dudes, fighting over dead meat.
Eventually, you repeat this over and over again until the hole is five feet from filled, filled with approximately 75 to 80 bodies. Maybe it took a few years or more to fill the hole. They’ve all died, piling up on each other. Throw some dirt on top, i.e., fill in the hole and plant a Xmas tree. Would that be a deterrent? Maybe, maybe not.
Make the hole as deep as you want, a thousand feet? Nahhhhhhh. The condemned would run out of air too quickly, and your Xmas tree farm would be a lot smaller. I think thirty feet is good, after all, this is supposed to be PUNISHMENT. How many holes like this can you get in one acre? Think about it.
A few last thoughts. The truly insane, however horrible the crime, should be institutionalized, like in a mental facility, not a prison, although there is not much difference between the two. Rehabilitation, should be giving that person the tools to be a productive part of society when they are released, i.e, education, training, and motivation.
Inexpensive Punishment? Imagine the horror as the judge tells you your sentence, “Having been found that the very nature of your crime exceeds the level of “Normal”, this court condemns you to the “Hole”, “Court is dismissed”, in other words, the judge sentenced you to “Life, and Death’, to die of natural causes, over a less than rapid period of time.
A city or municipality could earn a steady income from all the tourists who want to see the “Hole” in the town square, covered with a steel grate. The condemned benefit from all the stuff that the tourists would throw in the hole, “Mommy, I think I hear a scream” as the child laughs, and drops a pack of cigarettes through the grate.
Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, السلام والالتزام , שלום ושמירה, Paix et Demeure, Խաղաղությունը եւ մնալը, Мир и пребывание,, 平和と遵守, 和平與恪守, Aştî û Abad, صلح و عبید, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite, शांति और निवास, Hòa bình và ở lại, Мир и Абиде, שלום און בלייַבן, สันติภาพและการปฏิบัติ, Mir in bivanje,
Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE
Some immediate needs. On a volunteer basis for now, we need a WEBMASTER who can work on the ITAD-NAO website, we need a person skilled in “Crowd-Funding” and “Director of Charitable Giving”, we need an attorney to help in the legal matters for ITAD_NAO, including setting us up as a tax-exempt “Church”, we need a Certified CPA to insure the financial integrity of the ITAD-NAO organization, we need a “Chief of Security”, we need a film-maker, first for YouTube, eventually for larger platforms, plus a few other positions. We believe that somewhere down the road, a Billionaire will step up to the plate and write a check for $50 Million or so, which will turn those volunteer positions into paid positions.
And now for an unpaid advertisement:
For my faithful readers that are aware that I’m finally working on “The Dead Armadillo” story, like say, a Producer, or a Director, or a Screenwriter or someone or a company that desires to option my novel, you can contact me at any time, night or day. If you are a one of those faithful readers that wish to read and follow my progress as I work on this novel, I will be posting updates as a PDF file on every new post on this website/blog. Here’s the latest of “The Dead Armadillo”
For those of you that would care to get involved with me on this project, as I intend to hire a professional screenwriter at some point, and produce a feature film, I have recently been approved for a KICKSTARTER campaign where you can contribute. Here is the link to the KICKSTARTER campaign.
Click on a link here to share:
Send Dr. Saxe a comment using the form below:
“A decent person apologizing is like a fresh spring breeze, compared to the excuse-filled bullshit that comes from a selfish person’s mouth” – Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD
Selfish person’s mouth? Or how about in Trump’s case, someone with NPD, (Narcissistic Personality Disorder)” Lack of truth without an apology, let alone remorse
Howdy folks, this bit of info from the Mayo Clinic is Trump! 8 months until his Impeachment is my guess. What’s the Vegas Odds right now?
FROM THE MAYO CLINIC: Narcissistic personality disorder is one of several types of personality disorders. Personality disorders are conditions in which people have traits that cause them to feel and behave in socially distressing ways, limiting their ability to function in relationships and other areas of their life, such as work or school.
If you have narcissistic personality disorder, you may come across as conceited, boastful or pretentious. You often monopolize conversations. You may belittle or look down on people you perceive as inferior. You may feel a sense of entitlement — and when you don’t receive special treatment, you may become impatient or angry. You may insist on having “the best” of everything — for instance, the best car, athletic club or medical care.
At the same time, you have trouble handling anything that may be perceived as criticism. You may have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, vulnerability and humiliation. To feel better, you may react with rage or contempt and try to belittle the other person to make yourself appear superior. Or you may feel depressed and moody because you fall short of perfection.
Many experts use the criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), published by the American Psychiatric Association, to diagnose mental conditions. This manual is also used by insurance companies to reimburse for treatment.
DSM-5 criteria for narcissistic personality disorder include these features:
1. Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
2. Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
3. Exaggerating your achievements and talents
4. Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
5. Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people
6. Requiring constant admiration
7. Having a sense of entitlement
8. Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations
9. Taking advantage of others to get what you want
10. Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
11. Being envious of others and believing others envy you
12.Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner
Although some features of narcissistic personality disorder may seem like having confidence, it’s not the same. Narcissistic personality disorder crosses the border of healthy confidence into thinking so highly of yourself that you put yourself on a pedestal and value yourself more than you value others.
April 14, 2017: After reading this again 2 days later, I had a thought that I thought I should add the following thought, so let me add that thought, at the end here to tie that thought to my opening thoughts….”Think about that one for a moment”.
Number 13: For sure you will hardly ever hear of a narcissistic person apologizing in a sincere fashion, i.e., Don’t expect Trump or anyone like him, to apologize for anything.
Some careers or jobs that are not a good fit for a Narcissistic person:
1. President of the United States
2. Dictators or similar
3. Any other high-ranking government official that is publicly voted into office, or appointed by the POTUS
4. All high-ranking military positions, Generals, etceteras.
5. Any high-ranking CEO’s etceteras, of publicly traded companies
6. Police officers
7. Priests, pastors, nuns, rabbis, televangelists
8. Teachers, including Sunday School
9. Car Salesmen
10. DMV clerks
My suggestion is to have a simple screening done, sorta like a pee test for drug use, to determine if you are plagued by the narcissisticititiupyourasshole bug. If you are a person with NPD, (Narcissistic Personality Disorder)”, sorry, I don’t even want you cooking my cheeseburger for me at McDonald’s, let alone with your finger on the Nuclear Button.
Think about all the people you HAVE come across, politicians, others like police officers who are supposed to “Protect and Serve”, that suffer with this particular mental disorder. Then think about throwing some of our federal budget dollars at helping to find a cure this horrible disorder.
It reminds me of an old poem, “For want of a nail, the shoe was lost”, only in the opposite direction, i.e., from the top down.
Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, السلام والالتزام , שלום ושמירה, Paix et Demeure, Խաղաղությունը եւ մնալը, Мир и пребывание,, 平和と遵守, 和平與恪守, Aştî û Abad, صلح و عبید, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite, शांति और निवास, Hòa bình và ở lại, Мир и Абиде, שלום און בלייַבן, สันติภาพและการปฏิบัติ, Mir in bivanje,
Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE
Some immediate needs. On a volunteer basis for now, we need a WEBMASTER who can work on the ITAD-NAO website, we need a person skilled in “Crowd-Funding” and “Director of Charitable Giving”, we need an attorney to help in the legal matters for ITAD_NAO, including setting us up as a tax-exempt “Church”, we need a Certified CPA to insure the financial integrity of the ITAD-NAO organization, we need a “Chief of Security”, we need a film-maker, first for YouTube, eventually for larger platforms, plus a few other positions. We believe that somewhere down the road, a Billionaire will step up to the plate and write a check for $50 Million or so, which will turn those volunteer positions into paid positions.
And now for an unpaid advertisement:
For my faithful readers that are aware that I’m finally working on “The Dead Armadillo” story, like say, a Producer, or a Director, or a Screenwriter or someone or a company that desires to option my novel, you can contact me at any time, night or day. If you are a one of those faithful readers that wish to read and follow my progress as I work on this novel, I will be posting updates as a PDF file on every new post on this website/blog. Here’s the latest of “The Dead Armadillo”
For those of you that would care to get involved with me on this project, as I intend to hire a professional screenwriter at some point, and produce a feature film, I have recently been approved for a KICKSTARTER campaign where you can contribute. Here is the link to the KICKSTARTER campaign.
Click on a link here to share:
Send Dr. Saxe a comment using the form below:
April 4, 2017 911? Hello 911, are you there? 911, h-e-l-l-oooooo…
A normal, nice weather, Tuesday afternoon. My room mate, Jeff, is sitting on the patio, and I am sitting at the computer in the house. Jeff comes in, says, “Something’s going on next door, I hear banging, moaning…..if you don’t call 911………I will”. Leads to my contacting Sheri in the property management office, and telling her to call 911, which she did. The fire department pulled up within 3 minutes and I waved them on yelling up at the fireman staring out at me as they rolled by, didn’t even have the courtesy to stop. I yelled out, “Cops in first”.
Continue reading April 4, 2017 911? Hello 911, are you there? 911, h-e-l-l-oooooo…
Horribly censored movie on VICELAND tonight, April 1st, 2017………..”I have to buy this one, let me splain…….”
This is NOT a movie review. It is my description of a phenomenon that has occurred to me many, many times while watching a movie on TV, while stoned. The phenomenon has been resolved tonight, and I am very much encouraged to go out and buy this movie, (or to buy it online).
