“When I’m elected POTUS……….”

When I get elected, I’m switching out Air Force One. I’m opting for a Stealth Fighter. I don’t need to carry around a bunch of staff and press people. They can still take the old plane. Give me the best TOP GUN pilot there is. We will get to our destination every time, safely, and very quickly. Oh, and yes, I already have my own coffee mug, got it from my buddy Obama the last time I flew with him on Air Force One. Just give me a box of “Sushi to go”, I’ll be happy. Hahahahahaha!


VOTE FOR DR.THOMAS CHARLES SAXE for President of the United States of America on Election Day November 8th, 2016.

I guess it’s a little late to donate to Tom’s Presidential Campaign, so please feel free to donate $5 or $10, $50 or more to Tom’s new teeth,  50% of every dollar donated will go to CASS (Central Arizona Shelter Services), and 50% will be donated to the CASS Dental Clinic for the homeless founded by Dr. Kris Volcheck, checks can be mailed to: Tom Saxe, 11411 North 91st Avenue, Lot 180, Peoria, Arizona 85345

You can also donate and get a free T-Shirt (minimum donation $75) at my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pg/TheBlackLagoon1/shop/?rid=209975146079403&rt=6

You may also donate via PayPal, to Paypal account: tsaxe7211@hotmail.com


Our species has reached an inglorious stage in our evolution. Mankind has always warred with each other over one thing and another, mostly religion. Worldwide, mankind has managed to reach a point of spending Trillions and Trillions of dollars every year on the infrastructure of war, what we call the “War Machine”. Think about it. The HUGE amount of worldwide spending on weapons, and use of those weapons, to kill others of our own species.

Less than 1% of those Trillions are spent on humanitarian causes, or any other causes for that matter. Do the math. What does that say to us as a species? We are our own worst enemy. Other animal, plant and ocean species are being killed off by our selfishness, and we are doing a fairly good job at killing off each other.

Think about what our world would be like if we spent those Trillions of dollars on humanitarian causes, like feeding the hungry, giving water to the thirsty, giving shelter to those less fortunate, curing diseases, building and rebuilding infrastructure. Peace? Anyway, I hope you get the point. I believe we CAN overcome ourselves, in spite of ourselves. We have to start somewhere. Where do we start? Knowledge. Spread the Good Karma. Love one another.

I am an optimist. I believe that as a species, we are about to face a fork in the road of our evolution. I believe that we will take the right path that leads us to a better world, with no war machines, with no more wars, a better life for all.

What is our society coming to that we have a person like Trump as the official Republican nominee for POTUS? And, the polls are so close, it’s crazy. It’s as crazy as me thinking that people are going to “write” my name in on voting day. I can understand why Hillary is running. She’s been a politician most of her life.

The day she left the White House with Bill way back on January 20th, 2001, she said, “One day, someday, this will be my office, and I’ll have my own little Intern under the desk, hahahaha!”…..On the other hand, Trump has been and probably still is, a huge asshole.

You don’t have to be a career politician to run this country! You don’t have to be a television star/businessman to run this country either!

You do have to have “Good” Karma and common sense. ANYONE, I repeat ANYONE, with Good Karma and common sense can gather together a team of like (good karma) people with the right skills to not only run this country, but to also insure that we can, as a species, help the rest of the world strive for peace for all of mankind. Think about it.

We all know what “Branding” is. Coca-Cola, Wheaties, Trump. The use of the name “Kleenex”. Think about politics described as an aircraft, it’s “Left Wing”, “Right Wing”, and both wings are full of gas (shit). I suppose the “Libertarians” are another part of the plane, like the tail-end, the “Green” candidates are like the brakes or whatever. “Redneck Racist Bigots” (and KKK), are another part of the plane, like the toilets (filled with shit). “Black Lives Matter” and ALL groups opposing racial injustice is another section of the plane, like the lighted aisle-ways and overhead storage bins. The average non-prejudiced dudes like myself, we might be the “Fasten Your Seat-belt Signs”…………..

AND for the last eight years, a black dude (Obama) was the first African-American to pilot our plane we call the USA. Obama did a good job piloting our “plane” for the past eight years, in spite of the fact that this plane needed some work done to it to keep it flying. In fact, the last pilot, Bush, left this plane in pretty bad shape.

Folks, more work needs to be done to keep this plane from crashing into the side of some mountain. As a dude who is interested, and concerned about our planet Earth, and the evolution of our species, I hereby ask for your write-in vote on election day. I am confident that I can pilot the USA on to a brighter future for us and future generations.

Oh, and here’s a random photo of someone running for public office who has a very loose sphincter muscle for lips.


One “Funny Face” away from the “Funny Farm, and that’s “Funny as Hell”

When you hear someone say, “THAT WAS FUNNY AS HELL”, or, “IT’S FUNNY AS HELL, AS WELL”.   Is Hell supposed to be funny? Think about it. What’s the oxymoron of it? “IT’S SAD AS HEAVEN”???? Tough question.

The way I used it in a sentence tonight made me ponder…..In a text message to my son I said, “Tonight’s post just might be one of the best posts that I’ve ever written, plus, it’s funny as Hell, as well”.

I tried to look this phrase up tonight, and I defy my friends and readers to find the origin of that phrase. My guess is that it was a popular phrase used in sermons long ago, like, “So you think a monkey trying to masturbate while riding on the back of a Donkey is funny? It’s funny as hell!!”, the priest says.

The preachers are saying, that Hell is NOT funny at all, it’s a dreadful place to go if you spank your monkey in the boy’s bathroom at school, (or you are caught spanking some other boy’s monkey).

Or, the preacher was sermonizing on the evils of adultery and fornication, “You think it’s funny that I caught my wife fucking Dorny Osmont? It’s funny as Hell, my children, let us pray”.

Quietly, the pastor really is thinking, and smiling to himself.  He had been spanking his own monkey for years because his wife no longer loved him, and he was trying to find an excuse to leave the tub-o-lard anyway.

