I normally write my “Reviews “ of feature films. Tonight is my first full-blown essay as a commentary instead of a “review”. Thanks to this awesome home-grown strain from Oregon. Enjoy!
At about 1 hour 14 minutes into the podcast: In response to Pat’s question, “What do you think we can do about it?”
President Eisenhower warned all of us. JFK continued by boldly stating that he was going to dismantle the CIA amongst other more sinister and dangerous elements in our government.
The terrible situation our country is in has been discussed for years but nobody has come up with a definitive solution/plan to actually do something about it.
I say, and predict that as any grassroots movement, all the various state militias will finally organize under one banner of patriotism and end all this BS. It WON’T BE A CIVIL WAR! The UNITED CITIZENS MILITIA will arrest ALL the politicians that have been involved in f**king up our great nation.
All of these criminals will be incarcerated on a new “Devil’s Island somewhere in the South Pacific. Instead of prison cells, they will have simple container-type, nice, homes, gardens, grocery stores, bagel shops, porn shops and theaters…..And no vehicles of any kind. Just horses, donkeys, etcetera to get around their little paradise.
My guess is about 3,000 perps on Devil’s Island. No children. Spouses yes if they are also of the same psychotically deranged mindset. The beautiful island will be surrounded by sharks and the UNITED CITIZENS MILITIA Patrol boats.
You can read more of my Nostradamus-like articles on my website, at tcsblog “dot” “net”. If you’re a member of a militia group, please feel free to contact me.
Postscript Too!: After listening to Tim now for an hour and 20 minutes, I have come to the conclusion that he’s one of the most intelligent people that I have ever listened to, (besides PBD). BECAUSE OF COMMON SENSE! I would love to have a two hour conversation with him someday.
Postscript Also: At about 1 hour and 20 minutes or so, Adam’s Interruptus Maximus of Tim was a rant that convinces me once again what a stone-cold IGNORAMUS he truly is. “Mind your own business Adam”…..Which everyone wishes was a dude flipping hamburgers at a gag in a bag fast food joint anywhere except my little town of Quartzsite.
Postscript Again: Full circle about my earlier comment regarding how much I appreciate Tim. I think I would have loved to be in the front row seats if Tim could’ve had a one-on-one conversation with my favorite philosopher/comedian of all time, George Carlin.
Postscript Lost Count: At about 1 hour and 25 minutes….The comments about the Chinese Migration happening at our southern border AND, and it’s a BIG AND….all over the world, we are witness to the largest Trojan Horse ever developed by mankind.
The fact is that hundreds of thousands if not millions of these Chinese “Immigrants” migrating to European countries as well as America, “The land of the free and the extremely stupid” are military-aged single men and some small percentage of women. Write to me if you’re interested in the “Why and what for” part.
Postscript Hello Once Again: At an hour and thirty minutes and forty-seven seconds into this excellent episode, I thought to myself, “I have been a huge fan/admirer of the PBD PODCAST for a long time and so obviously I have watched a ton of Pat’s podcasts. THIS one is for me, THE best episode to date”.
In fact, so good, I will be posting the link to this podcast to my own 75+ Groups and Pages in addition to approximately 50 other different groups that I belong to on Facebook, and in my website dub dub dub tcsblog “dot” “net” which is currently at 1,644,844 million visits from 187 countries. Deduct the bots and I’m still over 1.5 million real people read my schtick.
BY THE WAY #1 (ran out of postscripts): Approximately 1:36:20, I loved it when PBD explained to Idiot Adam that the 20 to 1 odds for RFKJR is terribly crappy odds, “Go lay your $20 down to win $1 you f**king moron”.
BY THE WAY #2: At one hour and thirty-seven minutes I said to myself, “ Full circle back to that UNITED CITIZENS MILITIA thing…..”If the Demo-Rats win, it MAY get bloody. If the Repugnantcans win, it might also get bloodier”. Militia leaders and members, contact me.
BY THE WAY #3-1/2: Beginning at one hour and thirty minutes or so…..Remember what I described as The New Devil’S ISLAND? In addition to the politicians, all the child molesters/pedophiles will also be held What a glorious combination of people.