Dagwood Sandwich, or maybe you should trim the jungle
I was texting a lady friend yesterday afternoon, just chatting, “How’s your day going” kind of stuff, and in one text to her, I described what I had just had for lunch. A huge “Dagwood” sandwich….or Deli Sandwich if you are not old enough to remember the comic strip about the dude, “Dagwood Bumstead”. Continue reading Dagwood Sandwich, or maybe you should trim the jungle
Exclusive News, direct from Moscow!!
This just in! Exclusive interview of President Poopin by the internationally know Foreign Correspondent, “The Unknown Sock Puppet”
The Unknown Sock Puppet: “As you can see from the “Gremlin” behind me, today we are reporting from Moscow. We are scheduled to meet with President Poopin in about 20 minutes or so for an exclusive interview .” “Excuse me kind sirs” stopping a couple of young Russian Soldiers, “Do you know how to get to the KGB from here?” “We were instructed to meet Vladdie at the KGB”….. “Put the camera down George, that other soldier is raising his weapon”.
For the most part, we have no control. WE ALL ARE RIDING IN THE BACK OF THE BUS!
“You can make ten times more money in one day of war than you can in a whole year of peace” – The Rothschilds? (Correct this if it is attributed to someone else)
All the noise about who talked to the Russians, and what did they discuss? Why has the major news outlets NOT discussed the ties between the Rothschild Family, Bank of Cyprus, the Russians, and Trump? Rachel Maddow on her MSNBC show brought it up a few nights ago. The U. S. Intelligence services have known for a long time. The Obama Administration has known for a long time. Unfortunately they all might be puppets of the NWO.
Now, tonight, MSNBC is disconnecting independent reporters as soon as they start bringing this up again, claiming bad weather. BULLSHIT! Someone has told them to squelch that part of the story.
Who’s in control of all the marbles? The bigger picture that needs some attention is the on-going evolution of our species on this planet. As an organism, we are here for such a short time. How we are evolving is the big story. Are a handful of people trying to control our destiny? Who knows, maybe. NWO shit been happening for several generations? Again, who knows for certain, I say follow the money.
Not the balance of power as it has shifted over the last few hundred years. All of the killings from wars and genocide, write them down, add them up, then write the reason for the wars, the reasons for all the killing. Religion, and money, wealth or the lack thereof?
Who gives a shit anymore. Or should I say, who’s looking in the RIGHT direction, as we are, as a mass of humanity, unknowingly being directed to look in the opposite direction.
We are close to the fork in the road folks, depending on which way humanity goes (or should I be more specific, depending on which way humanity FOLLOWS like sheep)……
For the most part, we have no control. WE ALL ARE RIDING IN THE BACK OF THE BUS! If our species wakes up, gets smart, we WILL take the correct road, more than likely lead by a group of enlightened ones after two thirds of the planet is wiped out in WW3.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild Quote: Cushing Daniel, a Washington-based lobbyist and lawyer, in his testimony before the U.S. Congress in 1911 in hearings on House Resolution 314 (whether financiers were restricting trade by domination of the money supply). This is what Daniel said: William Pitt made this statement: “Let the American people go into their debt-funding schemes and banking systems, and from that hour their boasted independence will be a mere phantom.” He realized the maxim that Rothschild’s laid down as fundamental:
“Let us control the money of a country and we care not who makes its laws.”
Excerpt from an article by By Bill Palmer | February 27, 2017 in his BILL PALMER REPORT at: https://www.palmerreport.com/news/russian-money-laundering-donald-trump-bank/1690/
“But as it turns out, Deutsche Bank was laundering the money through Bank of Cyprus. The two most prominent owners of Bank of Cyprus? One is Donald Trump’s associate Dmitry Rybolovlev (source). The other is Donald Trump’s new Secretary of Commerce, Wilbur Ross (source).” (Worked for the Rothschilds for 24 years, was co-chair of the Bank of Cyprus.
FROM Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
WILBUR ROSS Rothschild Investments
In the late 1970s, Ross began 24 years at the New York City office of N M Rothschild & Sons, where he ran the bankruptcy-restructuring advisory practice.[7][9]
Representation of investors in casinos owned by Donald Trump[edit]
In the 1980s, Donald Trump found himself in financial trouble with regard to his casinos in Atlantic City. His three casinos in Atlantic City were under foreclosure threat from lenders. Ross, then senior managing director of Rothschild Inc., represented investors in the casino. Along with Carl Icahn, Ross convinced bondholders to strike a deal with Trump that allowed Trump to keep control of the casinos.[9][10]
I am a Futurist, AND an optimist, and I believe that we will survive as a species, and evolve further, instead of going down that other road to extinction. More thoughts on our evolution at tcsblog.net
Strain: WeAreAllScrewed, harvested October 3rd, 2015
Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, السلام والالتزام , שלום ושמירה, Paix et Demeure, Խաղաղությունը եւ մնալը, Мир и пребывание,, 平和と遵守, 和平與恪守, Aştî û Abad, صلح و عبید, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite, शांति और निवास, Hòa bình và ở lại, Мир и Абиде, שלום און בלייַבן, สันติภาพและการปฏิบัติ, Mir in bivanje,
Yadhum oore yaavarum kelir, “The World Is One Family”
Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE
For those who have been keeping up with my progress with “The Dead Armadillo” story, here’s my latest:
Click on a link here to share:
This website is not filled with a bunch of “Click-On” ads for the latest in “Toothbrushes” “Fashion” or “Free trips to wherever” generating millions of pesos in income. If you do decide to donate a few Pesos because you enjoy reading my essays, that’s awesome, and I sincerely thank you.
Send Dr. Saxe a comment using the form below:
As long as there is a need, for the NAACP, we will be a racially divided people
As long as there is a need, for the NAACP, we will be a racially divided people. As long as white supremacy groups keep popping up, we will be a racially divided people. I believe our species, the Human Species is better than that. Continue reading As long as there is a need, for the NAACP, we will be a racially divided people
The Emerging Panglossian Culture, The belief and study of a Panglossian Nascentionalist Evolution and the future of a Transculturalism Society
There’s really no need for a person to discuss his or her differences with anyone if you suspect that you are already deemed to be the one at fault. Messing around with that other Neanderthal’s Cave-Woman, if that’s your thing, isn’t very smart on your part, especially if your stick of wood is smaller then his wooden club. If that’s what you think, then deciding to walk into a den of Lions already believing or thinking of yourself as breakfast, lunch, and maybe a little leftovers for dinner is pretty much less than sane as well.
As a species, we are the only living creature that has the abilities and constraints/freedoms of a FREE WILL. A hungry Lion doesn’t tear you apart and eat you because it doesn’t like you, it eats you because you are it’s FOOD.
It is a natural tendency for our species to look upon differences between ourselves and others as an simple unspoken excuse for deliberate non-action, which can also be defined as callousness, which can lead to bigotry, hatred or simply, indifference.
This falsely identified human defect that is part of our “free will” can and will masquerade around as an honest display of human ignorance and lack of common sense, and eventually display itself in our negative actions or responses towards others who truly should be receiving our sympathy and empathy.
Like the person raised in a household of learned bigotry and celebrated, practiced, racial hatred. You ask that person, “Why do you feel the way you do about people of this color, or that religion, or that sexual orientation?
They will give you all their excuses, and NONE of those reasons can be accurately proven as natural to our species.
They WILL continue to believe that CULTURALLY they are right, that they hate Blacks, as an example, because their parents, grandparents, and many generations before them thought they got it right. They will continue to be negative to LGBT or other peoples simply because their “Church” or religious beliefs tell them it’s a sin.
In actuality, when it seems like there is more of something, there is less. We have progressed. It may seem as if bigotry, hatred, and racism has grown and is stronger than it ever was. It’s not. Our species has evolved, and continues to evolve.
I believe we can demonstrate more love and reason today. Think of this amazing possibility, a “Black” POTUS. Obama just finished serving our great country as President for the past eight years. Our species IS more “human”, now than any time in our history.
BUT. And it’s a BIG BUTT! We still have large portions of our planet where people are dying of starvation, and places where people can legally have sex with little children. We still have war and death, and at the same time, our technology continues to advance and evolve.
We continue to solve age-old scientific mysteries, invent new stuff and eradicate sicknesses and disease, while at the same time, developing, manufacturing and dropping bigger and more precise weapons (bombs) on innocent people.
Too bad that our weapons don’t have a foolproof “Bad Dude/Good Dude” targeting device like in some Science Fiction movies, point your weapon, and it instantly determines “Bad Guy versus Good Guy” as you pull the trigger. No more guessing for GI Joe. The Army sniper doesn’t have to wonder for the rest of his life if the five year old child he practically decapitated with a single bullet, really was a terrorist or an innocent.
Yes. We have made great leaps forward in technology. Yippee. We are so good, where’s my cell phone? Folks, we do know this already, it’s taken us a few hundred years or so to realize that we are ALL of one human species. Some people just don’t have the common sense to realize it.
Again, this is all part of our evolution as a species. And this post is a continuation, evolution if you will, of my own personal beliefs. Take a wild guess, what will we look like 500 years from now. The size of our genitalia? Reptilian skin? Will we still have ears? Will technology cross/blend with our human aspects? Solid State Sphincter Muscles, able to chop wood?
The purposed lack of sympathy is replaced as “justified in our mind”, as intolerance instead of tolerance, callous hatred instead of forgiveness and love, etceteras.
We convince ourselves and others of our kind that the other person of a cultural heritage unlike ours, is different, so therefore, must be evil. Since the early beginnings of our known history, our cultures and religions have had a nasty habit of killing off people with different ideas, skin colors, languages.