We all may be just one “FUNNY FACE” away from the “FUNNY FARM”, and I think that’s “FUNNY AS HELL”……

I actually wrote part of this in my sleep, and was able to remember, and write those thoughts down when I woke up this morning, and I think that is…………..Wait for it………..Funny as Hell!

So, the next time you are with your friends, and you see something really funny, say the words, “NOW, THAT’S FUNNY AS HELL!!”, then think about the origin of those words. I can guarantee you it WILL start a great conversation, cannabis or no cannabis.

What is our society coming to that we have a person like Trump as the official Republican nominee for POTUS? And, the polls are so close, it’s crazy. It’s as crazy as me thinking that people are going to “write” my name in on voting day. I can understand why Hillary is running. She’s been a politician most of her life.

The day she left the White House with Bill January 20th, 2001, she said, “One day, someday, this will be my office, and I’ll have my own little Intern under the desk, hahahaha!”…..On the other hand, Trump has been and probably still is, a huge asshole.

You don’t have to be a career politician to run this country! You don’t have to be a television star/businessman to run this country either!

You do have to have “Good” Karma and common sense. ANYONE, I repeat ANYONE, with Good Karma and common sense can gather together a team of like (good karma) people with the right skills to not only run this country, but to also insure that we can, as a species, help the rest of the world strive for peace for all of mankind. Think about it.

Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, السلام والالتزام , שלום ושמירה, Paix et Demeure, Խաղաղությունը եւ մնալը, Мир и пребывание,, 平和と遵守, 和平與恪守, Aştî û Abad, صلح و عبید, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite, शांति और निवास, Hòa bình và ở lại, Мир и Абиде, שלום און בלייַבן, สันติภาพและการปฏิบัติ, Mir in bivanje,

Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE


Some immediate needs. On a volunteer basis for now, we need a WEBMASTER who can work on the ITAD-NAO website, we need a person skilled in “Crowd-Funding” and “Director of Charitable Giving”, we need an attorney to help in the legal matters for ITAD_NAO, including setting us up as a tax-exempt “Church”, we need a Certified CPA to insure the financial integrity of the ITAD-NAO organization, we need a “Chief of Security”, we need a film-maker, first for YouTube, eventually for larger platforms, plus a few other positions. We believe that somewhere down the road, a Billionaire will step up to the plate and write a check for $50 Million or so, which will turn those volunteer positions into paid positions.


And now for an unpaid advertisement:

For my faithful readers that are aware that I’m finally working on “The Dead Armadillo” story, like say, a Producer, or a Director, or a Screenwriter or someone or a company that desires to option my novel, you can contact me at any time, night or day. If you are a one of those faithful readers that wish to read and follow my progress as I work on this novel, I will be posting updates as a PDF file on every new post on this website/blog. Here’s the latest of “The Dead Armadillo”


For those of you that would care to get involved with me on this project, as I intend to hire a professional screenwriter at some point, and produce a feature film, I have recently been approved for a KICKSTARTER campaign where you can contribute. Here is the link to the KICKSTARTER campaign.



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    The photos ALONE speak to ALL of mankind, no written words needed in this post



    Now a word from our sponsor, or I could say, “Now that I have your attention….

    I just felt like posting this other little message, and photo, because Facebook shut me down for 72 hours earlier in the week. This image was part of my primary post on my website, so the dudes and dudettes who are supposed to be monitoring for obscene materials of a sexual are taboo body parts like tits and a dick being rubbed together, or maybe a naughty photo of two dogs fucking, decided that Trump’s tiny mouth looked to much like a really tight asshole, which I think is quite unfair, and maybe political on their part, soooooooo having said that here’s the photo. Enjoy! P. S. This saying, “You just might NOT be a Moon Crater”, being a polite way to tell a redneck he’s a fucking asshole. Spread the saying, and the love……..


    Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness is supposed to be free

    Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness is supposed to be free. Free from politics, free from religion, free from hatred, free from anarchy and bigotry. Whatever your beliefs, if they do not stifle or prevent someone else’s beliefs, or their pursuit of, Life, Liberty, and Happiness, you should be OK.

    Obviously we are talking about the normal, not the abnormal. Mental illness aside, As soon as your NORMAL beliefs prevent other people from enjoying THEIR “Life”, THEIR “Liberty”, and THEIR “PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS”, you have failed the basics of humanity. If your religion persecutes people that worship differently than you do, you have failed the basics of humanity. If your system of government does not allow people their human rights and liberties, it has failed the basic tenants of humanity.

    Our founders envisioned a new, free, nation, under GOD (whatever your beliefs), indivisible, with LIBERTY and JUSTICE for ALL. What do you think was their idea of the “Pursuit of Happiness”? It is absolutely absurd how far we have come as a species. The absurdity is how negative, as well as how positive.

    Landing on the moon and returning to earth (some still think it was filmed on a sound-stage in Hollywood). The eradication of diseases like Polio. And we can still strategically bomb the shit out of some dude with a pilot-less drone. Did they say that it was a strategic air strike? Yes. Was it strategic? Only if you don’t include the thirty or so innocent women and children who also were in the house you vaporized a minute ago, when you pulled the trigger from a couple of thousand miles away.

    The world is full of good people and a few bad apples. I tend to believe that the Rothschild’s, Rockefeller’s and the small handful of families that are in the top 1% of the 1% could be pulling a few strings here and there, but in fact, I think they could care less what is going on in our world. Just don’t try to take away their stockpiles of gold. Why do you think China and Russia are buying tons of gold right now?

    I would like to think that the descendants of the elite will wake up someday and decide to do a Warren Buffet and give their wealth back to ordinary people, in specific ways, like food for the starving, things like clean water, shelter, medicine, etceteras.

    Does it really matter that if on paper, you own a few acres in Kansas, or a few million acres of land in Montana or Zimbabwe? Soon as the real collapse of our societies begins, you better have a massive army to defend your Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness, Or at least a self-sustaining underground bunker (didn’t work for Adolf Hitler however).

    The elite, if there is such a thing (NWO) has slowly been lobotomizing mankind via the Military/Industrial complex, the Pharmaceutical industry, giants like Monsanto, and extremely clever (and dangerous) propaganda machines feeding us the “News”, (add others here).

