Author: Hippie Tom
“Look’s like Chevy Chase has been eating too many donuts!”
“The Canonization of Mother Teresa, another Sphincter story, and Phoenix at night”
Racism and bigotry are alive, and there is only one remedy
“Evolution of our Species”, and “What the Fuck did you just say?”
“Institute for the Study of Human Evolution” is a group dedicated to exposing/sharing the good shit and the bad shit that is or has, contributed to the evolution of the human species. Like the new technology that allows a dope addict, or someone addicted to an opium based drug, to get their “Fix” on a regular basis without using a needle or swallowing a pill, or sticking suppositories up your butt hole. An implant that gives them daily fixes “Doses” of their particular drug, as prescribed, and surgically inserted in the arm beneath your skin.
Shuddderrred for a second, imagining a penile implant for dysfunction. Ouch! Perhaps discussions on what effect our “Inventions” have on the rest of the planet, i.e., species. Also what effect you might think a new philosophy, or idea, or whatever, might have on our evolution. The invention of gunpowder, or GMO’S?
My first share to get things going, is the invention of the electric motorized “Hoverboard” compared to the old “Skateboard”. Today I saw a dude motoring down the sidewalk on his hoverboard, and I thought to myself, “At least with the skateboard, one leg got exercised”. LOL This invention has eliminated “Walking”, go figure.
The other Group I created is named, “What the fuck did you just say?” ALSO NO LONGER EXISTS, DELETED BY FARCECRAP IN AUGUST OF 2018. THE REPLACEMENT “GROUP IS, “FLY FARTING? I DON’T HEAR YOU”.
The following are comments as originally posted here in my article:
“Is there a polite or Politically correct way to ask some dude if he’s a FAG? Fag, the word itself, is rude and disgusting at the same time. Why, you ask, do you even have to ask the dude if it’s obvious?
You know without asking, don’t you? He’s got earrings in both ears, he’s wearing a pink shirt, and you can tell that he has just a little bit of lipstick and blush on. Of course you’re not talking about THAT dude, you are referring to that Macho Looking, Six Foot Four, must be a Professional Football Player dude over there on the dance floor with another dude.
There is no polite or Politically Correct or……………….Wait for it, SAFE way to ask that “Silly” question, (as you wave your wrist in their direction). If you EVER see two dudes dancing, ANYWHERE, keep your big mouth shut! Especially if one of the dudes IS, a Macho Looking, Six Foot Four, 320 Pound, Just Looks Like He Could Be A, Football Player.
Makes a whole lot of sense to keep your fucking mouth shut. Especially if you are straight, and you are just meeting some friends, at a Gay Bar. Certainly if you WERE, Gay, asking that question would never enter your mind, right?
As for me, I’m a straight dude, have been for 68 (now 71) years so far, and I cannot recall one time in my life that I was prejudiced or bigoted towards any race, color creed, gender, or sexual orientation, except, and it’s a big EXCEPT, Pedophiles, sorry to a very small percentage of you out there with that affliction, I don’t like you, and if that sounds prejudiced, then so be it, because you are sick.
There are a few other things that are beyond my comprehension and mental ability to embrace. Like people that are sexually promiscuous with animals. I don’t like what THEY do, but I’m not so prejudiced that I won’t sell some dude a birthday cake for his favorite sheep, if I were a baker. Baaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
I’m not prejudiced against culture, philosophy or religious beliefs, and I have learned to tolerate stupid people. Now try to apply that to differences in skin color. There should be no conscious thought even entering your mind. Who cares what color my skin is?
Obviously, there are a whole lot of people out there, millions and millions, of all skin colors, that think differently. Why would a person walk up to me and ask if I’m a “WHITE” dude? Why would I walk up to someone of color and ask if they were “AFRICAN AMERICAN? Or just African.
The problem is that for a couple of hundred years, “White” man, thought the “Black” man was less than human, certainly not equal. So began the name calling. Use your imagination, because I am NOT going to dignify the bullshit names and titles we all have been calling each other.
But to just finish by saying, as stupid as asking an LGBT person if they are gay or not, asking what color a person is……………is just as fucking stupid. Be kind to one another, ALL OTHERS, and abide.
Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, السلام والالتزام , שלום ושמירה, Paix et Demeure, Խաղաղությունը եւ մնալը, Мир и пребывание,, 平和と遵守, 和平與恪守, Aştî û Abad, صلح و عبید, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite, शांति और निवास, Hòa bình và ở lại, Мир и Абиде, שלום און בלייַבן, สันติภาพและการปฏิบัติ, Mir in bivanje,
Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE
Some immediate needs. On a volunteer basis for now, we need a WEBMASTER who can work on the ITAD-NAO website, we need a person skilled in “Crowd-Funding” and “Director of Charitable Giving”, we need an attorney to help in the legal matters for ITAD_NAO, including setting us up as a tax-exempt “Church”, we need a Certified CPA to insure the financial integrity of the ITAD-NAO organization, we need a “Chief of Security”, we need a film-maker, first for YouTube, eventually for larger platforms, plus a few other positions. We believe that somewhere down the road, a Billionaire will step up to the plate and write a check for $50 Million or so, which will turn those volunteer positions into paid positions.
And now for an unpaid advertisement:
For my faithful readers that are aware that I’m finally working on “The Dead Armadillo” story, like say, a Producer, or a Director, or a Screenwriter or someone or a company that desires to option my novel, you can contact me at any time, night or day. If you are a one of those faithful readers that wish to read and follow my progress as I work on this novel, I will be posting updates as a PDF file on every new post on this website/blog. Here’s the latest of “The Dead Armadillo”
For those of you that would care to get involved with me on this project, as I intend to hire a professional screenwriter at some point, and produce a feature film, I have recently been approved for a KICKSTARTER campaign where you can contribute. Here is the link to the KICKSTARTER campaign.
Click on a link here to share:
Send Dr. Saxe a comment using the form below:
How to eat Lindor’s Chocolate Truffles to the tune of the “Deafening Silence”, and asking Bill Clinton for his Drivers License
“Jesus, give me a break!”, or “Keep it under a bushel NO! I’m gonna let it shine, shine, shine”
A King or Queen sits in judgment over some poor soul and screams, “Off with his head!”. Same thing today. People in power are quietly saying to their minions, “He has to be stopped”, and that poor soul is run over by a train. Suicide they said. Or it’s some evil asshole who doesn’t want the truth to be known, so he has someone eject you from a Sunday morning worship service.
Someone from my distant past responded privately on Facebook today to my comment to a post of his about the higher price of gas in California, blaming the Democrats.
This is a dude, who at the time in 1977 was a youth pastor at the church that I had attended before my two year visit to Nashville. Upon attending a Sunday morning worship service at my home church for the first time in two years, this particular “Youth Pastor” was instructed to show me the “Love of Jesus”, and to eject me from the church service, i.e, show me where the door was, physically if necessary. I went quietly without a struggle on my part.
More and more today, I think that stupidity is genetic, and possibly linked to Religion, or eating too many Twinkies, or both. I have known far too many “Christians” that have publicly portrayed a Jesus-like persona, while deliberately fucking up other people’s lives, doing shit that they KNOW they can wipe away simply by asking “God” to forgive them.
Never mind that they demonstrated evil incarnate to other people, these Assholes made themselves feel good, AFTER the evil (Insert Bad Karma here) simply by crying their “Sin”, away. Good example, that famous televangelist caught with a hooker. Getting caught with a hooker in a motel Room? Who cares.