We have done this whilst gobbling up the new lands and resources that we explore/invade. All of this activity has been a contributing factor to the evolution of our species on this planet we call Earth.
From the early hunter/gatherers emergence out of Africa and the Middle East, becoming farmers with sustaining crops, to the generations of inventiveness that re-created us over and over again, we have been evolving as a species, we just don’t have cameras for eyeballs yet.
The one thing that we continue to carry with us in our genes, generation after generation, is the ability to feel sympathetic towards another person or species. We certainly have the ability to love, right?
Along with real sympathy, as a species, we also carry in those same genes, the utterly insane ideas born out of that “human will/choice” to display the lack of sympathy and to purposely prefer and adapt to the chosen hatred and bigotry of our cultures and forefathers.
We see this clearly in the division and separation of our species based on social/ethnic and racial differences. Guess what folks. It has been that way for thousands of years.
We see this as we react to evolution, which boils down to, reactions to life itself. We feel the empathy/sympathy when a relative or friend dies, as well as when a natural disaster wipes out thousands of people at a time in some distant land. You don’t see animals coming to the rescue with food, shelter and water. People do that. Lions and Tigers don’t.
We can even feel remorse, or the guilt that the guilty should feel, when a military force of one country turns the innocent people’s of another country, into THEIR OWN Armageddon of bloody destruction, and suffering.
The weaker of the two enemies will eventually lose the battles, and the wars. That’s why we still have Nuclear Weapons, FEAR. What’s so hard to understand about fear and ignorance? Cultural differences, personal selfishness and the desire for retribution/revenge?
Humans are the only species on this planet that kill others of our species, as profoundly good as we do. I looked into the crazy eyes of “Gonna Kill Me Some More Gooks” Corporal in a bar in Saigon one time . At that moment I ALSO knew what fear was.
As of today, all our different cultures, religions or belief systems, and accomplishments, can be turned into radioactive dust in the flash of a few minutes. Was this the case two hundred years ago? No.
Which leads me to my optimistic conclusion that quite possibly, some, maybe only a few, who are alive today, might already have, or soon will possess the answers simply because of how close we are to purposely, or inadvertently eliminating our species from this planet.
The following in Italics is taken in part, from: http://www.nickbostrom.com/fut/evolution.html
I tend to be the optimist in all of this. What is called the “Panglossian” view, maintains that mankind’s past record of success gives us good grounds for thinking that evolution (whether biological, mimetic, or technological) will continue to lead in desirable directions.
If that is the case, even if we do incinerate 3/4 of the planets population in my own Big BangBangBang theory, our species will somehow survive, stronger, smarter, and above all else, a peaceful, loving species.
So far, so good? Have you fallen asleep yet?
I’m thinking of starting a new FB Page and if there is enough interest, a new website:
The Emerging Panglossian Culture, The belief and study of a Panglossian Nascentionalist Evolution and the future of a Transculturalism Society
Nascent describes the birth or beginning of something, for example a civilization, a trend, an idea, or an action. It can also imply a future promise, like the evolution of our species regardless of bad shit happening.
Transculturalism is defined as “seeing oneself in the other”. Transcultural (pronunciation: trans kul′c̸hər əl or tranz kul′c̸hər əl) is in turn described as “extending through all human cultures” or “involving, encompassing, or combining elements of more than one culture”.
All these fancy words to simply say, it’s all about the Golden Rule folks. The Golden Rule or law of reciprocity is the principle of treating others as one would wish to be treated oneself. It is a maxim of altruism seen in many human religions and human cultures. Golden Rule – Wikipedia “Do unto others, as you would like them to do unto you”. Simple.
Some people are already prepared, some have yet to prepare. I’m not a Doom & Gloom kind of dude. I just think a new world will be ushered in by a sudden event. If you have remote property away from major metropolitan areas and cities. Good for you. I would still dig a deep hole. I’m also optimistic enough to think that as a species, we might be able to discover a positive way, i.e., we can take the right path towards the future.
I close out this thought with a song by John Lennon
Imagine there’s no heaven
It’s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people living for today
Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace, you
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope some day you’ll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people sharing all the world, you
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope some day you’ll join us
And the world will be as one
Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, السلام والالتزام , שלום ושמירה, Paix et Demeure, Խաղաղությունը եւ մնալը, Мир и пребывание,, 平和と遵守, 和平與恪守, Aştî û Abad, صلح و عبید, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite, शांति और निवास, Hòa bình và ở lại, Мир и Абиде, שלום און בלייַבן, สันติภาพและการปฏิบัติ, Mir in bivanje,
Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE
For my faithful readers that are aware that I’m finally working on “The Dead Armadillo” story, like say, a Producer, or a Director, or a Screenwriter or someone or a company that desires to option my novel, you can contact me at any time, night or day. If you are a one of those faithful readers that wish to read and follow my progress as I work on this novel, I will be posting updates as a PDF file on every new post on this website/blog. Here’s the latest of “The Dead Armadillo”
Click on a link here to share:
This website is not filled with a bunch of “Click-On” ads for the latest in “Toothbrushes” “Fashion” or “Free trips to wherever” generating millions of pesos in income. We are not seeking your financial support as a primary goal or function of this website, although we know at some point, that we will have the necessary funding to carry out our mission at ITAD-NAO. First and foremost, If you feel this is worthy of your financial support and you do donate, that’s great, and we sincerely thank you, but first and foremost we are looking for your involvement with whatever skill-sets you may have to offer. Communicate with us, help us organize, help us plan, and help us execute the plan. Thank you
I think it’s time to stop taking PROZAC!
I think it’s time to stop taking PROZAC!
Maybe I need Lithium instead of Prozac. Can you distinguish between a genuine cry for help and a plea for attention. Can anyone relate to any of this? Or does a person also have to be just as crazy to figure this all out. First of all, this is not what we call, a pity party. To sit here and write about my own experiences is not trying to pry pity from uncaring hearts.
A writer is…….
A writer is……
What is “Writing” and what is “Creative” writing? Since our species first uttered it’s first “Ugghh” (possibly in exclaiming a pleasure now known as an orgasm), we grunted, uttered, and eventually we were speaking words, and then eventually short sentences. That was the very first form of communication for mankind.
Dear Charitable Foundations, and “Why do we call it Defense Spending? Why not call it Offense Spending?”
Letter to ALL Charitable Foundations
That’s my introductory word. As our species has evolved over the thousands of years, the most important factor in our continuing evolution AS a species, has been COMMUNICATION. I’m not talking about the diversity of our many languages and cultures, although if you look at history, the ability to communicate with one another has been such an incredible achievement.
Dear Mr. Zuckerberg 2
The Unknown Sock Puppet. He is a dynamic speaker, author, talk show host, gourmet chef, caring, dedicated lover, Doctor of Dudeology, and overall good karma person, oh yeah, almost forgot, Dr. Unknown Sock Puppet is also a twophilofuturist, a new term for a philanthropist/ philosopher/futurist.
Watch for the first YouTube video from the Unknown Sock Puppet very soon on the YouTube Channel, THE UNKNOWN SOCK PUPPET. His very first guest MAY be Mark Zuckerberg, one of the founders and current CEO of the giant social and media platform we all know as, FACEBOOK.
The Unknown Sock Puppet and Mr. Zuckerberg will discuss important issues like, Sushi? Joking here, his wife is of Chinese origin. What some may think is a comedic look at issues and news, like tongue in cheek stuff, will very quickly discover that the issues ARE serious issues, like global warming, starvation, war, etceteras. More on the upcoming interview with Mr. Mark Zuckerberg in Dear. Mr. Zuckerberg 3.
Dear Mr. Zuckerberg, Let me begin by saying that if you have a hard time understanding me right now, it’s because I am in the middle of having all my teeth (didn’t have many left) yanked out with the eventual goal of getting the permanent teeth screwed in. So, if you ARE having difficulty understanding me, you can go to my Facebook page, “The Unknown Sock Puppet” and get a transcript for just 29 cents plus appropriate tax of course, (after the debut on YouTube, shortly), or if you are REALLY smart, you will just read all of this ON my………FACEBOOK PAGE titled “The Unknown Sock Puppet”. You can also find it on a few lucky websites, posted at the end Continue reading DEAR MISTER ZUCKERBERG
MMA Fighting, (why no Judo throws), and “Pardon my French”
Forward: Just felt like saying this. I think FB is going to go down in history as one of the greatest inventions in our history. For myself, I love FB in SPITE of the fact that FB has punished me many times for doing some things that were supposedly against the “Rules”. The longest ban for me on posting stuff was a whole week.
That was very painful, but not reasonable in my view. Could it be that YOUR punishment is meted out by a fucking computer algorithm? YES! The FB help center is ALSO mostly digital instead of human. In spite of all that, I really believe that FB WILL draw people together, from all walks of life, from all cultures and across all societal and political differences.
Continue reading MMA Fighting, (why no Judo throws), and “Pardon my French”
Dark Meat stories on Thanksgiving Day, and “Didn’t I see you at Woodstock?”
DO THE “ORIGINALS” CELEBRATE THANKSGIVING? or, what if the “Originals” had guns, and the Pilgrims had “Bows & Arrows in 1621?”
If I were an “Original” living on a “Reservation today, I’m pretty sure I would NOT be carving up a Turkey on Thanksgiving Day (unless of course your tribe has a casino).
First of all, I like to refer to the people that have been here on the North American Continent for thousands of years as “Originals” and not as “Indigenous” or “Indians” any longer. Columbus thought he had reached “India”. He missed that boat.