    I can’t leave out mankind’s obsession with GOD. As I have mentioned in previous posts, throughout known history, our species has been split among many different religious beliefs, and the greatest of them have conquered and killed millions of opposing religious groups in the name of “Their” God.

    If only the American Indians would have had a few tactical ERW’s (Enhanced Radiation Weapons). Then there are the few that “Lived” non-violent lives, and taught us how to love and respect ALL people, (place names here). The words of love and peace that have remained undistorted throughout our history, are the words all mankind should hope for and live by.

    Whether it’s in a war-ravaged part of the world like Syria or your hometown of Billings, Montana, our goal as a species should be to end all wars, to love all people, to care for each other and to care about our planet. It’s not about the re-distribution of wealth as we know it, it’s about the sharing of ourselves with one another without malice aforethought.

    If you are in a position to give to those less fortunate than you, you will find tremendous satisfaction in doing so. Contribute to our species in positive lasting ways without expectations of reward. You may not be a wealthy person when your body gives up, but you will be a happy person.

    When I’m elected (Pun Intended), I promise a non-invasive, nonsurgical Lobotomy for every man and woman who doesn’t vote for me. “Lobotomidicin” the single pill, single dose alternative for people who really need a Lobotomy, but didn’t know it.

    “Here Billy Bob, take this tiny little pill, it’s HUGE! You will feel GREAT again”, “By the way, see that bus coming this way? That bus will take you to your new town”, “Nahhhhhhh, You don’t need to pack a lunch, I promise”. “Just follow the red line there on the ground, get on the bus, you’ll do fine, say hello to the Donald for me”.

    In other words, look around you, look at where we are as a species, and seriously ask yourselves if this is where we should be at in this place in our history. Is there something you can do about it? Three answers. Yes, no, and maybe, you decide. To be continued………..

    Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, السلام والالتزام , שלום ושמירה, Paix et Demeure, Խաղաղությունը եւ մնալը, Мир и пребывание,, 平和と遵守, 和平與恪守, Aştî û Abad, صلح و عبید, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite, शांति और निवास, Hòa bình và ở lại, Мир и Абиде, שלום און בלייַבן, สันติภาพและการปฏิบัติ, Mir in bivanje,


    For those of you that have enjoyed reading my posts and pages, and would like to make a small donation in support of my writing efforts, I have now set up a PayPal account for you to contribute $1 or so, or you can send some homemade Venison Jerky or Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups , your donation is 100% tax deductible. The preceding request for donations has always been my half-hearted attempt to make a little money from my writing. A few friends/relatives HAVE sent small donations, I even received some really good Venison Jerky one time from my Cousin Barry. No Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups yet however. I now add that IF you are like-minded and in agreement with this post, please donate to the cause. The monies will be used for things like hiring a professional web designer for the itad-nao website, and related needs.

    All we need is ONE filthy-rich donor who doesn’t have his/her head stuck up their ass to fund the itad-nao website, several “Brick & Mortar” locations around the globe, and about 1,000 or so of those para-military dudes. Thank you very much.

    Postscript September 15, 2019

    We sometimes think it is hopeless and against all odds, but hey, we are part of the 99% against the 1% that currently have absolute control. We can defeat the nwo, but only if we truly ORGANIZE. Otherwise, we are all just as a “Single Fly, Farting in the Wind”. This is about the survival of our species. Some thoughts on possible miracles/solutions can be found on the following GOFUNDME page. Please visit and read this entire GOFUNDME proposal before you make any judgement, comment or decision. If you have questions, suggestions, comments, etcetera, please send me an email or fill out the contact form below. Thank you.  Thank you. Here’s the link:






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      “Law & Order, Crime & Punishment”, According to all the Rich White Dudes, and…..All the rest of us, of all races, colors and creeds that are tired of being your slaves

      How come we don’t hear more about perverts or pedophiles that are NOT “Christian”. I’m sure there are some, but you never hear about the Atheist or the Muslim perverts, or the Buddhists perverts and pedophiles because they are all alone, and not a pastor or priest of some church. The only Mormon perverts you HEAR about, are those dudes fucking 12 year old girls, on an altar (bed) in the front of their “church”.

      They are out there folks, many in prison (some should be medically institutionalized), and probably just as many of them standing in front of you at the grocery store check-out line. Just the same, there ARE scores of perverts and pedophiles standing in churches all over the world as I write this, waving their hands back and forth, eyes closed, heads lifted up, singing, chanting, speaking in some unknown (but widely mimicked) “Tongue” or “Language.

      Don’t let that friendly young man (who says he’s planning to go to a seminary) standing next to you, babysit little Johnnie. Just saying, we only hear about the “Christian” dudes (church leader dudes) who garner all the publicity when they are caught with a hooker, like Jimmy Swaggart, (what’s wrong with that, really?) or the pastor who is caught on camera, sucking on some other dude’s dick, (really, what’s wrong with that?), if it’s love, so be it.

      Now, we obviously draw the line at perverts and pedophiles. If some dude rapes and kills a child, male OR female, that dude deserves the maximum penalty that we can assess as a society. If he is a priest, and he loves, literally, young boys OR girls in a pedophilic manner, my vote would be to place him with all the non-pastoral pedophile dudes in a mental institution. Let them figure it out from there. Not in a general prison.

      We all know what happens to the perverts and pedophiles in a regular prison. Eventually, some semi-normal dude, that’s only shot three people to death over a package of Twinkies, will stick a shiv in that child Fucker. So be it, but I really think that these perverted and pedophilic tendencies are desires devised out of a mental deficiency or disorder, i.e., it’s not NORMAL.

      So don’t put Father Lenczycki, OR Jose, in a cell with Bubba, who is twice their size, and lost a son in Iraq. You may as well give that pervert or pedophile a knife so he can cut his own throat.  Even if you give the dude a life sentence, please, put him in a mental facility, NOT a prison. Now, if that semi- normal dude happened to choke the shit out of 37 women, and used their skin to make slip covers for his furniture, he’s really NOT semi-normal, is he, he’s fucking nuts! Stick him in the Booby-hatch. That’s what they should have done with Dahmer. He was one CRAZY dude.