Our concern with that particular evangelist should be, what else has he done with his Bad Karma? I could care less who sucks his dick, as long as HE is paying for it, but I bet the $200 for the hooker came from the offering plates. Yes, good Christians, YOU paid for that blowjob!
Good Karma, Bad Karma. So, this private message from this so called “Christian”, If it would have been me responding to my comment, I would have kept it in the string of PUBLIC comments.
Instead, he thought he would give me his “FEELINGS”, privately, so no one else could see it. At that moment, I felt like that expression, when Mr. T said, “I pity the poor fool”. Is he afraid that if this private conversation was public, that many folks out there would agree with me?
Here is the beginning chain of comments along with the image he posted. Mind you, I believe that everyone is free to express their particular beliefs, right or wrong. I left their spelling and grammar errors in.
The original author said, (Names changed to protect the innocent)
Pastor BlaBlaBla: Gas price in Arizona $.50 a gallon cheaper than California. Time to run Democrats out of office in Sacramento!!
First Respondent: Why blame only Democrats Pastor. How can you forget the construction of the Government, the body consists of Democrats, Righteous Republicans and Independent. Do you think as a whole, democrats are the problem for all the societies illness. Hiding under the second amendment …….anything constructive do the Republican brings to the table to help the society. Sorry Pastor, we still love you and respect you. Blessings.XXXXXXX
Pastor BlaBlaBla: I know XXXXX that many of California’s problems were made with bipartisan votes, easing regulations on divorce and pro-abortion but since Democrats took over they have single handedly raised gas prices, taxes and put us in a debt that will bankrupt us. They have put so much regulation on business that we have become the least friendly state in which to do business. Are you happy paying $10 more per tank than our neighbors while Brown is pushing for another $8 per tank. The biggest thing Republicans try to do is keep reasonable limits on spending. They are the only ones that ever talk about balancing the budget. You and I have to, why does government get to keep spending more than they take in?
First Respondent: Dear Pastor. We are in 2016…Good old days of Regan Era is vanished, the population has changed. Only rich get richer. Is it because of Democrats, why the middle class is vanishing. I am nearing 70, still working, pay check to pay check…it is high to blame one party or the other. The country lost God’s favor. Tell me Pastor, what Jesus will do in this situation. Does He shoe compassion or throw everyone to the ocean or burn everyone who do evil or does He show some Love and Mercy. I am sure He will intercede for them, restore them. Bigotry and isolation only incite fear and instability. Let us pray for our country rather than hate and discrimination and drive away people to do evil. Politicians ONLY POLLUTE THE SITUATION, INSTEAD OF PROVIDING LEADERSHIP. When people loose hope they do evil things. So, letbus unite and pray for our country and leaders whether they are Democrat or Republican. God is in control, He appoint to lead and dispose them when they are not in His will. Things will take place according to His plan and purpose. Just pray always. Love. and Blessings.
Pastor BlaBlaBla: Just throwing more money to people who don’t try to earn it is not compassion. Jesus would say, “If a man doesn’t work he doesn’t eat.” Democrats create more and more dependency. Truth is that it not just the rich who get richer in America, it the poor who chose to work who get richer all the time. If politician only pollute why vote?
2nd respondent to Pastor BlaBlaBla: you need to move to Texas is great here:) And lower taxes and cost of living.
Me, to First respondent: Basically, being a “Christian” does NOT necessarily prevent you from being an extremely evil asshole. I knew one many years ago. He was an elder at XXXXXXXX Lutheran Church in San Pedro. He was as about as evil as they come. It’s not about who or what you worship, it’s truly about how you treat others you come in contact with, and how you treat the planet. Watch, Pastor BlaBlaBla is going to delete my comment.
Pastor BlaBlaBla indeed DID delete my above comment. So much for honesty, transparency, and showing the love of Jesus.
Here is the text of Pastor BlaBlaBla’s private message to me:
Pastor BlaBlaBla: Of course I’m going to delete public slander. If you want to bring up something horrible from your past I’m open to hear your concern but there is a right and wrong way to have a discussion
My response, privately: You can’t handle the truth
Pastor BlaBlaBla: Try me
My response, privately: You can read all about it on my next blog post
And he said I was slandering? How is telling the truth slander?
The “Christians” I am referring to, would say, “Tom needs to forgive those who have transgressed against him”. It’s not about forgiveness at all. I forgave the person that killed my mother. It IS about the karma thing, and the ridiculous notion that people have that they can publicly declare themselves followers of Jesus, or any other good karma dude, and at the same time, continue to privately be, Assholes.
In closing, I am reminded of an old children’s Sunday School song, “Keep it under a bushel NO! I’m gonna let it shine, shine, shine”.
Postscript: A person who exercises their power or superiority over another person, or a whole group of people, or a whole country of people, becomes a Tyrant if he or she decides that your opinion doesn’t matter to them. Even more, is the Tyrant who believes that a whole country of people doesn’t matter any more.
The only people the Tyrant cares about are the few that follow, even worship, and does their bidding. Take a look throughout history at all the leaders who had the power to say, “Off with his head!”, to the poor soul that expressed his opinion in front of the King, or Dictator, Pope, Drug Kingpin, or Youth Pastor, or whomever was reveling in his or her own power.
Likewise, you can listen to ANYONE who is denying someone else’s rights, someone else’s opinion, and waddayaknow, you’re listening to a Tyrant. If all you are doing is peacefully sharing your feelings and opinions about something, and they throw your ass in jail, or at the very least, spray you with their chemicals, right then you know you are facing tyrants.
If all you are doing is purposely exposing a dude for being not only a hypocritical asshole, he’s a hypocritical criminal asshole who knowingly bought stolen goods from some LA harbor longshoremen. Your reward for being honest? Being physically removed from your church.
While you are physically being shown the door, all the good “Christians”, good flock (sheep) that they are, look away, ignoring you, because as the Elder told you privately, “Nobody will believe you, look at you. Look at me, I’m an elder. This is MY church”.
Two years earlier, in this private meeting with the Elder, you sheepishly bring up, “What do you think Jesus would say about you being a hypocritical thief?” And this holy elder says, “Fuck Jesus! I don’t believe in that religious bullshit, and no one is going to believe you! I’ll make sure you never step inside MY church again!”
So you go to Nashville for two years. When you come back, you are physically ejected from HIS church.
Don’t forget, if you are not an Angel, think about it, “You’re NOT, a Moon Crater either”. (Insert mental image of your own butthole, anus/asshole here, or go back and look at the “Unknown” Asshole in my previous post).
Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, السلام والالتزام , שלום ושמירה, Paix et Demeure, Խաղաղությունը եւ մնալը, Мир и пребывание,, 平和と遵守, 和平與恪守, Aştî û Abad, صلح و عبید, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite, शांति और निवास, Hòa bình và ở lại, Мир и Абиде, שלום און בלייַבן, สันติภาพและการปฏิบัติ, Mir in bivanje,
Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE
Some immediate needs. On a volunteer basis for now, we need a WEBMASTER who can work on the ITAD-NAO website, we need a person skilled in “Crowd-Funding” and “Director of Charitable Giving”, we need an attorney to help in the legal matters for ITAD_NAO, including setting us up as a tax-exempt “Church”, we need a Certified CPA to insure the financial integrity of the ITAD-NAO organization, we need a “Chief of Security”, we need a film-maker, first for YouTube, eventually for larger platforms, plus a few other positions. We believe that somewhere down the road, a Billionaire will step up to the plate and write a check for $50 Million or so, which will turn those volunteer positions into paid positions.
