In case your wondering, yes, my daughter will never see this post, and I WILL NOT purposely share it with her, ever. So, I am safe from her wrath. She probably will not see me do my routine at the Comedy Store in Hollywood either. She may have a change in her attitude towards me someday and watch my very first HBO Special. I DID share this with her “significant other” though, because he DOES get it, and sees the irony in this, and understands the humor of it all.
P. S. Happy 4/20 Day folks
Peace & Abide,

Strain: SOMEGOODSHITFROMMYBACKYARD, harvested April 20th, 2019
Thank you for your support. Let’s get this ball a rolling. We are going to be starting up the private messaging again like we had before, unfortunately still via farcecrap, until a volunteer web designer steps up to the plate to help us build that capability on the ITAD-NAO website. The whole purpose of the ITAD website is to get us OFF of the farcecrap pissantshitasshole fucking website.
Here’s the PayPal Button:
Other immediate needs. On a volunteer basis for now, we need a WEBMASTER who can work on the ITAD-NAO website, we need a person skilled in “Crowd-Funding” and “Director of Charitable Giving”, we need an attorney to help in the legal matters for ITAD_NAO, including setting us up as a tax-exempt “Church”, we need a Certified CPA to insure the financial integrity of the ITAD-NAO organization, we need a “Chief of Security”, we need a film-maker, first for YouTube, eventually for larger platforms, plus a few other positions. We believe that somewhere down the road, a Billionaire will step up to the plate and write a check for $50 Million or so, which will turn those volunteer positions into paid positions.
Wanna send a message?