Here’s a thought. What if there was a “Crypto” currency that provided the buyer and seller in each transaction/smart contract, user/selectable charitable donations ranging from 1% up to ??% of the transaction? The charitable donations will be going to various legitimate “vetted” charities/needs beginning at the local level, in YOUR town/city, or international charities. Well, folks, there is a new “Koin” in town, and although we are just at the beginning stages, we are optimistic.

Postscript added November 1st, 2021: Imagine, if you will, a portal into the IRTHKOIN platform designed with an experience similar to the typical “Video Gaming” site, with semi-realistic CGI graphics, etcetera. The home “Page” would have an image of a “Bank”, wherein a person would click on “Enter” and be taken to the “Sign Up” page to establish an account, or if they already have an account, they would submit their login and password information to access their IRTHKOIN Account and other sections of the platform.

During the account “Sign-Up”, they will have the option of creating a “Walking” Avatar that moves around the website (as guided by their mouse just like in a video game), or option to create the Avatar at a later time.

From the landing page there would also be a CGI Image of perhaps a gothic-looking “Church”, labeled IRTHKARE, and upon clicking on “Enter”, they would be taken to the page that has all the various already “Vetted” charities, etcetera. A person would have to have already established an account in order to enter the “Church” representing the Philanthropic/Charitable section. The “Partner” would select from an established “vetted” list which charitable organization (or several) that he/she wants their “Gift” percentage directed to, or, nominate a new charity for vetting.

In addition, there will be a separate section of IRTHKARE where a “Partner” can actually view videos (many live-streamed), of their charitable donation/percentage in action….watching videos of people in need, getting the much needed food/water or whatever the “Partners” charitable activity is involved with…..Like planting thousands of trees in the Amazon…..Cleaning the oceans, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.There will be teams of IRTHKARE videographers traveling around the planet filming/live-streaming all of the on-going charitable work being funded by IRTHKOIN “Partners” via IRTHFUND.

Postscript added June 11, 2021: IRTHKOIN  – Automatically, a fixed percentage of every contract is distributed to IRTHFUND (a funding/distribution platform that people can separately donate to if they just desire to GIVE/DONATE) and IRTHFUND automatically distributes equal amounts of IRTHKOIN to IRTHKARE, which are ALL the various VETTED charitable organizations in ALL categories (such as environmental concerns, and health & welfare concerns), IRTHKARE will be the part of the “Blockchain” that “Vets” the overwhelming number of charitable organizations that apply to be a part of IRTHKARE.

With millions of contracts/transactions per day, imagine the billions going into saving and changing our planet at a rate of, (throw a dart at the dartboard), 10% of every contract/transaction going to IRTHKARE. 20%? 30%? THROW A DART AT A DARTBOARD!

Oh, and based on GOLD, as the “Standard”, it WILL become the primary monetary system used throughout the world. How about the “Value” of GOLD based on the IRTHKOIN assets? GOLD at $300,000 per ounce? Again, throw a Dart at the Dartboard! End of Postscript.

We will be creating a dedicated Blockchain for IRTHKOIN in the near future which will also incorporate IRTHFUND and IRTHCARE, so stay tuned.

Here’s a link to the IRTHKOIN website:

P. S. If there is anyone interested in becoming a part of our team, please let us know. Thanks!

Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, السلام والالتزام , שלום ושמירה, Paix et Demeure, Խաղաղությունը եւ մնալը, Мир и пребывание,, 平和と遵守, 和平與恪守, Aştî û Abad, صلح و عبید, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite, शांति और निवास, Hòa bình và ở lại, Мир и Абиде, שלום און בלייַבן, สันติภาพและการปฏิบัติ, Mir in bivanje,

Yadhum oore yaavarum kelir, “The World Is One Family”

Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE

Here’s a new website:

For those who have been keeping up with my progress with “The Dead Armadillo” story, here’s my latest



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This website is not filled with a bunch of “Click-On” ads for the latest in “Toothbrushes” “Fashion” or “Free trips to wherever” generating millions of pesos in income. If you do decide to donate a few Pesos because you enjoy reading my essays, that’s awesome, and I sincerely thank you.


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