And now for an unpaid advertisement:
For my faithful readers that are aware that I’m finally working on “The Dead Armadillo” story, like say, a Producer, or a Director, or a Screenwriter or someone or a company that desires to option my novel, you can contact me at any time, night or day. If you are a one of those faithful readers that wish to read and follow my progress as I work on this novel, I will be posting updates as a PDF file on every new post on this website/blog. Here’s the latest of “The Dead Armadillo”
For those of you that would care to get involved with me on this project, as I intend to hire a professional screenwriter at some point, and produce a feature film, I have recently been approved for a KICKSTARTER campaign where you can contribute. Here is the link to the KICKSTARTER campaign.
Click on a link here to share:
Send Dr. Saxe a comment using the form below:
The Marine Corps Hymn has absolutely, NOTHING to do with a “Shiny Clean Anus”, or a Moon Crater either
“One thing we all can agree on. War is hell. We can despise “War”. We can despise the War Mongers, but we can love our Brothers and Sisters, our Fathers and our Mothers, and our Sons and Daughters, our Nephews and our Nieces, and our Grandchildren who sacrifice their lives, living and dead, honor them in death, help them in their life” – T. C. Saxe
From the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli, We will fight our country’s baaatttlless, And kill every fuckin’ thing we see, First to fight for right and freedom, And to keep our conscience clean; I should have stayed home with Mommy, Because Now I’m A Wild Eyed Brainwashed Bad Ass Crazy Mother Fucker Gonna Kill Everything I See,
I mean no disrespect here, and my version of the above song IS meant to stir up passion. Don’t tell me that throwing a little kitten in the air like a Clay Skeet Target, and shooting same kitten with your fully-automatic weapon is the sane thing to do while you are on patrol. I have seen some crazies that were not born that way, their mental condition and behavior was the result of war, regardless of their training. Let’s face it. Those that PROFIT from war are the real assholes.
Direct whatever passion you are feeling towards helping our combat veterans assimilate back into society with sanity and pride. Direct that passion also towards peace, love, and compassion for the millions of innocents who are ravaged by war. Direct that passion towards finding and supporting peaceful and merciful causes that save lives, not destroy lives.
This all began as a previous post wherein I reported the wonderful event that happened recently (in February) wherein the amazing Doctors at the Mayo Clinic performed some amazing surgery on me (see previous post).
So tonight, I was having a “Text” conversation with my kids, writing to tell them about my new business card for my blog, which I still think is pretty darn funny and an idea that I came up with today, not yesterday. Try to follow this:
It is difficult sometimes when you are carrying on two separate text conversations, on two different subjects, at the same time. My first a text to my son about the Marine Corps Hymn, and the second was a group text which said, “I created a new business card for “Special” people, for my blog”.
On the group text, my daughter responded back with a sad face emoticon,
Next I responded, “It’s a good Karma thing……..You all are GOOD karma people. Plus it’s meant to be a joke as well, so please don’t be too hard on me. It’s just one of those creative moments”.
Separate from that string of text, but happening around the same period of time, give or take 20 minutes or so, my son had started a string of text wherein he said, “Bad idea, that’s very crude and disgusting. You have to work on that filter we talked about”,
I had just written a separate text to just my son about an entirely different subject, (the Marine Corps Hymn). He replied back, “??”, as he was responding to my individual email telling him to look at his email, I thought it was my daughter responding back on that other conversation string, wherein I wrote about it being about karma.
Hahahahaha, so, thinking that I was responding to her in the group string of text, in actuality I was responding to only my son, saying, “Sorry Tara, would it be better with a photo of a Donkey, you know, Jackass?”.
Then I wrote, “Sorry Tommy?.
Then I wrote, “Was that you? You sounded like Tara”.
Remember now this is two separate strings of text, one to just my son, and one to as a group text, to Tommy, Tara and Danny. Suddenly discovering my mistake, I texted Tommy what I THOUGHT was going in the group conversation,
“Found the image on the Internet yesterday, just Googled “Anus”, and I thought to myself, “Hey! A polite way to tell someone that they’re an Asshole. Hahahahaha! I had to do a little Photo Shop magic, you know, change it to Black & White, shave all the butt hair off”.
Of course I was joking, it was a perfectly clean anus that I found in my Google search. No more responses from the kids.
To me, the whole sequence of events is funny. My original Google search yesterday had absolutely nothing to do with the idea for a new business card, which I thought of tonight, which is why I also had to write it as a post. In fact, tonight, I used a variant of the same anus from yesterdays post. Yesterday, the theme and use of an anus image was entirely a different thing.
So, designing a probably crude, but polite way to call someone an asshole, is to say, “Think about it, you’re NOT, a Moon Crater”. In other words, “You’re a fucking asshole!”. Now I think that’s original, and hilarious. It’s original intent in yesterdays post was just an image to tell the bad karma people that they all were assholes, which later turned into something to actually hand to somebody, “The next time you are having a difficult conversation with someone over Religion or Politics, hand them this business card. One thing led to another, yesterdays post, the text conversation with the kids, after the invention of the new business card.
So, I came up with the business card idea, yes crude, rude, but subtle, if someone is smart enough to figure out the ‘Asshole” i.e., “Backside” of the card. I just had to share this one tonight. Don’t forget, when someone with bad karma calls you a bad name or dirty word, say back to them,”And you’re NOT a Moon Crater”. That will certainly confuse the hell out of them.
Oh, and if we do happen to “Despise” war, and the Warmongers, don’t worry, it’s all Good Karma coming from us. Bad Karma has absolutely no idea what Good Karma is, and what we are trying to accomplish.
Strain: Mooncrater2, harvested August 2, 2016
Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, السلام والالتزام , שלום ושמירה, Paix et Demeure, Խաղաղությունը եւ մնալը, Мир и пребывание,, 平和と遵守, 和平與恪守, Aştî û Abad, صلح و عبید, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite, शांति और निवास, Hòa bình và ở lại, Мир и Абиде, שלום און בלייַבן, สันติภาพและการปฏิบัติ, Mir in bivanje,
Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE
Some immediate needs. On a volunteer basis for now, we need a WEBMASTER who can work on the ITAD-NAO website, we need a person skilled in “Crowd-Funding” and “Director of Charitable Giving”, we need an attorney to help in the legal matters for ITAD_NAO, including setting us up as a tax-exempt “Church”, we need a Certified CPA to insure the financial integrity of the ITAD-NAO organization, we need a “Chief of Security”, we need a film-maker, first for YouTube, eventually for larger platforms, plus a few other positions. We believe that somewhere down the road, a Billionaire will step up to the plate and write a check for $50 Million or so, which will turn those volunteer positions into paid positions.
And now for an unpaid advertisement:
For my faithful readers that are aware that I’m finally working on “The Dead Armadillo” story, like say, a Producer, or a Director, or a Screenwriter or someone or a company that desires to option my novel, you can contact me at any time, night or day. If you are a one of those faithful readers that wish to read and follow my progress as I work on this novel, I will be posting updates as a PDF file on every new post on this website/blog. Here’s the latest of “The Dead Armadillo”
For those of you that would care to get involved with me on this project, as I intend to hire a professional screenwriter at some point, and produce a feature film, I have recently been approved for a KICKSTARTER campaign where you can contribute. Here is the link to the KICKSTARTER campaign.