For many of us, thinking about Thanksgiving makes us think of the First Thanksgiving between the “Originals” and the Pilgrims. There are many versions of this story though, but many of us know the one we are taught in school. In 1621, America would have their very first Thanksgiving Dinner between the two different groups of people (same species). Today it is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November.
The very first Thanksgiving was to celebrate a treaty between the pilgrims and the “Originals”. This was a large feast that had enough food to feed everyone for weeks. On the table was foul such as geese, turkey, swans, duck, etc. There was also lots of meat, vegetables and grains provided by both the Indians and the pilgrims. Everyone had a wonderful celebration, and certainly a wonderful meal. The “Originals” even signed a paper stating that the pilgrims had the right to Plymouth.
Thanksgiving to the “Originals” may not mean the same thing that it did to the white settlers in American History. To the “Originals”, Thanksgiving would mean a totally different thing. This was the beginning of their end……A time where they had given up their land in return for gifts that were full of disease……Which would kill many of them later down the road.
The White settlers would see this as a friendship being started, knowing that without the help of the “Originals”, they would never have survived the rough winter. It was a time of celebrating with family and friends and being thankful they were still around to do it. Today, we celebrate it with our own family with turkey, yams and ham.
Thanksgiving will always be remembered as a time when the “Originals” and Pilgrims sat at a long table and ate together, sharing everything they had with one another.
Here’s a poignant story written by Jacqueline Keeler / Pacific News Service December 31, 1999
For a Native American, the story of Thanksgiving is not a very happy one. But a member of the Dineh Nation and the Yankton Dakota Sioux finds occasion for hope.
I celebrate the holiday of Thanksgiving. This may surprise those people who wonder what Native Americans think of this official U.S. celebration of the survival of early arrivals in a European invasion that culminated in the death of 10 to 30 million native people.
Thanksgiving to me has never been about Pilgrims. When I was six, my mother, a woman of the Dineh nation, told my sister and me not to sing “Land of the Pilgrim’s pride” in “America the Beautiful.”
Our people, she said, had been here much longer and taken much better care of the land. We were to sing “Land of the Indian’s pride” instead. I was proud to sing the new lyrics in school, but I sang softly. It was enough for me to know the difference.
At six, I felt I had learned something very important. As a child of a Native American family, you are part of a very select group of survivors, and I learned that my family possessed some “inside” knowledge of what really happened when those poor, tired masses came to our homes. My mother had friends in Northern Minnesota that invited our family to a funeral of a baby that had died within a week of birth, She was buried in a shoe box.
When the Pilgrims came to Plymouth Rock, they were poor and hungry — half of them died within a few months from disease and hunger. When Squanto, a Wampanoag man, found them, they were in a pitiful state. He spoke English, having traveled to Europe, and took pity on them.
Their English crops had failed. The native people fed them through the winter and taught them how to grow their food. These were not merely “friendly Indians.” They had already experienced European slave traders raiding their villages for a hundred years or so, and they were wary — but it was their way to give freely to those who had nothing.
Among many of our peoples, showing that you can give without holding back is the way to earn respect. Among the Dakota, my father’s people, they say, when asked to give, “Are we not Dakota and alive?” It was believed that by giving there would be enough for all — the exact opposite of the system we live in now, which is based on selling, not giving.
To the Pilgrims, and most English and European peoples, the Wampanoags were heathens, and of the Devil. They saw Squanto not as an equal but as an instrument of their God to help his chosen people, themselves.
Since that initial sharing, Native American (Originals) food has spread around the world. Nearly 70 percent of all crops grown today were originally cultivated by Native American peoples. I sometimes wonder what they ate in Europe before they met us. Spaghetti without tomatoes?
Meat and potatoes without potatoes? And at the “first Thanksgiving” the Wampanoags provided most of the food — and signed a treaty granting Pilgrims the right to the land at Plymouth, the real reason for the first Thanksgiving. What did the Europeans give in return?
Within 20 years, European disease and treachery had decimated the Wampanoags. Most diseases then came from animals that Europeans had domesticated. Cowpox from cows led to smallpox, one of the great killers of our people, spread through gifts of blankets used by infected Europeans. Some estimate that diseases accounted for a death toll reaching 90 percent in some Native American communities.
By 1623, Mather the elder, a Pilgrim leader, was giving thanks to his God for destroying the heathen savages to make way “for a better growth,” meaning his people.
In stories told by the Dakota people, an evil person always keeps his or her heart in a secret place separate from the body. The hero must find that secret place and destroy the heart in order to stop the evil.
I see, in the “First Thanksgiving” story, a hidden Pilgrim heart. The story of that heart is the real tale than needs to be told. What did it hold? Bigotry, hatred, greed, self-righteousness? We have seen the evil that it caused in the 350 years since.
Genocide, environmental devastation, poverty, world wars, racism. Where is the hero who will destroy that heart of evil? I believe it must be each of us.
Indeed, when I give thanks this coming Thanksgiving Day and I cook my native food, I will be thinking of this hidden heart and how my ancestors survived the evil it caused.
Because if we can survive, with our ability to share and to give intact, then the evil and the good will that met that Thanksgiving Day in the land of the Wampanoag will have come full circle. And the healing can begin.
Jacqueline Keeler is a member of the Dineh Nation and the Yankton Dakota Sioux. Her work has appeared in Winds of Change, an American Indian Journal.
So, let us all give thanks, on this wonderful day of Thanksgiving. Let’s be thankful that those first Originals” didn’t have guns. Let’s be thankful that they didn’t just kill off all of the Pilgrim Settlers and go back home with a bunch of scalps in their pouch. Let’s be thankful that the “Originals” DID teach those thankful pilgrims how to farm, i.e., how to successfully grow the foods that we take for granted today.
Let’s just be really thankful. That’s called progress, “Land of the Pilgrim’s pride”, all part of the evolution of our species and planet. AMEN. God bless America, and can you pass the mashed potatoes please.
Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, السلام والالتزام , שלום ושמירה, Paix et Demeure, Խաղաղությունը եւ մնալը, Мир и пребывание,, 平和と遵守, 和平與恪守, Aştî û Abad, صلح و عبید, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite, शांति और निवास, Hòa bình và ở lại, Мир и Абиде, שלום און בלייַבן, สันติภาพและการปฏิบัติ, Mir in bivanje,
Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE
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This website is not filled with a bunch of “Click-On” ads for the latest in “Toothbrushes” “Fashion” or “Free trips to wherever” generating millions of pesos in income. If you do decide to donate a few Pesos because you enjoy reading my essays, that’s awesome, and I sincerely thank you.
Send Dr. Saxe a comment using the form below:
SUPER HEROES, COW PIES AND HORSE TURDS, (And don’t try this with your Sunday-Go-To-Meeting shoes on)
We all have experienced a recurring dream or dreams. Sometimes our dreams seem so real to us, it’s like living in that moment, almost like you are in a movie. The good karma dreams can be fun, and at the same time, just as weird as the not so good karma dreams, or nightmares.
Some of us who have lived a few years, have had a recurring dream that goes all the way back to a REAL incident or stage, or age in our life. Like for me recently. It came to mind a funny recurring dream that goes back to something I used to do when I was around five years old, only in the dream, there is a slight modification to the actual event or story.
First I’ll tell you the real story, or experience that has stayed with me for 63 years. As a young child growing up on a farm, there were so many things to do, especially in the summer time. All the normal things kids do at five years old, go fishing, build forts out of hay bales in the barn (upstairs), play Cowboys and Indians, chores, like pulling weeds in the garden.
Our garden wasn’t this tiny suburban back yard kind of garden, it was a full acre of land, planted with a lot of different shit. So, anyway, besides all the chores like feeding the chickens and ducks, in the summer, you still had a lot of time on your hands, for things like, pretending to be a SUPER HERO, like Superman.
Which leads me to the activity that stayed with me all my life in the form of this funny dream sequence. On either side of the house, and behind the barn, we had fields that were previously used as grazing land for dairy cows and several horses. This land had not seen a cow or a horse for quite a few years. What we called a “Cow Pie”, cow shit, was fairly abundant, more so than the horseshit. A Cow Pie is green when it’s really just-crapped fresh. It cannot be picked up in one solid piece, I know, from the first time I tried to pick up a fresh one over at Jerry’s place.
When it has sat there untouched for a very long time, it sorta looks like a 12″ diameter, gray, miniature flying saucer sitting on the ground. That’s how Cow shit looks after dropping five feet from the cow’s anus, and it does “age” over time, turning from grass-fed shitty green, to alien gray-skinned gray.
Completely different look from a “Horse Turd”, yes, we called the horses doodoo, turds, almost round, slightly larger than a softball, “depending of course on the size of the horse”. Hey! That rhymes, hahahahaha.
So imagine, if you will, you are five years old, it’s Saturday and you just finished mowing your three acres of lawn. All your chores are done, so you run off towards the pasture, hop the barbed wire fence, and suddenly, you have become a………Wait for it……..SUPER HERO, able to leap over the tallest buildings (cow Pies and horse turds) in a single bound.
Now, the cow Pies that were gray, we’re sometimes quite deceiving. Although alien spacecraft gray was the color of really ancient Pies, if your foot accidentally landed on top of a “not as old as you thought it was”, cow pie, you actually broke through the “crust” and ended up with old, but still squishy dark green (grass-fed) cow shit on your tennis shoes.
Mind you, most of the gray ones were like petrified, they were so old. Completely solid, dried out, safe to pick up and throw like an Olympic Discus thrower, (besides being a super hero, I also was an Olympics Discus thrower with 20 gold medals).