      The “Real” prisons should be filled with real criminals, not people caught with some dope. Secondly, “Real” prisons should be paid for, perhaps, with some kind of tax on people making in excess of, pick a number, one million Dollars? After all, it was partially the fault of all the rich fuckers that the poor people have to rob a gas station in order to feed their families.

      Let me splain that a little. Rich Fucker owns a sweat shop in Queens manufacturing women’s bras, time comes when he has to “Lay Off” half of his employees. Mamasita just lost her $7.47 cents per hour job, her flaky husband’s unemployment ran out 2 years ago, and they have six kids, all under 12.

      Jose, who really isn’t a career criminal, happens to be Hispanic, or African American, or WHATEVER, JUST NOT WHITE. He wakes up one morning and says to himself, “Self, I really don’t need a gun to rob the 7-11 down the street”. After all, Lakshay, his pot smoking buddy from India who clerks the store after midnight every night except Thursday, will certainly hand over all the money, right?

      No. Lakshay by the way, even though his name means, “Target”, and in spite of giving you free beers at night when you and a few buddies are smoking a little weed in the back room, feels a little betrayed, so he hits you on the head with a short baseball bat (kiddie size) and KNOCKS YOU OUT! You wake up in the back seat of a police cruiser.

      Your buddy, Lakshay, pretends he doesn’t know you at all, despite all the great Cannabis you have shared with him, and the deep deep discount you gave him on weed, “Officer, I really don’t know him. Yes. He does shop here, but I never thought I would be robbed by him. Yes. I hit him with my little bat”, all this said in an excellent Indian or Pakistani accent.

      Now, Jose, who truly has never committed a robbery in his life, (sold some weed however), is given 15 years and sent to a “Real” prison, where he learns how to be a “Real” criminal. Think about it. That’s how the justice system works in America.

      Those rich fuckers that I mentioned earlier, they never have to worry about having to earn a living, because they OWN the fucking factory, wither it’s a factory making clothes, dish soap, or Cheerios, the rich don’t have the same worries as the working poor. The rich do not have to worry if their son or daughter is caught dealing H or perhaps they just killed three people while driving intoxicated, or your Football hero son just got away with raping an unconscious Co-Ed at a Frat party.

      They have the MONEY for the good attorneys, PLUS they’re WHITE. Go figure. So yes, our entire outlook towards “Crime and Punishment, and our justice system needs an overhaul. Again, the perverts and pedophiles belong in the same nut house you just sent Father William to for fucking little boys.

      What about Jose you ask? Why should you care? Except when he gets out six years later, “rehabilitated”, having learned from the best of them (criminals), goes out a week later, and robs that same 7-11 store, this time by gunpoint, and shoots his old buddy Lakshay in the head with a 12 gauge, sawed-off shotgun, messy, but effective.

      Remember now, that Jose originally wasn’t a bad dude. Lazy? Yes. Criminal? Not really, until he first stepped over the line and got a huge knot on his head as a result of his first robbery attempt. Could Jose have come out of prison, still a good karma dude? Of course. Let’s pretend he did. His 12 year old daughter, Alexandria, is now 18, and pregnant, his wife Angelina still loves him, even though she WAS fucking Jose’s cousin Albert while he was in prison those six years.

      Even in whatever negative situation Jose comes home to, regardless of wither he found Jesus or not, the odds are against him if he’s a nice dude, but still a lazy Fucker. Teach people GOOD skills while they are in prison. How about Bill & Melinda Gates donating towards prison programs that teach people enough for a four-year degree in Information Technology, and a Microsoft Certification?

      Wouldn’t that be cool for all the Jose’s and Jeremiahs, and Johnsons, and……You get the point. Think about it. Don’t just create jobs for America’s main population of jobless. Use prison labor to help repair our roads and infrastructure, some of those “closed” factories might just reopen. Our bridges would be updated, repaired, even rebuilt. Our transportation systems would be reconstructed. And above all, while doing all this, our prison populations will be reduced, and crime will be reduced.

      More and more people will be back to work. Poverty, hunger, all the things we despise as a human species, will be reduced dramatically. Back to the perverts and pedophiles, stick them in a Mental Hospital environment, NOT a prison. More than likely, for the “Real” crazies, they can never really adjust to society, so leave the really incurable crazies, perverts and pedophiles hospitalized.

      Think about it. More jobs. Train the Bubba’s to be guards, AND therapists. Imagine if you will, a dude who really is a good karma dude, but made a mistake and served six years in San Quentin. Under my system, he has now re-entered society as a guard AND a licensed therapist for the perverts and crazies at the local Booby-hatch.

      There is much to be done, with so many things in our societies and cultures, can we lead the world in making positive changes to benefit ALL mankind? YES. Just my thoughts tonight, inspired by another persons post on Facebook. Part of my ongoing series about the evolution of our species.

      Strain: Bubbadust 2,  harvested September 12, 2016

      P. S. Again: I felt it was important for people to read this particular comment from Stephen Waters on Facebook. This is what my blog is all about folks, sharing opinions, thoughts, brain farts, and especially comments like the following

      Stephen Waters Interesting read. I love your narrative writing style. It’s just descriptive enough to take you there. I fully agree with therapy for pedophiles, studies indicate their attraction to children may have a biological basis and trauma sourced Origin. I also think every person that goes to prison should earn a college degree including people that will never leave prison. Learning does incredibly good things to both how the brain functions and the student’s outlook on life. Unfortunately many people do earn degrees in prison, some rather advanced, and still can’t find employment because of the stigma having served time carries. But instead of making them prison guards, make them paralegals and attorneys. Could you imagine how drastically different our legal system would be if most lawyers and even some judges were veterans of the big house? They would truly understand what rehabilitation is all about in America. Keep writing! Too many people accept what they cannot change when they should be changing what they cannot accept. Note October 2018: Thank you Stephen, wherever you now are, be at Peace. Stephen passed on some time after he had made this comment. I didn’t stay in touch with him because farcecrap had deleted my original profile/page back in August of 2018 (along with my “Friend’s List”).  If you click on his name/link above it will take you to a “Memorial” page.

      Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, السلام والالتزام , שלום ושמירה, Paix et Demeure, Խաղաղությունը եւ մնալը, Мир и пребывание,, 平和と遵守, 和平與恪守, Aştî û Abad, صلح و عبید, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite, शांति और निवास, Hòa bình và ở lại, Мир и Абиде, שלום און בלייַבן, สันติภาพและการปฏิบัติ, Mir in bivanje,

      Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE

      ITAD-NAO Home

      Some immediate needs. On a volunteer basis for now, we need a WEBMASTER who can work on the ITAD-NAO website, we need a person skilled in “Crowd-Funding” and “Director of Charitable Giving”, we need an attorney to help in the legal matters for ITAD_NAO, including setting us up as a tax-exempt “Church”, we need a Certified CPA to insure the financial integrity of the ITAD-NAO organization, we need a “Chief of Security”, we need a film-maker, first for YouTube, eventually for larger platforms, plus a few other positions. We believe that somewhere down the road, a Billionaire will step up to the plate and write a check for $50 Million or so, which will turn those volunteer positions into paid positions.


      And now for an unpaid advertisement:

      For my faithful readers that are aware that I’m finally working on “The Dead Armadillo” story, like say, a Producer, or a Director, or a Screenwriter or someone or a company that desires to option my novel, you can contact me at any time, night or day. If you are a one of those faithful readers that wish to read and follow my progress as I work on this novel, I will be posting updates as a PDF file on every new post on this website/blog. Here’s the latest of “The Dead Armadillo”


      For those of you that would care to get involved with me on this project, as I intend to hire a professional screenwriter at some point, and produce a feature film, I have recently been approved for a KICKSTARTER campaign where you can contribute. Here is the link to the KICKSTARTER campaign.



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        How to eat Lindor’s Chocolate Truffles to the tune of the “Deafening Silence”, and asking Bill Clinton for his Drivers License

        Continue reading How to eat Lindor’s Chocolate Truffles to the tune of the “Deafening Silence”, and asking Bill Clinton for his Drivers License

        “Jesus, give me a break!”, or “Keep it under a bushel NO! I’m gonna let it shine, shine, shine”

        A King or Queen sits in judgment over some poor soul and screams, “Off with his head!”. Same thing today. People in power are quietly saying to their minions, “He has to be stopped”, and that poor soul is run over by a train. Suicide they said. Or it’s some evil asshole who doesn’t want the truth to be known, so he has someone eject you from a Sunday morning worship service.

        Someone from my distant past responded privately on Facebook today to my comment to a post of his about the higher price of gas in California, blaming the Democrats.

        This is a dude, who at the time in 1977 was a youth pastor at the church that I had attended before my two year visit to Nashville. Upon attending a Sunday morning worship service at my home church for the first time in two years, this particular “Youth Pastor” was instructed to show me the “Love of Jesus”, and to eject me from the church service, i.e, show me where the door was, physically if necessary. I went quietly without a struggle on my part.

        More and more today, I think that stupidity is genetic, and possibly linked to Religion, or eating too many Twinkies, or both. I have known far too many “Christians” that have publicly portrayed a Jesus-like persona, while deliberately fucking up other people’s lives, doing shit that they KNOW they can wipe away simply by asking “God” to forgive them.

        Never mind that they demonstrated evil incarnate to other people, these Assholes made themselves feel good, AFTER the evil (Insert Bad Karma here) simply by crying their “Sin”, away. Good example, that famous televangelist caught with a hooker. Getting caught with a hooker in a motel Room?  Who cares.

        Our concern with that particular evangelist should be, what else has he done with his Bad Karma? I could care less who sucks his dick, as long as HE is paying for it, but I bet the $200 for the hooker came from the offering plates. Yes, good Christians, YOU paid for that blowjob!

        Good Karma, Bad Karma. So, this private message from this so called “Christian”, If it would have been me responding to my comment, I would have kept it in the string of PUBLIC comments.

        Instead, he thought he would give me his “FEELINGS”, privately, so no one else could see it. At that moment, I felt like that expression, when Mr. T said, “I pity the poor fool”. Is he afraid that if this private conversation was public, that many folks out there would agree with me?

        Here is the beginning chain of comments along with the image he posted. Mind you, I believe that everyone is free to express their particular beliefs, right or wrong. I left their spelling and grammar errors in.

        The original author said, (Names changed to protect the innocent)

        Pastor BlaBlaBla: Gas price in Arizona $.50 a gallon cheaper than California. Time to run Democrats out of office in Sacramento!!

        First Respondent: Why blame only Democrats Pastor. How can you forget the construction of the Government, the body consists of Democrats, Righteous Republicans and Independent. Do you think as a whole, democrats are the problem for all the societies illness. Hiding under the second amendment …….anything constructive do the Republican brings to the table to help the society. Sorry Pastor, we still love you and respect you. Blessings.XXXXXXX

        Pastor BlaBlaBla:    I know XXXXX that many of California’s problems were made with bipartisan votes, easing regulations on divorce and pro-abortion but since Democrats took over they have single handedly raised gas prices, taxes and put us in a debt that will bankrupt us. They have put so much regulation on business that we have become the least friendly state in which to do business. Are you happy paying $10 more per tank than our neighbors while Brown is pushing for another $8 per tank. The biggest thing Republicans try to do is keep reasonable limits on spending. They are the only ones that ever talk about balancing the budget. You and I have to, why does government get to keep spending more than they take in?

        First Respondent: Dear Pastor. We are in 2016…Good old days of Regan Era is vanished, the population has changed. Only rich get richer. Is it because of Democrats, why the middle class is vanishing. I am nearing 70, still working, pay check to pay check…it is high to blame one party or the other. The country lost God’s favor. Tell me Pastor, what Jesus will do in this situation. Does He shoe compassion or throw everyone to the ocean or burn everyone who do evil or does He show some Love and Mercy. I am sure He will intercede for them, restore them. Bigotry and isolation only incite fear and instability. Let us pray for our country rather than hate and discrimination and drive away people to do evil. Politicians ONLY POLLUTE THE SITUATION, INSTEAD OF PROVIDING LEADERSHIP. When people loose hope they do evil things. So, letbus unite and pray for our country and leaders whether they are Democrat or Republican. God is in control, He appoint to lead and dispose them when they are not in His will. Things will take place according to His plan and purpose. Just pray always. Love. and Blessings.