Click on a link here to share:
Send Dr. Saxe a comment using the form below:
The Human Race as a species, and my happy Sphincter Muscle w/Butt-Hole, or Anus if you prefer
Will you go to Harvard Law School? Will you someday have a family and live in the suburbs in that cute little house with the white picket fence?
500,000. Think about that number for a minute. Not 500,000 dollars, which is half of what it takes to be called a “Millionaire”. No. 500,000 people who have died in the Syrian conflict. Not 500,000 soldiers. 99% of the deaths are civilians. Innocent men, women, and children. Shame on mankind. Who made most of the bombs and bullets that slaughtered all these people?
Imagine for a moment, you are a five year old little boy or girl, playing with your toy cars or your dolls in your bedroom. All of a sudden, with a deafening horrible sound, your house disintegrates all around you in a massive fiery explosion from a bomb dropped from 20,000 feet by a warplane you never heard or seen.
Buried in the rubble, you are still alive as your lifeblood is draining from your body. Remember, you are five years old. Somehow you survive. You are rescued from the pile of rubble that once was your home, and you awake in a filthy excuse for a hospital. Your left leg and arm are gone, but you are one of the lucky ones, you survived. Your sister, mother, two brothers and your father? Dead. They only found parts of their bodies. Enough to bury though.
What will be your story as you grow Up? Will you go to Harvard Law School? Will you someday have a family and live in the suburbs in that cute little house with the white picket fence? Not if you are that five year old little Syrian boy waking up to the horror as you realize that you can still feel pain as if your amputated arm and leg were still there.
As a species, we have been killing each other since the beginning of time. Why should we have or feel any emotion now? The violence towards one another is almost like it’s part of our DNA, which is probably a fact. Most of us DO feel the sadness and despair, but all we do is write about it, take photos and video of it, and maybe talk about it at the local Bar & Grill during commercial breaks, as the live football game is more important than a dead Syrian boy. Or a dead Afghan child. Or a dead person ANYWHERE, ravaged by war or famine.
Isn’t it wonderful that the most advanced nations on our planet are home to the most advanced development and manufacture of the very devices that are built solely to destroy things, and people? Oh sure, you say, that’s the price AND the cost of freedom. BULLSHIT! When you look at the profit versus death ratio, the military/industrial complex, worldwide, are literally making a “Killing” in the marketplace.
Evolution of our species is responsible? Probably. Can we evolve into a species that doesn’t kill itself off? Probably not, but we have to try to convince ourselves that a world without war, violence, starvation, and disease, is possible. At the same time, let’s also get rid of bigotry, prejudice, fear and anger, hopelessness and poverty, drug addiction and Brussel Sprouts.
I believe that the good karma will transcend the bad karma. Maybe not in my lifetime, but possibly for my grandson’s grandson’s generation. Throughout our history there have been the Peacemakers, Prophets and the occasional Saviors. Our species has managed to distort much of their combined messages into excuses to kill one another, i.e., in the name of “God” or “Allah”, or whomever was being worshiped at the time.
Our established places of worship mostly try to teach the lessons handed down by the Peacemakers, and at the same time, cheer on the people that carry on these missions of murder (war). People put money in the offering plates on Sunday mornings that come from the dividends they earned from investments in the very companies manufacturing the devices and materials of war. During the offertory, sing a polite, peaceful hymn about how our God loves us.
Think about that the next time your stock broker recommends an investment in a company manufacturing “Smart” bombs. Look in the mirror, hold up that photo of a bloody, mangled body of ANY victim of war, and ask yourself if that was a “Smart” investment. If you did invest, go fuck yourself, politely.
What can we do as individuals to change our species? At least allow the option of love and forgiveness, charity, kindness, and peace, to reside and abide in your minds and hearts. Main photo purposely left in “Living” color. To be continued. I approve this message – T. C. Saxe.
Answer to question in last post: Humphrey Bogart, in the 1947 movie “Dead Reckoning”
Congratulations to the Winner, Mrs. Mary Bailey of Saginaw, Michigan for being the first person to answer the question correctly. She is the winner of brand new 2017 Harley Davidson and an AR-15 with a 30 round clip.
We sometimes think it is hopeless and against all odds, but hey, we are part of the 99% against the 1% that currently have absolute control. We can and shall overcome the odds, but only if we truly ORGANIZE. Otherwise, we are all just as a “Single Fly, Farting in the Wind”.
For those who have been keeping up with my progress with “The Dead Armadillo” story, here’s my latest:
Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, السلام والالتزام , שלום ושמירה, Paix et Demeure, Խաղաղությունը եւ մնալը, Мир и пребывание,, 平和と遵守, 和平與恪守, Aştî û Abad, صلح و عبید, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite, शांति और निवास, Hòa bình và ở lại, Мир и Абиде, שלום און בלייַבן, สันติภาพและการปฏิบัติ, Mir in bivanje,
Yadhum oore yaavarum kelir, “The World Is One Family”
Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE
Click on a link here to share:
This website is not filled with a bunch of “Click-On” ads for the latest in “Toothbrushes” “Fashion” or “Free trips to wherever” generating millions of pesos in income. If you do decide to donate a few Pesos because you enjoy reading my essays, that’s awesome, and I sincerely thank you.
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“Funny how a kiss stays on” has absolutely nothing to do with Potty Training
I was spending some “Grandfatherly” time with my Grandson the weekend of his third birthday. He was in the early stages of his Potty Training, so like a loving grandfather, I told him that I would give him a dollar for every turd that he dropped in the toilet, instead of in his diaper. I thought, how much should that cost, couple of Turds a day for a few months? Couple hundred turds/dollars, no big deal, right?
During a visit six weeks later, I asked my son if it was okay for me to remind Owen about the deal his Grandpa had made with him. The response was negative in that both parents had agreed NOT to use that type of psychology on their son. So I told my son that I agreed not to offer any more bribes for Turds.
A minute later I had this hilarious thought, which of course I shared with my son. The thought? The image of my Grandson Owen coming to me in 20 years saying, “That’s $687,429.00 you owe me Gramps, I counted every turd”.
Quote for the day: “Funny how a kiss stays on” Send me a comment if you think you know who said this without doing a google search. I’ll post the answer in my next post along with the name of the winner. The first person to answer correctly will receive a…………….Prize that will also be revealed in my next post.
Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, السلام والالتزام , שלום ושמירה, Paix et Demeure, Խաղաղությունը եւ մնալը, Мир и пребывание,, 平和と遵守, 和平與恪守, Aştî û Abad, صلح و عبید, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite, शांति और निवास, Hòa bình và ở lại, Мир и Абиде, שלום און בלייַבן, สันติภาพและการปฏิบัติ, Mir in bivanje,
Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE
Monetary Donations to The International Tabernacle of Abiding Dudeism, ITAD-NAO are TAX-DEDUCTIBLE, (excluding Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and Home-Made Venison Jerky, that’ll be our little secret)
90% of your donations (except for the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and the Home-Made Venison Jerky) will go directly to verifiable sources that provide humanitarian aid around the world beginning with those legitimate groups that give aid to Palestine and the Palestinian people. Other immediate areas and causes that will receive financial support from ITAD-NAO will be legitimate groups that aid the people of Yemen, and other known areas around the world that are in crisis. In addition, ITAD-NAO will also contribute directly and indirectly to the needs right here in the good ole’ USA, like helping the Homeless, and the poorest of the poor achieve better stations in life.