My friends and I had played that same imaginary super hero game many times in active grazing fields, like at Jerry’s place or Warrens, just for the suspense. The cow pies were fresh, and the cows looked at us like we were crazy.
Anyway, back to leaping tall buildings with a single bound. For a five year old kid, I had a wonderful imagination, which most kids do. As I was running and leaping, it FELT like I was traveling through the air hundreds of feet with each leap.
In reality, I was only leaping four or five feet each time with every jump. Now, putting that real activity in to a dream perspective. Imagine my dream, like the one I just had, I’m still five years old, but in my dream, I am REALLY leaping hundreds of feet in the air, and landing hundreds of feet away with each stride and leap forward.
In my dream, I HAVE super powers, that I only pretended I had when I was a kid. In my dream, I can actually fly. In my dream, I never landed on a single cow pie. In reality when I was a kid, I walked in the kitchen door many times with cow shit on both shoes, in spite of how hard I tried to scrape it off.
Did I suffer from Hypo-mania when I was a child? No, I don’t think so. Did I have a good imagination? Yes, just as good as any other kid, although I must say, I was a more enthused Cowboy than I was Indian. Am I currently having a Hypo-mania episode? Yes, maybe, but I don’t care.
I thoroughly enjoyed writing this, and because I do suffer from Hypo-mania, I think this little short story is magnificent. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, السلام والالتزام , שלום ושמירה, Paix et Demeure, Խաղաղությունը եւ մնալը, Мир и пребывание,, 平和と遵守, 和平與恪守, Aştî û Abad, صلح و عبید, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite, शांति और निवास, Hòa bình và ở lại, Мир и Абиде, שלום און בלייַבן, สันติภาพและการปฏิบัติ, Mir in bivanje,
Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE
Some immediate needs. On a volunteer basis for now, we need a WEBMASTER who can work on the ITAD-NAO website, we need a person skilled in “Crowd-Funding” and “Director of Charitable Giving”, we need an attorney to help in the legal matters for ITAD_NAO, including setting us up as a tax-exempt “Church”, we need a Certified CPA to insure the financial integrity of the ITAD-NAO organization, we need a “Chief of Security”, we need a film-maker, first for YouTube, eventually for larger platforms, plus a few other positions. We believe that somewhere down the road, a Billionaire will step up to the plate and write a check for $50 Million or so, which will turn those volunteer positions into paid positions.
And now for an unpaid advertisement:
For my faithful readers that are aware that I’m finally working on “The Dead Armadillo” story, like say, a Producer, or a Director, or a Screenwriter or someone or a company that desires to option my novel, you can contact me at any time, night or day. If you are a one of those faithful readers that wish to read and follow my progress as I work on this novel, I will be posting updates as a PDF file on every new post on this website/blog. Here’s the latest of “The Dead Armadillo”
For those of you that would care to get involved with me on this project, as I intend to hire a professional screenwriter at some point, and produce a feature film, I have recently been approved for a KICKSTARTER campaign where you can contribute. Here is the link to the KICKSTARTER campaign.
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Send Dr. Saxe a comment using the form below:
Thought for the day
What do you think of when you are masturbating? Let’s break this down a little. If you are a woman, do you think of your next door neighbor? If you are a man, do you think of your next door neighbor too?
Let’s break this down even further. If you are a Republican woman, or man for that matter, when you are spanking the monkey, do you think of Donald Trump? If you are a Democrat, do you think of Bernie, or Hillary?
Just a wee bit further in this breakdown. If you are a red necked tattooed greasy haired farmer, male or female, does the very thought of getting a brand new pick-up truck make you Cum all over the Hay Bale?
And, last but not least, if you are a gun toting fully loaded dude that hates all other races besides white, what do you think of when you are masturbating?
Let us allow the audience to answer this one, so in three words or less, what’s the answer?
One sperm, swimming vigorously upstream in the glob, says to the other sperm swimming just as desperately, “Did you see the look on her face?”…..The other sperm, annoyed by the question responds back, “Not really, I was too busy being ejaculated to notice”. Yet another sperm looks over at the other two as they are now dripping down her left cheek and says , “Ahhhh, so that’s why they call it a Facial”.
EQUALITY, and “Forgiveness received is not a license to sin”
November 18th, 2016, late afternoon, Mikey, my new friend in the community I live in and I, are smoking a little medical, and just talking about random shit. Cars, mostly. I just met him and his wife at the pool last weekend, and this is his first visit to my home. We’re talking, and he mentions his mother in law, and it starts us on a conversation that can ONLY be blamed on the weed.
We are basically talking about what women do, different hobbies and so on, she is home obviously at 77 years old, Mikey says she keeps herself busy, knitting sewing, shit like that, things that women love to do, and somehow my twisted brain comes up with, “Ya, if you saw a dude sewing and knitting, you would assume he is gay”, then right after that, I said, If you saw a woman riding a Harley, with tats, short-hair, leather pants, and a big truckers wallet and chain sticking out of her back pocket, more than likely, she’s probably a Dyke.
Which started me preaching, and writing, about equal rights for all people. My point is that EVERYONE should have equal rights! If you are a grandfather who likes to sew, knit, and dress funny, YOU have, or should have…………Wait for it…………..Equal Rights!
In essence, what Mikey and I were discussing, was the real fact that even though men and women ARE as different as Jupiter and Pluto, Venus and Mars, Oatmeal Cereal and a Poison Dart, with ALL our differences, we are created, or planted here equally.
You’re not really going to see a skinhead with Swastika tattoos riding on the back of a motorcycle behind a person of color (some dude) in a pink dress, but if you did, THEY still should have equal rights. Right? Do you get the picture? I’m talking directly to you, you bigoted, racist, hateful person no matter what color your skin is! Bigotry, Hatred, and Racism is EVERYWHERE.
I have known all kinds in my lifetime. Even so called tongue talking, holy ghost filled born-again “Christians” who were the most bigoted, racist, and may I say, EVIL MF’S I’ve ever known in my life. Yes, even THEY were created equal, I just think that they’re just a little, no, a lot, fucked up in the head.
Which brings us to the question, is this bad karma shit a “learned” activity, or genetically inherited? I would say that if you grew up in Alabama, Mississippi, or any other state below the Mason Dixon Line, it is a mix of both, and ALL colors.
The only difference is that one race (whites) thought (were taught) that they were BORN superior to all other races (and sometimes religions), like it was really in their genes. The other race, the predominate race of color in the south were mostly, and still are, on the receiving end of all the bigotry, racism, and hatred that the ruling class WHITE RACE could dish out.
You could really see it in this last election, i.e., if you didn’t see it, you are fucking brain-dead. I have known or seen this behavior, both good karma and bad karma, of all colors, cultures, ancestry, and religious beliefs. Let’s face it, we ALL have the capability of being racist Bigots who hates the other person sitting at the end of the bar, it’s inbred, i.e., in a gene.
We also have, inbred, yes I think we all have an inherited gene, for goodness, mercy, and love for others around us. It’s NOT just a taught or learned attribute. You are born with BOTH karma genes…………as…….Wait for it……CHOICES! Yes. I believe as a species, we CAN choose our karma, good and bad, because it’s in our………..Wait for it…….NATURE!
It is a choice, AND sometimes through the right processes, we can choose good karma over bad karma. Both good and bad karma can be part of our religious training and beliefs, and part of our culturally inherited traits. In saying all this, I say that what it boils down to, is that we ALL were created or planted equally, and that if we ALL choose the good karma in our life, this planet we call Earth WILL become a better place to inhabit, for the coming generations.
In closing, as you can see, what began as casual conversation with my new friend here in the community, for me, turned into an entire post on equality. I hope all my Redneck and Religious friends read this one twice. It’s all about how we treat each other, nothing more, nothing less. “Forgiveness received is not a license to sin” Brothers and Sisters. Peace. Abide. Reach into yourself and grab onto that Good Karma.
Final thoughts:
I was stoned. It either happened in slow motion, or it was a LONG ways down to the water. Either way, the bike and I hit the water about the same time, after falling for 20 minutes or so. Bike sunk (river was 60 feet deep at that spot). I managed to swim to the Wisconsin side of the river. Getting back to that same spot on the Minnesota side, because that’s where all your buddies were, another whole story. I do have to tell Mikey my trucker stories.
Cartoon. The whole house is somewhat clean, but the kitchen which is where you both are standing, is terribly cluttered and dirty, in fact, it’s a disaster. As the homeowner, you tell your guest, “Don’t look at my kitchen, cause I’m right in the middle of cleaning it”, think about it. It’s the last thing on your list of things to do, but you DO have an excuse for why it’s so filthy.
The “DEAD ARMADILLO” photo? Another whole book, you have to wait for. There is a link to a PDF for my first chapters, see below.
Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, السلام والالتزام , שלום ושמירה, Paix et Demeure, Խաղաղությունը եւ մնալը, Мир и пребывание,, 平和と遵守, 和平與恪守, Aştî û Abad, صلح و عبید, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite, शांति और निवास, Hòa bình và ở lại, Мир и Абиде, שלום און בלייַבן, สันติภาพและการปฏิบัติ, Mir in bivanje,
Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE
For my faithful readers that are aware that I’m finally working on “The Dead Armadillo” story, like say, a Producer, or a Director, or a Screenwriter or someone or a company that desires to option my novel, you can contact me at any time, night or day. If you are a one of those faithful readers that wish to read and follow my progress as I work on this novel, I will be posting updates as a PDF file on every new post on this website/blog. Here’s the latest of “The Dead Armadillo”
Click on a link here to share:
This website is not filled with a bunch of “Click-On” ads for the latest in “Toothbrushes” “Fashion” or “Free trips to wherever” generating millions of pesos in income. We are not seeking your financial support as a primary goal or function of this website, although we know at some point, that we will have the necessary funding to carry out our mission at ITAD-NAO. First and foremost, If you feel this is worthy of your financial support and you do donate, that’s great, and we sincerely thank you, but first and foremost we are looking for your involvement with whatever skill-sets you may have to offer. Communicate with us, help us organize, help us plan, and help us execute the plan. Thank you
News flash! Police attack dogs are trampled on by a protester’s three-legged horse at the Dakota Access Pipeline demonstration near the Sitting Stone Indian Reservation. Fortunately, or unfortunately, the five dogs escaped serious injury, but had to be taken to a nearby animal shelter for treatment. Sadly, the employees misunderstood the situation, and quickly euthanized the poor little doggies instead.
Chief Black Bird Shitting On A Fence Post of the Sitting Stone Sioux Tribe, regretted that his horse had gone a few steps too far, in fact, his horse took several hundred stomping steps to save itself from the vicious attack dogs, in spite of having only three legs. The police officers involved watched helplessly. Thank God they didn’t try to shoot the horse, or Chief Black Bird Shitting on a Fence Post.
Lessons learned, don’t sic your fucking attack dogs on a three-legged horse named Lucky, and next time, take your injured dog’s to an animal “hospital”, not an animal “shelter”.
“Reporting from Sitting Stone, North Dakota, this is your dudely news dude Tom, Mary, back to you in the studio”.
We finally have the website for the FUTURIST PARTY up and running
Let me “Splain” it to you this way….
It’s okay if you believe that Adam and Eve looked just like you and I today, you know, as depicted in so many famous paintings, and the Sunday School images that stick to a felt covered presentation board. I am here to say, that as a Scientist and Futurist, our species, Homo Sapiens, evolved from what best could be described as “Cavemen” (see photo). You know, the dudes that first discovered how to rub a few sticks together and “Create” FIRE.
The fact is, that in the early stages of our development as a species, i.e., our evolution, man (used generically) created a lot of stuff. Imagine being the first dude to create the first wheel. Incredibly intelligent THAT dude was. Or how about when our species first discovered that you could keep your body warmer in colder weather just by draping some furry animal skin around your shoulders.
My focus today is to correlate the idea surrounding our growth or evolution as a species, with the inventions of weaponry, and our mindset as a species, to kill the other person (s) quicker and better than they kill you, and by so doing, taking “charge” of everyone else around you. Yes, the dude that brings a gun to a knife fight is the winner in most cases. Except in the movies, where the dude throws his knife, killing the dude with the pistola.
I imagine that it must have been thrilling for that first cave dude to pick up a stick or rock and bash in the head of that first opponent, or victim. Imagine the look on the opponent’s face at the moment of impact, like, “What the fuck did you just do?”……Of course there were plenty of battles or fights where the dude with the rock won, because he got lucky when he threw that rock, hitting the dude with the stick right between the eyes. I can imagine that when it came to one group against another group, it was a toss up, “Sticks and Stones may break my bones but……..”.
So, our species learned how to be the aggressor, and the defender. If you were the only game in town that happen to have a fire going in your cave, more than likely you didn’t politely and humanely share YOUR fire with the dudes across the canyon.
Yes, we have always been a selfish species……….that is, up until the first time that a cave dude thought it was a good thing to trade a little fire for some beef jerky. Eventually, as we did evolve and got wiser, (not scratch that out) SMARTER, we willingly just shared our fire with anyone who happened to drop in for a visit.
Now, back to that stick and rock. Who knows what the first “weapon” was, and who cares. The point is that a few tens of thousands of years later, man had invented spearheads tied to a stick, knives, rudimentary axes, and eventually a tree branch bent into a bow with some kind of string attached to propel that “arrow” with.
I might add, of course man had discovered how to fashion arrow heads out of flint. In modern day early discoveries of indigenous people’s in places like the Brazilian jungle, we saw that they weren’t even bothering with an arrowhead, they just sharpened the end of the stick into a very sharp point.
Fast forward through the thousands of years of our evolution, which not only included weaponry, or evolution included what we today call……… .Wait for it………..RELIGION.
Throughout the thousands of years of our evolution, there have been some rulers or “Kings” that were also considered to be “Gods”. They had complete and utter control over their “People”, until another “People” i.e., tribe decided to invade the other’s land. It happened all over the world at different times in our history. Point is, it is part of our recorded history, and the invention of more and more sophisticated weapons is directing linked to who won, and who lost, who gained more territory, and who got there heads cut off.
The invention of gun powder in China. The wearing of armor. Dumping vats of hot oil on your enemies heads. The first rifle and pistola. Now that was a huge leap for mankind. One common thread is that irregardless of the weapon that was invented, it was meant to “Kill” someone else, i.e., “The Enemy”.
Along with the evolution of our weaponry, mankind experienced the evolution of our political, religious, educational, social skills, and morals, or dignity. All along our evolutionary trip, there still were dudes that thought they were going to take over THEIR known world, and some of THEM thought of themselves as “God-Like”. In our most recent history we have dudes like Adolf Hitler. Think for a moment how many people have been killed in WARS. Look at what is happening all over the world today. Most of the conflicts have deep “Religious” roots.
Some people today still cling to the ideology of the Civil War dudes that owned slaves. Some people today, like Hitler, still believe that JEWS are less than human, (and all non-jews to the zionists, are goy, o’vell), that people with a different color of skin, are less than human. I have a relative who is still alive today that refers to ANY person with black skin, as a monkey. How fucking pathetic is that?
Yes, there still are some wars that do go on without religions direct involvement. Lack of organized religion in a modern society is rare, probably non-existent, and has been as much a danger as the religious cultures. Its just my opinion, but things like the Russian takeover of Crimea could have been looked at in a different way, and if you look at it, religion has been involved all the way.
“What we have here”, to quote from one of my favorite movies, “Is a failure, to communicate”. In my later years I have come to recognize the importance NOW, of using modern technology like the Internet and Facebook, to………..Wait for it……COMMUNICATE!
I believe that we are at a point in time where, as a species, we can evolutionarily decide what we can and can’t do to make this planet and our species something our grandchildren’s grandchildren will be proud of. A turning point in our evolution. Sure, I know it takes time, and invention (technology), but I believe we ARE at that crossroad. The road we take now is the most critical choice in our evolution as a species.
Along with being a Futurist, I am also an Optimist. I believe that our future will not have wars, or even rumors of wars. Mankind will be a totally non-violent species, with plenty of Good Karma all around. No borders, no walls, no starvation, no grief, (except for the occasional natural disaster).
Am I just some crazy old dude that likes to write? Yes. Do I wish for an end to all the killing? Yes. Do I think that by starting a new movement in our society, which includes “Tolerance” and “Respect” in all areas of our lives, and new political ideology will actually do any good? Yes. I hope that it will have a positive impact on us as a species.
So, it’s not really a political party. It’s an awakening to our future, even though none of us will be around to enjoy it. Think about it. A very famous dude once said, supposedly, “Love one another as thyself”. I like what that dude had to say and teach. It’s more than that folks, think of it as the evolution of our species WITHOUT the political and religiosity involved.
Love yourself. Love your neighbor. Love that truly homeless person. Love that crack whore (she needs your help, and love too). Love that dude that just was elected POTUS. He needs everyone’s support and encouragement. If he fails at the job, the Congress will impeach him. If some dude is being a racial asshole, yes, you at the very least have to forgive him. FORGIVENESS IS LOVE.
In closing, I just want to say THANKS! Thanks for listening. Thanks in advance for at least considering what our world is going to be like without all the negative shit we live with today. I don’t want to sound like one of those television evangelists. I’m not asking for ANY financial support or aid. I AM asking for your involvement in spreading this message of hope.
If you feel like volunteering, that would be wonderful. Obviously one of the first areas that I could use some help, is in the IT (Information Technology) arena, and the PR (Public Relations) area with good Social Media skills. Thanks, and good night.
P. S. I wrote this a few years ago. Update now to include a few things, such as a website created to consolidate all of our efforts, see https://itad-nao.com/
All of the numerous platforms like farcecrap, twitter, and all of the wonderful efforts on the multitude of websites is still like a “Fly farting in the wind”.
Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, السلام والالتزام , שלום ושמירה, Paix et Demeure, Խաղաղությունը եւ մնալը, Мир и пребывание,, 平和と遵守, 和平與恪守, Aştî û Abad, صلح و عبید, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite, शांति और निवास, Hòa bình và ở lại, Мир и Абиде, שלום און בלייַבן, สันติภาพและการปฏิบัติ, Mir in bivanje,
Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE
For my faithful readers that are aware that I’m finally working on “The Dead Armadillo” story, like say, a Producer, or a Director, or a Screenwriter or someone or a company that desires to option my novel, you can contact me at any time, night or day. If you are a one of those faithful readers that wish to read and follow my progress as I work on this novel, I will be posting updates as a PDF file on every new post on this website/blog. Here’s the latest of “The Dead Armadillo”
Click on a link here to share:
This website is not filled with a bunch of “Click-On” ads for the latest in “Toothbrushes” “Fashion” or “Free trips to wherever” generating millions of pesos in income. We are not seeking your financial support as a primary goal or function of this website, although we know at some point, that we will have the necessary funding to carry out our mission at ITAD-NAO. First and foremost, If you feel this is worthy of your financial support and you do donate, that’s great, and we sincerely thank you, but first and foremost we are looking for your involvement with whatever skill-sets you may have to offer. Communicate with us, help us organize, help us plan, and help us execute the plan. Thank you
Congratulations POTUS Elect Donald J.Trump Sr., and the beginning of the “FUTURIST PARTY”
Here’s my first blow-by-blow narration with opinion. This was fun. Keep in mind that it is mostly unedited at this point. I am going to add it as a post and separate page on my website, tcdblog.net
It was as if Trump was the prostitute, and Hillary was the “John”, took the money and ran out of the hotel room without fucking anybody” – Dr. T. C. Saxe
I can’t believe how close it is right now at 7:25pm (Arizona time). Trump and Clinton, neck in neck, like a Turd race. Each turd trying to cross the finish line first, to be proclaimed the biggest turd of all.