        Pastor BlaBlaBla: Just throwing more money to people who don’t try to earn it is not compassion. Jesus would say, “If a man doesn’t work he doesn’t eat.” Democrats create more and more dependency. Truth is that it not just the rich who get richer in America, it the poor who chose to work who get richer all the time. If politician only pollute why vote?

        2nd respondent to Pastor BlaBlaBla: you need to move to Texas is great here:) And lower taxes and cost of living.

        Me, to First respondent: Basically, being a “Christian” does NOT necessarily prevent you from being an extremely evil asshole. I knew one many years ago. He was an elder at XXXXXXXX Lutheran Church in San Pedro. He was as about as evil as they come. It’s not about who or what you worship, it’s truly about how you treat others you come in contact with, and how you treat the planet. tcsblog.net Watch, Pastor BlaBlaBla  is going to delete my comment.

        Pastor BlaBlaBla indeed DID delete my above comment.  So much for honesty, transparency, and showing the love of Jesus.

        Here is the text of Pastor BlaBlaBla’s private message to me:

        Pastor BlaBlaBla: Of course I’m going to delete public slander. If you want to bring up something horrible from your past I’m open to hear your concern but there is a right and wrong way to have a discussion

        My response, privately: You can’t handle the truth

        Pastor BlaBlaBla: Try me

        My response, privately: You can read all about it on my next blog post

        And he said I was slandering? How is telling the truth slander?

        The “Christians” I am referring to, would say, “Tom needs to forgive those who have transgressed against him”. It’s not about forgiveness at all. I forgave the person that killed my mother. It IS about the karma thing, and the ridiculous notion that people have that they can publicly declare themselves followers of Jesus, or any other good karma dude, and at the same time, continue to privately be, Assholes.

        In closing, I am reminded of an old children’s Sunday School song, “Keep it under a bushel NO! I’m gonna let it shine, shine, shine”.

        Postscript: A person who exercises their power or superiority over another person, or a whole group of people, or a whole country of people, becomes a Tyrant if he or she decides that your opinion doesn’t matter to them. Even more, is the Tyrant who believes that a whole country of people doesn’t matter any more.

        The only people the Tyrant cares about are the few that follow, even worship, and does their bidding. Take a look throughout history at all the leaders who had the power to say, “Off with his head!”, to the poor soul that expressed his opinion in front of the King, or Dictator, Pope, Drug Kingpin, or Youth Pastor, or whomever was reveling in his or her own power.

        Likewise, you can listen to ANYONE who is denying someone else’s rights, someone else’s opinion, and waddayaknow, you’re listening to a Tyrant. If all you are doing is peacefully sharing your feelings and opinions about something, and they throw your ass in jail, or at the very least, spray you with their chemicals, right then you know you are facing tyrants.

        If all you are doing is purposely exposing a dude for being not only a hypocritical asshole, he’s a hypocritical criminal asshole who knowingly bought stolen goods from some LA harbor longshoremen. Your reward for being honest? Being physically removed from your church.

        While you are physically being shown the door, all the good “Christians”, good flock (sheep) that they are, look away, ignoring you, because as the Elder told you privately, “Nobody will believe you, look at you. Look at me, I’m an elder. This is MY church”.

        Two years earlier, in this private meeting with the Elder, you sheepishly bring up, “What do you think Jesus would say about you being a hypocritical thief?”  And this holy elder says, “Fuck Jesus! I don’t believe in that religious bullshit, and no one is going to believe you! I’ll make sure you never step inside MY church again!”

        So you go to Nashville for two years. When you come back, you are physically ejected from HIS church.

        Don’t forget, if you are not an Angel, think about it, “You’re NOT, a Moon Crater either”. (Insert mental image of your own butthole, anus/asshole here, or go back and look at the “Unknown” Asshole in my previous post).

        Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, السلام والالتزام , שלום ושמירה, Paix et Demeure, Խաղաղությունը եւ մնալը, Мир и пребывание,, 平和と遵守, 和平與恪守, Aştî û Abad, صلح و عبید, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite, शांति और निवास, Hòa bình và ở lại, Мир и Абиде, שלום און בלייַבן, สันติภาพและการปฏิบัติ, Mir in bivanje,

        Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE

        ITAD-NAO Home

        Some immediate needs. On a volunteer basis for now, we need a WEBMASTER who can work on the ITAD-NAO website, we need a person skilled in “Crowd-Funding” and “Director of Charitable Giving”, we need an attorney to help in the legal matters for ITAD_NAO, including setting us up as a tax-exempt “Church”, we need a Certified CPA to insure the financial integrity of the ITAD-NAO organization, we need a “Chief of Security”, we need a film-maker, first for YouTube, eventually for larger platforms, plus a few other positions. We believe that somewhere down the road, a Billionaire will step up to the plate and write a check for $50 Million or so, which will turn those volunteer positions into paid positions.


        And now for an unpaid advertisement:

        For my faithful readers that are aware that I’m finally working on “The Dead Armadillo” story, like say, a Producer, or a Director, or a Screenwriter or someone or a company that desires to option my novel, you can contact me at any time, night or day. If you are a one of those faithful readers that wish to read and follow my progress as I work on this novel, I will be posting updates as a PDF file on every new post on this website/blog. Here’s the latest of “The Dead Armadillo”


        For those of you that would care to get involved with me on this project, as I intend to hire a professional screenwriter at some point, and produce a feature film, I have recently been approved for a KICKSTARTER campaign where you can contribute. Here is the link to the KICKSTARTER campaign.