The remaining 10% will be used to maintain the ITAD-NAO Website once it is programmed and fully operational. In its final configuration it will be ENCRYPTED with an encrypted “Communication Suite” for Email, Texting and Video-Chatting. A significant part of the “Communications Suite” will be the ability to include 10 to 15 “Practitioners” (not Parishioners) in Conferencing in groups, and perhaps large convention-type assemblies via closed-circuit TV and the website portal. This is the #1 priority for ITAD-NAO.
If any attorneys happen to read this, we do need your assistance to help with all the legal aspects that we need help with.
If you happen to be a Millionaire or Billionaire and you feel inspired to help us financially, please contact us at your earliest convenience for an in-depth discussion on how we feel our organization can help change our world and it’s people in a very significant and positive way.
If you happen to be a regular visitor to this website and you not only enjoy my writing but you are also “Like-Minded” with my concerns and my efforts, please “Click” on the PayPal “Donate” button below. It will take you to the ITAD-NAO PayPal donation form. One dollar, or 25 thousand dollars will be equally appreciated, AND used for ITAD-NAO project, and like was previously mentioned, your donation is 100% Tax-Deductible. (The Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and the Home-made Venison Jerky will be eaten by the ITAD-NAO staff).
Thank you one and all,
Some immediate needs. On a volunteer basis for now, we need a WEBMASTER who can work on the ITAD-NAO website, we need a person skilled in “Crowd-Funding” and/or “Director of Charitable Giving”, we need an attorney to help in the legal matters for ITAD_NAO, including setting us up as a tax-exempt “Church”, we need a Certified CPA to insure the financial integrity of the ITAD-NAO organization, we need a “Chief of Security”, we need a film-maker, first for YouTube, eventually for larger platforms, plus a few other positions. We believe that somewhere down the road, a Billionaire will step up to the plate and write a check for $50 Million or so, which will turn those volunteer positions into paid positions.
For my faithful readers that are aware that I’m finally working on “The Dead Armadillo” story, like say, a Producer, or a Director, or a Screenwriter or someone or a company that desires to option my novel, you can contact me at any time, night or day. If you are a one of those faithful readers that wish to read and follow my progress as I work on this novel, I will be posting updates as a PDF file on every new post on this website/blog. Here’s the latest of “The Dead Armadillo”
For those of you that would care to get involved with me on this project, as I intend to hire a professional screenwriter at some point, and produce a feature film, I have recently been approved for a KICKSTARTER campaign where you can contribute. Here is the link to the KICKSTARTER campaign.
Click on a link here to share:
This website is not filled with a bunch of “Click-On” ads for the latest in “Toothbrushes” “Fashion” or “Free trips to wherever” generating millions of pesos in income. We are not seeking your financial support as a primary goal or function of this website, although we know at some point, that we will have the necessary funding to carry out our mission at ITAD-NAO. First and foremost, If you feel this is worthy of your financial support and you do donate, that’s great, and we sincerely thank you, but first and foremost we are looking for your involvement with whatever skill-sets you may have to offer. Communicate with us, help us organize, help us plan, and help us execute the plan. Thank you
P. S. Jeffrey Epstein is still alive
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Love not hate! “Try a little kindness”
Hitting the Blackboard with a Booger is 10 points, hitting the back of the teacher’s dress as she walks by is 20 points
Is anyone old enough to remember the old wooden desks with the lift top, with that storage area to warehouse all your books and stuff n the desk? In my school, Glen Cary Elementary, the desk you were assigned was the desk you kept all school year.
The first day of school, when you sat at your desk for the first time, you did two things. First you lifted the desktop up to look inside for buried treasure, pennies sometimes , gum wrappers usually, and if you happen to get Sam’s desk like Billy did this year, empty condom wrappers, ewwwww.
Sam was in the last row of desks this year, sixth grade, and Billy was now a fifth grader. Sam used the condoms in the typical teenager way. Blowing them up like balloons when Mrs. Anderson wasn’t in the room. I always laughed the most when Sam pulled a condom over his head.
Back to the desk inspection procedure. The second thing you did after the treasure hunt was to feel the undercarriage of your desk. Mostly gum, hard as a rock, from the mouths of generations of children that had previously sat at that desk. The really old stuff seemed to be part of the desk bottom, welded in place over a millennia of time.
Some gum, wads from last year, was semi-hard, but you could manage to pull at them and set some free, throwing them in someone else’s desk when they weren’t there. You also always found dried up boogers and hardened, frozen-like, streams of snot that had been painted on the bottoms of desks by many fingers.
Not every loving mother gave their sweet little idiot a handkerchief to use. If you were really curious, before you tried to scrape anything off with your ruler, if you even had one, or your fingernails, you got down underneath like a mechanic to inspect all the boogers, gum wads, and hardened snot flows.
It was whispered around that Sam, the sixth grader, ate the dried boogers and snot from under his desk like crunchy candy. Only tried it once on a dare, kinda rice crispies crunchy, sorta like deep fried ants, didn’t like it. Like every other kid, I tried a gum wad, didn’t like that either, almost broke a tooth.
Also, I do know, cause I watched him, whilst sitting at his desk, Sam would casually blow a load of snot between his index finger and his middle finger. His mind preoccupied with what ever book he was reading, he would casually slurp the snot resting between his two fingers.
One pastime every dude enjoyed was booger flicking. A booger had to be of a certain consistency however. Soft and rubbery, with a little stickiness. If the booger was too sticky, it was hard to launch when you flicked your finger. If you rolled it around a little more you could get it to premium launch quality. We had a point system. Blackboard, 10 points, back of someones head, 15 points, back of the teacher’s dress as she walked by, 20 points.
No sound, just a flick of your finger and you could stick it on the blackboard as you walked by. Easiest targets were the girls. Especially easy if you had a girl sitting right in front of you. If you managed to get one in her hair, at recess the boys would identify the successful targets and we would walk around inspecting the backs of the heads of our victim, saying, “Hair booger!”.
The girls would run away screaming, as they frantically pulled at their hair. If you were in the earlier grades, like me in the second, you never spoke to, or talked about “Snot Eating Sam”. If you did, Sam would open up a can of kickass on you during recess.
It was also rumored that Sam did dirty things with sheep. It was known that Sam was a few years older than the other sixth graders, so at 12 or 13, the teenaged adolescent hormones had already found their way to his penis.
Looking back, I believe that Sam was slightly retarded as well, so he couldn’t help being a bully, an idiot, and an asshole. There is normal stupid, and then there is retarded stupid. I wonder what kind of person he is today, good karma or bad karma.
That summer, a few of us were able to sneak our way up to one of the barns where Sam’s dad sheared the sheep. We were able to look in a window and observe Sam without him seeing us. I can testify that it is possible to fuck a sheep.
Never attempted it myself, but what you do is stick the sheep’s rear legs in your knee high rubber farmer’s boots so they can’t run away. I’ll never be able to erase that image in my mind of Sam plunging and moving back and forth with his bare ass quivering. I have heard a female sheep baaaaaaaa loudly. I have never eaten my boogers, well, I did try one of those “under the desk” boogers just once (in the second grade). I did blow up a condom like a balloon many years later (as an adult).