Which turd will end up being the larger of the two turds? Let us wait, anxiously, and see. Listening to CNN tonight really makes it sound like a Horse (strike thru) Turd Race.
What is the mood over here? Slight buzz, (2 hits off the bong), check back often. 7:34pm
7:52pm…….They are talking about Florida at the moment. That blow-by-blow presentation by John King with Wolff Blitzer, is the best, really like listening to a 6 hour horse race, whoops, I meant Turd race. Another hit, gotta reload.
What’s amazing to me is how many old fart in Florida are voting for Trump. Obviously, in ALL the Southern states, Trump is getting all the red-neck, still racist as if it was still the 20th century, vote. The reason Trump is getting most of the red-necked women vote, is because Trump acts and talks like their husbands and boyfriends normally do, wither or not that includes taking it up the ass. 8:17pm
Think about how far we have Cum…………..all over ourselves. Two people, with the worst public love poll numbers, i.e., a lot of people hate BOTH of them equally, end up as the major party nominees for the hardest, most powerful job in the world.
Well, I really can’t imagine that it’s hard for an intelligent dude like Obama. But these two? Yes, sorry to disappoint you folks, but I have to say that both Clinton and Trump have a fair amount of intelligence. Intelligence doesn’t always come along with “Common Sense” however, just saying.
Think about it. The person that SHOULD have been the Democratic nominee for POTUS was Bernie Sanders. How sad it is that our system IS rigged. Clinton took it from Bernie. He knows it, she knows it. Bernie would have beat Trump, everybody knows it.
What the power people didn’t realize was just how strong Trump was going to resound with all the fucking rednecks. Really proves my point about just how REAL, “Racism” is, just like a reality TV show like the……….Wait for it………..APPRENTICE. Hahahahaha.
But not really a laughing matter folks. Racism and bigotry, and hypocrisy still exist. Mentally number people still exist. Is it something in the water we’ve been drinking? Or the beer? Sure as shit isn’t caused by Cannabis. 9:14pm
Even when John breaks it down to the gnats ass, i.e., showing on their magnificent touch screen TV, the breakdown by county, place IN the county, down to the fucking street you live on……
In other words, the pattern that I mentioned before, i.e., the southern states versus the “normal” northern states, liberal versus conservative, now it’s so much detail on the CNN’s screen, almost down to what kind of firearm you carry.
Sure shows the Racism, Bigotry, almost black & white nature of the major northern cities. If you can’t see that you are pretty fucking stupid. Example: When John broke down the various parts of Philadelphia, white neighborhoods versus other parts of the city. 9:49pm
BULLSHIT. What this dude is saying right now. He’s saying that people were just hungry for change. Excuse me! The TURD RACE is not over…..
In other words, don’t dilute what really is happening. It’s TOTALLY RACIAL this time around, and the entire opposite compared to both times Obama won.
Which, almost makes me think that the election is not rigged……Only this time “Whitey” won. The white DUDE won. A complete reversal of fortune, and actually NOT what the power brokers really wanted.
The elite hidden rulers we all hear about, and think that they are rigging everything, including who is chosen, not elected, POTUS, are sitting there right now saying, “We’re fucked. Look at that big turd go!”.
They are referring to………….Wait for it………TRUMP. Imagine how the turd that’s SUPPOSED to win the election feels, “How many people do I need to kill, to get elected” Clinton is saying right now, “I told you we should have pulled the trigger on that asshole yesterday, but you insisted on waiting till that fucking asshole got ahead of me tonight? Fuck You Bill, you fucking prick!!!!!!” 10:11pm
10:37pm Trump is ahead in Arizona, only because there are a lot of old people living in this state. Almost like Florida, a bunch of old fart that wish for Nixon or Reagan again, and mistakenly, votes for the dude with the orange hair. Oh, and if they are old AND white, they are obviously racial, bigoted ass wipes.
And you think it’s because Trump is such a good businessman? Fuck no! It was a WHITEWASH tonight, said by an extremely intelligent black dude, I can’t remember his name, ahhh Van Jones. He basically was saying, almost tearful, what I’ve been saying all night, IT’S RACIAL YOU ASSHOLES!!
When they were comparing Latinos with Blacks, a larger percentage of Latino people voted for Trump. What the……? Trump got more Latinos than everyone thought he was going to get. Maybe, if you think of it, because they are brown, not black? Think about it. The Hispanics like Trump better than they liked that Mormon dude, and mucho better than Hillary. I bet Hillary is saying to Bill right now, “See! I told you 20 years ago we should build a fucking wall!” 11:09pm
Understanding that it IS racial and bigoted, and filled with a lot of the hypocritical extreme religious right, as well as your average fucking Redneck, mixed in with a lot of +55 and older white people. Take some polls now everybody! You will see that Clinton got the majority of Blacks, but still not all, and less Hispanics than she thought she would get.
Trump got the larger percentage of white, racial, bigoted, hypocritical, the older (living in Florida and Arizona), and perhaps the majority of college age male rednecks AND geeks.
The rednecks can’t help it, and the educated ones have been swallowing (could it be tainted water all their lives?) the swill of bigotry and racism all their lives, so what the fuck do you expect?
It’s 11:47pm, and I guess I will wait for the final results, so I can post it on FB. STAY TUNED.
Similar to a blow-by-blow radio broadcast of a boxing championship, I notice that they have left the map, and now instead of continuing to work with the touch screen , they are now discussing Trump and their analysis of his winning, even though he hasn’t been declared the WINNER YET, i.e., and certain positive attributes that the Donald supposedly has?
Wolff is looking at the map again. Now they are also starting to visit the two party headquarters, the failing optimism of the Democrats, and the hard-on’s all the rednecks are getting right now.
Back at the touch screen, John is desperately trying to figure out where the fucking votes could still come from to allow Clinton to win. It looks pretty desperate at 11:59pm
At Trump Campaign Headquarters, people are yelling, “LOCK HER UP! LOCK HER UP!LOCK HER UP! Almost like they are yelling, “Off with her head! Off with her head!
At Clinton Campaign Headquarters, John Podesta is saying to the gathered Clintonites, “Good night mother fuckers, we ain’t saying shit until morning”.
CLINTON WILL NOT SPEAK TONIGHT that’s the CNN Headline right now.
In her suite of rooms, right now Hillary is saying, “Bill, where’s that fancy sniper rifle at?”. I really think this is like a coup against the establishment. Also against what the rich FLMF and FRMF wanted.
So, there have been three sides all this time. The rich fuckers who are really trying to control the world, the establishment people, like Clinton, and…………Wait for it……….The racial, bigoted, hypocritical, mostly white, and whole lot white, southern people.
Think about it, take a poll. How many Muslims voted for Trump. How many Texas cowboy type dudes voted Clinton? How many cannabis loving people voted for Trump? (Actually quite a few).
Rednecks smoke it as well as the Nerds, Indians, School teachers, Firemen, Police Officers, Gas Station Attendants, Preachers, Priest’s, Bar Tenders, Butchers, Bakers, and Candlestick Makers…….who aren’t gay, black, or gay black, or even gay of every other color I’m sure…….or who are actually people that have the opposite traits, who care for our planet, our climate, our species, and all the various people of ALL colors who love ALL people.
In other words, the hippies lost, and the rednecks won. Go figure. So give me a room filled with a mixture of people from ALL backgrounds, skin colors, religions, sexual orientation, age, I.Q., break it down to the street I live on, and wither I own a gun or not, and I can GUARANTEE you, that the end result of MY Survey/Poll will show everyone that this time, it WAS all about RACE, BIGOTRY AND HYPOCRISY.
Is this supposed to be part of the evolution of our species? I hope not, because it’s as if we are going backwards this time, instead of forward.
One potential outcome, if Trump is elected POTUS today, (now early morning next day), is that there just may be an increase in black on white, and white on black violence in the future, and that tables have been turned with regard to 50 years of what was, continuing healing of racial wounds and racial feelings.
BIG HEADLINE RIGHT NOW at 12:40am, Wednesday morning,
Time to write this to FB. but, “Pee and a toke, fart and a smoke, brb”
This blow-by-blow account that I have written can be used by anyone. If it’s a big news company, like CNN, perhaps they can donate towards my new teeth. I’m hoping to get or donations from FB friends and relatives.
1:26am Phoenix Time
“The bigger turd won, oh well, shock and dismay” – Dr. T. C. Saxe (put THAT quote in your pipe and smoke it) Hahahahahahaha
3:07am, Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Last words of Hillary, as she’s spanking Bill, “I told you we should have poisoned their fucking wedding cake that day”
5:17am, November 9th, 2016, time to go to bed I think
Strain: Who knows, it’s some old “shake” (about an ounce or so) I found last night, in an old pair of Jack Purcell tennis shoes that I’ve had since Woodstock, got the weed sometime between August 15 to August 18, 1969, and it’s been in those tennis shoes all these years. Whoopee! this is good stuff!