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          “I don’t care about the color of your skin” and, “I don’t care about the color of YOUR skin either”, then we both laughed, and ordered another Black Label on the Rocks

          This edit added on July 13th, 2020:

          I’m really appalled at the rampant racism (from EVERYONE) that we have been seeing for several weeks now. Ever since the beginning, after the murder of George Floyd, (if it was a real murder and not part of just another PYSOP False Flag to turn us against each other). This addition to my essay is not about ANY conspiracy theory however, it IS about the insanity of “Bad Apples spoiling the entire basket”.
          It’s okay to protest “Police Brutality” or unlawful acts perpetrated upon average citizens by the few “Bad Apple” members of Law Enforcement. Demonstrate, wave your signs, march on your city’s “Hall of Justice”, your Mayor’s Office, your Police Departments, but, and it’s a BIG BUTT, the moment YOU break the law and burn, pillage and hurt other people, you have accepted the “Game Plan” of those few bad apples, the outsiders, that purposely infiltrated your otherwise peaceful (and justified) protests.
          Don’t you have enough common sense and decency to see that? As individuals, many folks are on the “Fence” between peacefully protesting, and committing acts of violence. They have a right to protest, but, and it’s another BIG BUTT……a lawful, peaceful protest is NOT a license for violence, in ANY form, and the idiots who advocate and encourage violence, including many politicians and others in positions of authority (shockingly), are just wrong, wrong in every way.
          The absolute worst part is that many of the “Bad Apples” DO come from your own neighborhoods, i.e., they are “Home Grown”. They potentially were not bad to begin with, they were just set off, i.e., someone pushed them off that fence in the wrong direction. Their potential for common sense and decency gave way to their life-long bitterness, anger, and frustration. They gave in to the outside sinister influences as they were encouraged to contribute violence and mayhem, instead of maintaining a peaceful platform and regimen. The “Riders on the Fence” in many of life’s situations really don’t have a choice as to which side of the fence they ultimately fall over, and it’s easier to be pushed towards the wrong side of the fence than the right side.
          The “Outsiders” wanted YOU to break the windows, wanted YOU to set the fires to businesses and vehicles, wanted YOU to loot the local places of business, carrying off boxes of Nike Jordans, TV sets, whatever.  Guess what? Those businesses that you looted and burned, in many cases, they were owned by decent hard-working people from your very own neighborhoods. Your Mama must be so proud, trust me, people of ALL colors and ethnic backgrounds are NOT proud, they are disgusted with the outcome of the so-called, “Peaceful” protests. 

          The reason I write this addendum to my story about Kenny Strong, my second-best friend in my life, is because I have had about enough of seeing the “BAD APPLES” beating up or murdering other individuals. People that did NOT deserve to be hospitalized or murdered as a result of this mutual SICKNESS called RACISM. You can say that you were/are a “product” of your “environment”, obviously people, some more than others, are not treated equally, that’s the reason for protesting, demonstrating, marching, and holding up your signs……PEACEFULLY.

          There ARE MANY people that DO agree with your cause, for your right to protest, many people of ALL ethnic backgrounds do care, but, and here’s another BIG BUTT, I would just bet you that if you are pushed off that “fence”, and falling onto the wrong side into that trap of violence, your parents, and your Grandparents, more than likely are not and will not, be proud of you. How can anyone be proud that you took part in beating an 80-year-old man half to death just because he’s white, or killing an oriental man that was trying to defend his little donut shop that you ultimately burned to the ground……Or shooting an unarmed 24-year-old mother of a three year old child to death simply because she said “All lives matter”. Oh, and that one is not fake news, here’s a link to the story:

          Indy mother becomes 2nd homicide along downtown canal in 1 week


          Bottom line is all of this racism, from ALL sides has to end. The majority of the folks desire a peaceful resolution to this nonsense. So, instead of blaming the “Other” side, how about we all work together to come to a peaceful conclusion? Before you label ME a racist, please read the following essay about my wonderful buddy Kenny Strong:

          This is a short story about my good friend, Kenneth Strong, with a few life lessons thrown in. Although they could’ve been twins, Kenny wasn’t a Sammy Davis Jr., married to a white chick, hanging out with the Rat pack. Not disparaging Sammy, I was a big fan of him, Sinatra, and Dean Martin.  I actually can say that Sammy’s daughter was a neighbor and friend, and that his grandson Sam, remains a close friend of my daughter’s to this day. The only similarities between the two of them, was the fact that Kenny was small like Sammy, five foot four or so, and they both could dance like champs. Oh yeah, the other difference? Even though he couldn’t carry a tune in a shoe if his life depended on it, Kenny still enjoyed going to Karaoke with me.

          His weight and height was proportional up until when his emphysema progressed. Before he died, he had lost fifty pounds and was skin and bones, ninety-eight pounds (easy to carry up and down the stairs). In his healthy years, Kenny was a muscular dude who worked out and ran a mile every day. Kenny, was an ex-marine and veteran of the Korean War, loved his country and eventually became one of my closest friends. In spite of the fact that when I met him face to face for the first time, I thought he was the biggest asshole I had ever met in my whole life.


          Kenny was the only person of color working in his department, so he was an anomaly of sorts. In fact, at that time, there were very few people of color that had risen the ranks and climbed the “Ladder” of success like Kenny had. He wasn’t sweeping the floor, or taking out the trash, he was responsible for administering the procurement of millions of dollars in high tech equipment and support for a globally recognized company. I was a sales dude at the time,  and my company had not seen any business from Kenny’s company in many years. Our only competitor had 100% of the business.

          After many phone calls to try to get in to see him, (they where in upstate NY), I made the trip from California to New York twice with appointments to finally see him. Both times he blew me off with lame excuses. First time, I was told that he had called in sick. Second time, he was there. When I spoke to him from the lobby, he blew me off again, asking me, “Can you come back next week?”. Kenny knew that I had flown cross country to see him. Lets just say that I was just a little pissed. Patient, but pissed. The third trip was successful, however disappointing.