We sometimes think it is hopeless and against all odds, but hey, we are part of the 99% against the 1% that currently have absolute control. We can and shall overcome the odds, but only if we truly ORGANIZE. Otherwise, we are all just as a “Single Fly, Farting in the Wind”.
For those who have been keeping up with my progress with “The Dead Armadillo” story, here’s my latest:
Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, السلام والالتزام , שלום ושמירה, Paix et Demeure, Խաղաղությունը եւ մնալը, Мир и пребывание,, 平和と遵守, 和平與恪守, Aştî û Abad, صلح و عبید, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite, शांति और निवास, Hòa bình và ở lại, Мир и Абиде, שלום און בלייַבן, สันติภาพและการปฏิบัติ, Mir in bivanje,
Yadhum oore yaavarum kelir, “The World Is One Family”
Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE
Click on a link here to share:
This website is not filled with a bunch of “Click-On” ads for the latest in “Toothbrushes” “Fashion” or “Free trips to wherever” generating millions of pesos in income. If you do decide to donate a few Pesos because you enjoy reading my essays, that’s awesome, and I sincerely thank you.
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You can grieve for someone, just don’t take on guilt, THAT belongs to the politicians
Jurassic Park 14 or was it the pizza I had for dinner last night
Love and Forgivness, Hatred and Unforgiveness, Floaters, Sinkers and Houdini
“Turn your grief into action” – President Obama
LOVE TRUMPS HATE! It’s not about Politics or Religion, it is about Love versus Hate
Evolution of our species, Dulcolax, Racism and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
“Spoiler alert…….I’m afraid the joke is on us folks”
PTSD, Outhouses, Potty Training, Olive Oil and shitting in your pants
“Welcome to the 2016 Republican National Constipation! Polar Bear rug and a Stripper Pole”, and Private John Wayne, my 75 year old grandpa who just finished Boot Camp.
“Blame it on the Bossa Nova, and all the fucking idiots”, also, “Stop the killing! Stop the killing! Stop the killing! Stop the killing! Stop the killing!”
The woman crying out, “Stop the killing! Stop the killing! Stop the killing! Stop the killing! Stop the killing! was either the thunderous prayer that God will react to, or that message in and of itself, that miraculously will begin a healing that spreads worldwide. For me, it was simple, yet brilliant, not subtle, but very strong.
This world seems like it’s on a tragic course, no matter who’s God you worship. However, the evolution of our species, from cavemen with clubs, to that really cool secret Laser weapon orbiting our Planet Earth right now, is evolving where evolution unfortunately intends to be. Deadlier, and perhaps not smarter.
SMARTER? I smelled it! I momentarily dealt it! We will evolve, or we will become extinct. Little Bunny Rabbits will inherit the earth! Maybe because no one will be here to turn them into semi-automatic weapons. Here in the good ole United States we can begin by starting the train to an eventual weaponless world. Wouldn’t that be nice? Couldn’t that be possible? Imagine a world without violence. A world without gun violence anyway.
How about that Utopian world of love and peace? Evolution promises that will happen! If we as a species, continue down the wrong track, we will certainly perish. If we do survive, it will only be so if we Love, Forgive, Learn, and Evolve.
Check out this recent post with some futurism thoughts:
I’m so glad I interfaced with other humans tonight on Facebook. It truly inspired me. I also have to give a little credit to that bowl I smoked three hours ago. I also give a lot of credit to Mrs. (I’ll insert her name here when I find it) for yelling, “Stop killing! Stop killing! Stop killing! on some news network on TV. Also on TV, that one dude was right today in saying something like, “it not about guns, it’s about attitudes”. Once we change (evolve) our attitudes, and I add, our spirits, we won’t NEED the guns anymore.
Think about it. If you are a good “Christian” living in a gunless world, would you need a gun? Gandhi didn’t have or need one. I feel bad that he had to walk around barefooted all the time though. We may just wipe out our species with World War Three, but some will survive. And I will bet you it will be the Intelligent folk that survive, not the stupid ones. Also look at one of my previous posts wherein I share more of my Futurists thoughts
Strain: “Sweat off Gandhi’s balls”, harvested “A Velly Velly long time ago”
Gun enthusiasts may say, “You can take away my 30-Round clips, but you ain’t taking my AR-92”. The correct response is, “Keep the Bunny Rabbit, you can’t get bullets for that thing anyway”. If you are using the butt of your pistola for a hammer, make sure it’s not loaded. Wouldn’t that be cool if we evolved to the degree that we all thought a pistol WAS a hammer. Potty time
Afterthought Title: Jesus at the Tittie Bar and the Dudeist Priest
A Rabbi, a Catholic Priest, a Buddhist Priest, and an Atheist are all having drinks at a Tittie bar, I know I know, having a strong discussion about what really are, “The Wages of Sin” and the meeting really was at the bowling alley where the Muslim Amman and the Lutheran Minister were hot at it (bowling). In walks a Transvestite Jesus wearing a tattered old bowling shirt with a big “J” on it. Did I mention he walked thru the wall?
In unison, the Catholic Priest, the Buddhist Priest, the local Butcher, the Muslim Amman and the Bar Tender, the Rabbi, the Atheist and the Lutheran Minister said, “We’re Fucked!”.
The dude wearing a Dudeism T-shirt sitting at the back of the bar says, “Wow man, it’s Jesus! How abide is that? Come on in dude, I hope you brought you’re bowling ball with you! Hey Joe, give Jesus a Virgin Bloody Mary!”.
Lastly, a few quotes from a dude
“Innocence does not play with Madness for very long, Forgiveness does however” – Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD
“You can consider a man wise until he opens his mouth to speak, then you listen, and reconsider your original consideration” – Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD
“Intelligence tends to shy away from Stupidity. I don’t have many stupid friends, I’ve met a lot of stupid people however” – Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD
We sometimes think it is hopeless and against all odds, but hey, we are part of the 99% against the 1% that currently have absolute control. We can and shall overcome the odds, but only if we truly ORGANIZE. Otherwise, we are all just as a “Single Fly, Farting in the Wind”.
For those who have been keeping up with my progress with “The Dead Armadillo” story, here’s my latest:
Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, السلام والالتزام , שלום ושמירה, Paix et Demeure, Խաղաղությունը եւ մնալը, Мир и пребывание,, 平和と遵守, 和平與恪守, Aştî û Abad, صلح و عبید, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite, शांति और निवास, Hòa bình và ở lại, Мир и Абиде, שלום און בלייַבן, สันติภาพและการปฏิบัติ, Mir in bivanje,
Yadhum oore yaavarum kelir, “The World Is One Family”
Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE
Click on a link here to share:
This website is not filled with a bunch of “Click-On” ads for the latest in “Toothbrushes” “Fashion” or “Free trips to wherever” generating millions of pesos in income. If you do decide to donate a few Pesos because you enjoy reading my essays, that’s awesome, and I sincerely thank you.
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Tommy Guns and Paintballs, Bobble Heads, Masturbation and Napalm
It was all part of a new Michael Jackson video…….Oh crap, I forgot! He’s dead! Or did he just fake his death like Elvis?
“The horror……the horror” “like I was shot with a diamond…a diamond bullet right through my forehead”.