Just had to add this to last night’s post and page:
I NOTICE A DIFFERENCE at 6:06 am on Wednesday, 9 November 2016….. I actually washed my new food processor before the food dried on it. I made THE best pureed food tonight. Recipes to come when I start a……….Wait for it……….”Tom’s Recipe Page”.
Also, tonight, for some reason, I notice that I’m doing other stuff better? The ordinary stuff that was lost when I had my stroke a year and a half ago. It’s as if my writing, as therapy, has been repairing those damaged parts of my brain. Personally, I also think that the medical weed has been helping my brain as well. So when I mention writing, I’m primarily talking to all the people who are suffering from PTSD or a traumatic brain injury. WRITE, IT WORKS!
Final, final thought at 7:00 am: Even though publicly, Charles Koch pretended to be disgusted by Trump, it WAS the KOCH (cock?) Brothers money behind Trumps successful run for POTUS. I assume that the KOCH dudes, and others like them, are not part of the elite group, i.e., the families listed below in order of importance and influence are:
- Rothschild (Bauer or Bower)
- Bruce
- Cavendish (Kennedy)
- De Medici
- Hanover
- Hapsburg
- Krupp
- Plantagenet
- Rockefeller
- Romanov
- Sinclair (St. Clair)
- Warburg (del Banco)
- Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gothe)
Understand, that the combined wealth of the above families, is so fucking beyond what the Koch Brothers have, it is probably going to be a positive thing to have a Trump presidency anyway, because it was backed by the farther right of far right. Think about it.
Is Trump the second JFK? Anti-Oligarch, Anti-Military/Industrial Complex? Think about it
Famous new quote, by Bernie Sanders, “I told you so, Ass wipes” – Dr. T. C Saxe
Just had to add this to last night’s post and page:
I NOTICE A DIFFERENCE at 5:53am on Wednesday, 9 November 2016….. I actually washed my new food processor before the food dried on it. I made THE best pureed food tonight. Recipes to come when I start a……….Wait for it……….”Recipe Page”.
Also, tonight, for some reason, I notice that I’m doing stuff better? The ordinary stuff that was lost when I had my stroke a year and a half ago. It’s as if my writing, as therapy, has been repairing those damaged parts of my brain. Personally, I also think that the medical weed has been helping my brain as well.
Well, this morning (haven’t gone to bed yet) @ 7:19 am, I noticed that I had boiled away a full pot of water again, time to buy something that whistles…….like a………..Wait for it………”Tea Pot”, The soup pot was so hot, and dry, and so HOT, that when I tried pouring some cold water in the pot, it instantly boiled off. Don’t worry kids, I think I have a fire extinguisher around here somewhere.
So, after noticing that my brain had once again malfunctioned, and totally forgot that I was boiling water to make a new pot of “French Pressed” coffee, for my homemade iced Frappuccino coffee, I stayed in the kitchen all the way from cold water again, to finished carton of one of my best I’ve ever made. Recipe to come soon. Now I’m done writing, @ 8:03 am, and my coffee drink is DElicious.
Written on my Galaxy Tab® A
An addendum to my previous post, nothing graphic, just the plain truth, i.e., my thoughts on war in general, and our vast military/industrial machine
My opinion: My opinions stated here are NOT necessarily in agreement with the overall thoughts and opinions of all the war mongering assholes that benefit from the Military/Industrial machine that our politicians and the richest Mother xxxxxxxxx have created over the last three or four generations.
Think about it for a minute. Revolutionary War? Yeah, that one was necessary. Civil War? Maybe. It was good to free people from slavery, but the racist, bigoted attitudes and culture that remained after the fighting was over, sure hung in there for a good hundred years or so. World War One? Yeah, I guess so, we had to get involved, as a follower in that one. World War Two? Okay, there was this dude named Adolf Hitler, AND the Japanese DID attack Pearl Harbor.
Now here’s where we begin to go a little bonkers. Korean War. Nahhhhhhh, We had just experienced what happened as the result of WW2, AND the Military/Industrial machine/complex was realizing that war………created ………. wait for it…………MONEY!!
So, what do we do, we “defend” South Korea from being taken over militarily by North Korea. One could argue that that war was OK too, especially all the primary owners of stock in the…………Wait for it………..Military/Industrial War Machine.
Vietnam War. By this time, there was absolutely NO good reason to be there in the first place. Sure, again, the war mongers sell us on the story of defending South Vietnam from North Vietnam and communism. The French had failed in their colonization attempt. Another fact rarely discussed, the fact that the american oil interests had thought that there were vast offshore oil reserves off the coast of Vietnam. What better reason to send 2 point 7 million of america’s youth to war, with 58,148 returning in body bags, (304,000 were wounded). 75,000 of our young soldiers was severely wounded. Thanks Standard Oil. Where are they (Vietnam) today? I understand that it has become quite the vacation destination.
By the end of the Vietnam War, the greedy assholes that were in control of this great war machine called the United States of America, we’re used to making billions of dollars and America became good at KILLING PEOPLE. As George Carlin said, “We’re good at killing lots of………Wait for it……….BROWN PEOPLE!
Sure, we deterred the Communist Soviet Union to the point of falling apart at the seams. And heaven forbid what God would think if we didn’t give billions to Israel. We started that whole fucking mess in the Middle East when we first started drilling for oil. Ask ARAMCO, which stands for, “Arabian American Oil Company”. Ask STANDARD OIL OF NEW JERSEY (later known as Exxon), TEXACO, and Socony Vacuum (later known as Mobil).
These were the first american companies to succeed where the French and the British just dabbled. These first U. S. OWNED AND CONTROLLED Oil companies (think Rockefeller for one), were the first to successfully get involved with the Saudi Arabian Monarch in extracting the petroleum out of the earth!
To balance the region out, we invested heavily in the war machine of Israel. I guess that’s a good move, if you are a fucking war mongering asswipe, and you want to keep the Arabs in check, and you want to ignore an entire people like the Palestinians. We gave the Arabs LOTS of money, and helped move them out of their Bedouin tents, and into the 20th century. We helped build THEIR war machine too. Go figure.
Now, we are the most powerful country in the world, with the biggest military/industrial war machine on the planet, and we have been lobotomizing our own people into believing that we are “Defending” OUR country, our land, our freedom, and I say, BULLSHIT!
Had we spent all the trillions of dollars on figuring out a way to live in peace with the rest of the planet, I think we could have succeeded. Of course, dictators had to go, like Saddam Hussein, but I would have just sent in a SEAL TEAM. In other words, if you are going to practice what is known as “Regime Change”, that’s okay, just get it done quickly.
I’m not so sure why Saddam was bad enough to go to war with, but not bad enough for a single bullet between the eyes. Hitler, yes.
Think about it folks, how many billions, not trillions do you think it would take to make Putin happy enough to declare himself a citizen of the United States of America, as we take Russia in as, I don’t know, 45 new states? Try to guess what our elections would be if that were the case? (funny thought)
Point is, you throw a party, i.e., put several trillion tons of Gold on the table, and guess what? Putin, and everyone else in the world would join us in abolishing war, hunger, and all kinds of negative shit.
If you haven’t already guessed by now, especially during this election cycle, it doesn’t fucking matter who becomes the next POTUS. The people at the top are even blindsided by their own stupidity and greed. This is ALL part of the evolution of our species on this planet. If some dude comes to your town healing the sick and raising the dead, I say vote for him.

As an Optimist and a Futurist, I believe we will find peace eventually. That’s why I posted last night’s post regarding war, and the stupidity of sending our children and grandchildren to war. It is beyond stupid, it’s insane, give yourself a Lobotomy.
Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, السلام والالتزام , שלום ושמירה, Paix et Demeure, Խաղաղությունը եւ մնալը, Мир и пребывание,, 平和と遵守, 和平與恪守, Aştî û Abad, صلح و عبید, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite, शांति और निवास, Hòa bình và ở lại, Мир и Абиде, שלום און בלייַבן, สันติภาพและการปฏิบัติ, Mir in bivanje,
Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE
Some immediate needs. On a volunteer basis for now, we need a WEBMASTER who can work on the ITAD-NAO website, we need a person skilled in “Crowd-Funding” and “Director of Charitable Giving”, we need an attorney to help in the legal matters for ITAD_NAO, including setting us up as a tax-exempt “Church”, we need a Certified CPA to insure the financial integrity of the ITAD-NAO organization, we need a “Chief of Security”, we need a film-maker, first for YouTube, eventually for larger platforms, plus a few other positions. We believe that somewhere down the road, a Billionaire will step up to the plate and write a check for $50 Million or so, which will turn those volunteer positions into paid positions.
And now for an unpaid advertisement:
For my faithful readers that are aware that I’m finally working on “The Dead Armadillo” story, like say, a Producer, or a Director, or a Screenwriter or someone or a company that desires to option my novel, you can contact me at any time, night or day. If you are a one of those faithful readers that wish to read and follow my progress as I work on this novel, I will be posting updates as a PDF file on every new post on this website/blog. Here’s the latest of “The Dead Armadillo”
For those of you that would care to get involved with me on this project, as I intend to hire a professional screenwriter at some point, and produce a feature film, I have recently been approved for a KICKSTARTER campaign where you can contribute. Here is the link to the KICKSTARTER campaign.
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