          Lets just say that for the average salesman, it wasn’t just disappointing, it was devastating. I stood in the entry of his cubicle for what seemed like several minutes. “Thank you so much for taking the time to see me this morning”, I stated nervously to no avail. No response from Kenny. It’s as if I wasn’t standing there, gazing at all the accolades and awards on the walls. Glancing at his “Employee of the Year” award,  his Bachelors Degree, and all the other plaques, and then looking back at Kenny, I said to myself, “He can’t be hard of hearing, can he?” Lack of peripheral vision?

          He was sitting there typing two-finger style, staring at his computer. So I took a few steps to the side chair alongside his desk, and started to sit down. When my butt was approximately five inches from the seat, still directing his gaze at his monitor, he said in a Drill Sergeant manner, ” I didn’t tell you to sit down yet”. Well, I immediately stood to attention and backed up two feet to the entryway into his cubicle. I swear I stood there for another two or three minutes before he swung his chair around and said, “You can sit down now”. Kenny took the next ten minutes telling me all the things wrong with my company. Needless to say, we did not take lunch together, and like I said earlier, I thought he was the biggest asshole I had ever met.

          Now, what he said was true. Our prices were way too high, and our lead-times were way too long. I took these insights back to my company, and within six months, we had reduced both to the point where we started to get some of the business. After a year, and several more trips, my company was enjoying 100% of the business, and I was slowly becoming a  part of Kenny’s small circle of friends. I share this with all the sales people out there as a lesson. Three things. Be honest. Be genuine. Be patient. Take your time and really get to know your customer. Don’t get discouraged. Be patient. If you are able to look at your customer with one eye, while reading the documents on their desk upside down with the other eye, you are not my kind of salesman.

          Of course your company has to be competitive in all areas. I was fortunate that my company was willing to adapt to the marketplace.  Over time, Kenny became a real friend. We did things that friends would do. Went fishing. Went to the casino, usually with a few other dudes from his office. My favorite thing was going to the racetrack in Saratoga once a year, to watch and bet on the ” Running of the Travers”. To our amazement, I actually won a Trifecta one year.

          Kenneth and I went fishing many times. Once on the Hudson River, and several times at his favorite spot on the Erie Canal. Every time we went fishing,  Kenny would give me fishing “lessons”. Like the big brother he was, every time he would try to give me instructions on how to fish, I would tell him, “I’m from Minnesota, I was fishing when you were still in diapers”. Not really true, since he was about fifteen years older than me.

          Anyway, Kenny would retort with, ” I don’t care if you are from Zimbabwe, you ain’t gonna catch anything that way”, or, “You’re so full of shit, you should have worn a diaper”, then we would laugh. I would always tease him and ask him to put my worm on for me (I never used anything other than lures).

          I always caught the first fish and the last fish before he gave up for the day. Most of the time, I caught the only fish, which really pissed him off. Fishing on the Hudson was fun, but challenging because that one time we did go, it was in an old leaky row boat, oars only, no outboard. We always had a great time fishing except for that one hot, and muggy August day (I did most of the rowing), and we caught nothing.

          Kenny and I remained friends after he retired. When his health began to deteriorate more and more, his buddies and I would still take him to the casino. I can remember pushing Kenny, his oxygen bottle, and his cigarette through the casino in his wheelchair. No matter what you said to him about his health and smoking, he would acknowledge, ”Yeah, I know, I should quit, it’s too late for me anyway”.  He never did quit, and it WAS too late, he died.

          The last time I saw Kenny, he had been retired for about four years. He was so sick  and weak at that time, when we went to the grocery store or his favorite neighborhood tavern, I had to carry him up and down the stairs of his condo, and throw his wheelchair in the trunk. That last time I saw him was six months before he passed away.

          Kenny grew up in a farming community in North Carolina, so he knew what Racism and Segregation was. I grew up in a farming community in Minnesota. I didn’t know what the words meant as I was growing up. We would sometimes have spirited discussions about a variety of subjects, whilst drinking our scotch or having a meal.

          The most spirited conversations were when we talked about racism and segregation/integration, i.e., life in general. We mostly agreed on things, and our friendship with each other stayed intact. One of our most memorable exchanges was this one night, already three drinks into a long night, and I was a little pissed at something Kenny had said. I looked at Kenny and yelled, “I don’t care about the color of your skin!”, and Kenny paused for a second and quietly said,” I don’t care about the color of YOUR skin either”.

          We laughed at each other, and ordered another Black Label on the Rocks. Kenny was a great friend. I grieved when he died, along with all of his friends and family. Lesson number two. Folks, Racism, Bigotry, Prejudice and Indifference are taught and therefore learned, not in-bred.

          Strain: “Mark Twain’s Belly Button Lint”  harvested March 3, 2016

          We sometimes think it is hopeless and against all odds, but hey, we are part of the 99% against the 1% that currently have absolute control. We can and shall overcome the odds, but only if we truly ORGANIZE. Otherwise, we are all just as a “Single Fly, Farting in the Wind” and “Useless as Wings on a Penis”.  If you have questions, suggestions, comments, etcetera, again, and you would like to hear my thoughts on possible miracles/solutions, please feel free to contact me. You can contact me by farcecrap PM, send me an email or fill out the contact form below.

          For those who have been keeping up with my progress with “The Dead Armadillo” story, here’s my latest:


          Here, for your viewing pleasure, is a recent documentary titled, “The World is My Country” Produced and directed by my friend Arthur Kanegis, this documentary is about the courage and beliefs of Garry Davis, who after serving as part of a U. S. bomber crew during World War Two, recognized the insane futility of wars in general, and gave up his U. S. citizenship, becoming the first person to declare the “World” as his “Country”.

          You will be touched and hopefully inspired as well, as it is a film of hope and vision.  it is well worth your effort. Please share.


          Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, السلام والالتزام , שלום ושמירה, Paix et Demeure, Խաղաղությունը եւ մնալը, Мир и пребывание,, 平和と遵守, 和平與恪守, Aştî û Abad, صلح و عبید, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite, शांति और निवास, Hòa bình và ở lại, Мир и Абиде, שלום און בלייַבן, สันติภาพและการปฏิบัติ, Mir in bivanje,

          Yadhum oore yaavarum kelir, “The World Is One Family”

          Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE



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