“The day before Bernie or Trump was supposed to be elected, I saw a bright flash of light on the eastern horizon. I was going to vote for Bernie”
Rising from the ashes, not Trump, not Bernie. Clinton had to drop out of the race because of the email scandal. The asteroid that hit the earth on November 7th, 2016, (the day before the presidential election), wiped out most of the northeast coast of the United States. The rock the size of Manhattan hit Boston with such force, it moved the earth off it’s axis. The new North Pole is somewhere in Iceland. At least it’s not in Phoenix.
Bernie was on his way back to his home in Vermont from Oregon, when he and the rest of the folks on his plane saw the bright flash in the eastern skies. The pilot did a 180 and left the bright flash in his rear view mirror. If they survived or not is part of another chapter.
The Donald along with close friends and family were in New York City the night the big rock hit. Bill and Hillary were with the Trumps having dinner. They never knew what hit them.
Forty-five million people were vaporized immediately, with another one point six billion people worldwide dying in the initial shockwave, and the aftermath of the incident over three long unbearable months. Ice caps melted quickly, raising the sea levels by thirty feet. What was left of the northeast portion of the United States was now ocean. The initial shock wave reached as far as California, British Columbia, and Central America.
The impact triggered earthquake activity all over the world. The tsunami that hit Europe and the northern portion of the western coast of Africa was three hundred feet high. No part of the earth escaped the effects of the asteroid hit. The skies were darkened and dusk-like for two years. The risen seas began to freeze and the global average temperatures eventually dropped to 48 degrees Fahrenheit. The least effected geographic areas of the globe were Asia and Australia.
The survivors, wherever they popped up, found that they were now without any means of communication with the rest of the lucky ones. Your cell phone was useless in the mountains of Switzerland and Colorado. No longer were there reporters describing the news of the day or any other news, wither it was the BBC in London, CNN from Atlanta, or your local station in San Antonio. However, survivors with short-wave radio sets were able to contact others and share their horror.
End-time “Preppers” in remote areas that survived, began to communicate with each other. If you happened to live in an area of the United States that survived most of the disaster and it’s aftermath, you had no idea what actually happened. “Billy-Bob said it was the Russians. They nuked us, those rotten bastards!”. “Brother, how’s your food and ammo holding out?”. Yes, a vast majority of mankind heard the news pundits discuss the approaching rock, along with the experts that claimed that the asteroid, by their calculations, was going to miss our planet by 12 million miles. The experts were wrong. “Hey Billy Bob? Maybe it was that asteroid thingy that they were talking about?”.
By the time the scientists (astronomers) figured that their calculations were off a few percentage points, it was too late. Most of the smart ones walked out of their observatories and sat on the grass, (or maybe smoked some as well), and waited for it. How glorious they must of felt to witness their first asteroid impact. If you happen to be in Manhattan, when the sky started getting darker you had 30 seconds to look up before the impact. Enough time to say to yourself, “Those asshole scientists were wrong!”
At any rate, there certainly were competing theories to talk about around the campfire if you were a survivor, including an Alien invasion from outer space. Government in the United States and Canada is nonexistent, as well as in most of Europe, northwestern Africa, and the northeastern part of South America.
There is so much destruction worldwide in the aftermath, most surviving governments are limited to the process of helping their own peoples. Religious groups are claiming different things, like the “Second Coming”. The Vatican survived, but even the Pope was having thoughts of extraterrestrial invasion.
Wars and similar conflicts are over. International terrorism is nonexistent. People killing other people for food and water? Yes. Ungoverned Anarchy? Yes. Are you happy that you live in Alaska instead of Los Angeles? Yes. Do we as a species survive and prevail? Yes. After all the aid that the world had received over the years from the United States, countries that somewhat survived begin to send aid to what’s left of the western hemisphere.
Pockets of survivors eventually form rudimentary local governments. The dudes with the most guns and bullets become our re-founding fathers. Life itself becomes more precious than ever. Here in “America”, the new symbol, new flag is a single white star on a black background.
What’s left of regional and international travel by air and other means is severely limited to those parts of the world that suffered the least damage. People from these parts of the globe are at first hesitant to travel to the most damaged parts of the earth mostly out of fear, and lack of information.
Eventually it’s a plane full of explorers and aid from South Korea that fly over the wasteland that once was Southern California and lands in Arizona. Although decimated by earthquakes and fires, they manage to find a place to land on the outskirts of what once was Phoenix.
To be Continued.
About two hours after publishing this post I decided to have a few puffs on my vape (first time after writing the above post), this wonderful John Denver song came to me, or maybe it was the background music for a commercial on TV?
You fill up my senses, like a night in the Boobyhatch, Come fill up my senses, with Dimethylheptylpyran againnnnnnnn
Strain: “R2D2” harvested last night
We sometimes think it is hopeless and against all odds, but hey, we are part of the 99% against the 1% that currently have absolute control. We can and shall overcome the odds, but only if we truly ORGANIZE. Otherwise, we are all just as a “Single Fly, Farting in the Wind”.
For those who have been keeping up with my progress with “The Dead Armadillo” story, here’s my latest:
Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, السلام والالتزام , שלום ושמירה, Paix et Demeure, Խաղաղությունը եւ մնալը, Мир и пребывание,, 平和と遵守, 和平與恪守, Aştî û Abad, صلح و عبید, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite, शांति और निवास, Hòa bình và ở lại, Мир и Абиде, שלום און בלייַבן, สันติภาพและการปฏิบัติ, Mir in bivanje,
Yadhum oore yaavarum kelir, “The World Is One Family”
Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE
Click on a link here to share:
This website is not filled with a bunch of “Click-On” ads for the latest in “Toothbrushes” “Fashion” or “Free trips to wherever” generating millions of pesos in income. If you do decide to donate a few Pesos because you enjoy reading my essays, that’s awesome, and I sincerely thank you.
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“Should I get the hell out? Or become a General some day?” “How about a mandatory psych evaluation?”
I heard the term , “Military Intelligence” on the news tonight which inspired the following. War is STUPID! If you are a WARRIOR, you’re stupid! You’re just as stupid, or psychotic, or both, as that dude that killed 49 people at that Gay nightclub in Orlando. You’ve heard the term, “Military Intelligence?” I wonder if anyone has ever independently given an IQ test to every single man and woman wearing a uniform for our country? No, has never happened.
How about we give that IQ test and a “Psychiatric Evaluation” when they first enlist, the day they retire or exit the “Service”, and every fifth year of service. Why so soon you ask? You can always dodge the IQ test if you choose to do so, just by exiting the military
when your four year hitch is up. We figure it’s a good thing to find out if you learned, increased your “Intelligence Quotient” in four years, i.e., or are you that stupid that you signed on for another four years.
Why every fifth year of service? Do the math, unless you are bare-foot stupid. Like in the fifth year, you really want to know if that person increased their IQ? Or that person is still just as stupid. If that person exits the service he is obligated to take the test regardless. Unlike the “smarter” dude that got out after four years. We have to consider that the dude increased his IQ. Even if it is only by a few percentage points, he got smart enough not to re-enlist.
I would really like all the data compiled into a graph chart and keep collecting the data for twenty years or so. The interesting part would be to actually find out if killing other humans increases your intelligence? Or your chances of having PTSD? Think about it! Is that retiring Four-Star General any smarter than he was the first day of boot-camp?
In all fairness to ALL officers that went through academies or schools, We expect that you will naturally be smarter than that grunt with a high school education that you just commanded to “Charge!”. You happen to be smart enough out of West point to be, and you are, THE order GIVER, NOT, the order TAKER. You are at a high enough rank that precludes you from actually aiming and pulling a trigger. Killing Someone! If you became a civilian soon after killing the enemy, just one other human being, I’d say you got a little smarter, even if only by a point or two.
Even if you started out as an officer and you were the smartest person in your school, the first time you kill, and like it, you are just plain fucking STUPID! Catch my drift? The ability to pull a trigger and take someone’s life, does not require intelligence.

Maybe training with firearms and missile launchers, and how to stick another dummy or used tire, with a bayonet? I don’t think so.
I really am convinced that we have always been savages, since the beginning of time. The fact that as a species, we have evolved, gained, “Guess what?”. Enlightenment! Intelligence! What I am saying is that a fairly good portion of humans are possibly, just possibly, smarter than that idiot with a gun. Smart enough to comprehend that killing someone is just plain old stupid.
I also think that should we survive as a species, we will continue to get smarter, and purposely taking another person’s life will eventually be obsolete. For the stupid ones, no more war!
It took years and a growth in intelligence before man invented the bow and arrow. We and our technology have evolved to the point where we can be sitting in a secure building a thousand miles away, operating that drone that just took out dozens of people.
I think today’s modern deer hunter using a bow is much smarter than that dude with the AR-15 hunting that same deer. I will bet you that my Cousin Barry and his daughter Sam, would never invite Cousin Jack and his AR-15 on their hunting trip.
Reminds me of another whole story. Comparing the hunters that wait for the deer to come to the salt block (lick) while they sit in their deer stand, and a bow hunter that starts at the edge of the field and woods, with camping gear as well, in case they have to or plan to, spend a night or two, until they have their deer. Or a week because that’s how they planned their hunting trip. Canoe and all. You would think my cousin and his daughter were part Chippewa.
I hope my grandson will still be alive when people stop killing other people. It sure as hell isn’t going to happen why I’m still alive. I’ll be lucky I guess, if I witness an Asteroid wiping out all of mankind, or full out Nuclear War, which some of us will survive. The sooner we evolve, the happier I’ll be.
I’m really not an anti-gun activist. I’m an anti-multiple round clips dude and part-time philosopher. I had a NRA patch or whatever they gave you when I was pre-teen and barely had any pubic hair. The second amendment does not give you the right to own your own shoulder-held missile launcher. I will give you a single shot rifle. Your choice of caliber or gauge. Maybe a 3-round clip for your AR-15.
Which comes right back around to our discussion about intelligence or the lack thereof.
How about an IQ test before that person is allowed to purchase or possess a gun? I would add that mandatory psychiatric evaluation. Think about it! ANY person that has “Common Sense” is potentially smarter than that idiot over there with the PHD, and especially the ones that have M.D. after their name.
I am not talking about all Doctors. My former brother-in-law is a pretty smart dude. He makes millions of dollars making balding men and women hairy in the right spots. I once asked ”Uncle Bob” if he had ever transplanted a man’s pubic hair to his upper lip (the dude couldn’t grow a mustache). Once the procedure was finished, the patient kept yanking on his nose, HAHAHAHA! (LOL!)
Certain studies may naturally come with more common sense and exhibit a higher intelligence than say, a PHD in Hotel Management. Compare the PHD in Accounting, with the dude with a degree in Quantum Physics. I have met a lot of highly educated morons.
My baby brother, rest his soul or energy source, never finished the eighth grade, and he was one of the smartest human beings I’ve ever known. I pretty sure this self-taught voracious reader named Johnnie had a much higher IQ than your average politician in Washington, DC. He was super smart and died way too soon and instantly, of an Aneurysm.
Final thought. Next time you happen to see someone entering or leaving a recruiting office, or for that matter, a gun store, think about doing a survey. Three questions. How far did you get in school? Do you know what common sense is? Do you have any guestimate what your I.Q. is? Right it down, make me a chart. If you are stupid, and pass the Psych Test, you’re OK for gun ownership. If you are stupid or smart, and you tortured your neighbor’s cat to death when you were 15, guess what, you ain’t getting a firearm. You more than likely failed the Psych Test.
I got a chuckle tonight, actually 4:15 in the morning, as I was turning off the lights and going to bed, I noticed that I had taped a 8 1/2 by 11 sign next to the A/C thermostat that read, “Turn Off” I did this as a reminder to myself when I go to Los Angeles to visit my kids and grandson, which is usually for at least five days. All lights turned off, and the A/C turned off I jumped in the sack. In the Summer, here in Phoenix, I try to remember to turn the A/C off because at night, I’m not going to lose much of the cool air, at least for several hours.
I started to lay down to go to sleep, and thought to myself, at least I haven’t posted a sign in the bathroom above the toilet that reads, “Wipe Ass”. That would be real “Oldtimers” disease. I did find out that I’ll have to tape up a sign in the bedroom that reads, “Turn Living Room Light On” in large easy to read letters, before I have to navigate over to my couch, as I did so this morning just before dawn in the dark, knocking over a half glass of juice onto the carpet. All because I just HAD to write this thought down as a memo on my cell phone. I LOVE the creative writing process.
Then, once I was finished, I thought I may as well add this to my blog post this morning because at 4:49, I’m still wide awake. I’m not knocking anything over because daylight is streaming past the shutters at 5:30 in the morning. I think I like this post. Ten revisions by 5:30 am.
One last thought for the day at 6:08 am, “Those of you that are free from sin, cast the first stone please”.
Strain: “Double Dream”, harvested May 4th, 2016 (I have to remember this strain) Its was a mild, comfortable, hardly high inspiring strain.
It’s 11 in the morning. After five hours, I discover that I should have left the A/C on. When I turned it off at 5:45 AM, it didn’t take long for the inside temperature to catch up with the outside. Thermostat says 91 degrees. Lesson learned. Usually if I’m not writing, I’m in bed by no later than 9:30 pm and the house stays cool thru the night.
It’s interesting to take note that when I finally did go to bed at 6:00, the arthritic pain in my right hip had receded quite a bit. I believe due to that marvelous strain I vaped last night. Hallelujah!
And you had thought that you were finally going to bed at 6:45 in the morning. You reach for and click the switch on the lamp on your nightstand, and turn the frickin light on because you were momentarily fooled by the full on sunlight. You quickly turn the light off and laugh at yourself. You also notice that the medicinal effects of that very good strain have worn off.
We sometimes think it is hopeless and against all odds, but hey, we are part of the 99% against the 1% that currently have absolute control. We can and shall overcome the odds, but only if we truly ORGANIZE. Otherwise, we are all just as a “Single Fly, Farting in the Wind”.
For those who have been keeping up with my progress with “The Dead Armadillo” story, here’s my latest:
Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, السلام والالتزام , שלום ושמירה, Paix et Demeure, Խաղաղությունը եւ մնալը, Мир и пребывание,, 平和と遵守, 和平與恪守, Aştî û Abad, صلح و عبید, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite, शांति और निवास, Hòa bình và ở lại, Мир и Абиде, שלום און בלייַבן, สันติภาพและการปฏิบัติ, Mir in bivanje,
Yadhum oore yaavarum kelir, “The World Is One Family”
Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE
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