BY THE WAY #4: At one hour and forty-five minutes I thought, “Whatever happened to the thousands and thousands of hours of video tape/discs of all the perverts f**king little boys and girls, and 12 year olds, and 15,16, 17 year olds.
Epstein HAD to video record all the perversion for the Massad’s blackmail program.
Supposedly, all this evidence is in the hands of the FBI, if they hadn’t already destroyed it. IF, and it’s a BIG IF…..IF the evidence still exists, the UNITED CITIZENS MILITIA will find it, for the upcoming trials”.
BY THE WAY #5: At one hour and 46 minutes….The powers to be already have the evidence that zebrael was 95% involved with the other 5%, our own CIA.
All the so-called hijackers THOUGHT they were going somewhere other than New York City and the Twin Towers.
Can you imagine the look on their faces in the cockpits of those two planes? “Holy Sheet!” One of them said a few seconds before impact of both remotely-controlled aircraft using Boeing’s system called the uninterruptible autopilot. I’m sure a few pissed their pants if they were looking forward out the cockpit windows. Google my friend Dan Hanley, and go to 911Pilots”dot” “org”.
At one hour and fifty minutes I laughed out loud when Timmy put Adam in his place “That’s a conspiracy for stupid people “, hahahahaha!!!!
Although I believe that pedophilia, and all the other names for is a mental illness of some kind, I just want all of them with their buddies on The New Devil’s Island.
Just like most of my movie reviews, (longest was five hours and 37 minutes to “watch” an hour and forty-five minute movie), this “commentary/review” took the record at six hours to watch and write about this 2 hours, 19 minutes and 25 minutes worth of great content. That’s what sets my writing apart from all other wannabe “Critics”.
“Neurotic Jewish Grandmother”. Always knew that Adam was a zebraist.
My all-time favorite experience was sitting across the aisle from Johnny Cash and June Carter, from Nashville to Los Angeles.
Final thought when Timmy said, “I’m trying to put a positive spin on this” “l’m trying to put a positive spin on my commentary/review. I believe most readers of my essay-length “comment” on this episode will enjoy reading it. Thank you for your time. For those people afflicted with ADHA just type in, TLDR. Thanks!
Five minutes left. Shut the f**k up Adam, Jeebus Frickin” Qwuist! The one (of several) “Comics” that for sure was NOT far left like you claimed was George Carlin.
This essay was brought to you by those wonderfully visionaries at IRTHKOIN. The Evolutionary Crypto-Currency coming soon to your laptop, computer, and cellphone, stay tuned for news.
See my AI music and art at my YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@music-art-theunknownsockpuppet
Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, السلام والالتزام , שלום ושמירה, Paix et Demeure, Խաղաղությունը եւ մնալը, Мир и пребывание,, 平和と遵守, 和平與恪守, Aştî û Abad, صلح و عبید, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite, शांति और निवास, Hòa bình và ở lại, Мир и Абиде, שלום און בלייַבן, สันติภาพและการปฏิบัติ, Mir in bivanje,
Yadhum oore yaavarum kelir, “The World Is One Family”
Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE
For those who have been keeping up with my progress with my new book, “Ramblings of an Old Fart” here’s my latest in PDF format:
If you just happen to be a REAL publisher of “Books”, you know, hard-bound, or, your rich daddy or uncle is, please contact me to get into the fierce bidding war to place your bid to publish my book. Just kidding, I’m really seeking a Literary Agent however, if you are one or your rich dada or uncle is. contact me.
Here’s a few Social Media links for sharing, thanks:
This website is not filled with a bunch of “Click-On” ads for the latest in “Toothbrushes” “Fashion” or “Free trips to wherever” generating millions of pesos in income. If you do decide to donate a few Pesos because you enjoy reading my essays, that’s awesome, and I sincerely thank you. IF, you donate the cost of a Starbucks, it will go towards fixing a few things, NOT, my Golden Statuette.
We give awards out for everything from acting to how many Hot-Dogs they can shove down their gullet. What about and award for people that encourage the weary with optimism for THEIR life’s goals and visions, to inspire another person, and believe in THEIR value as a human being? Wouldn’t THAT be groovy? Yes, this essay was not really about me or an imagined trophy, it’s ALL ABOUT YOU! What do YOU want to accomplish in your life?
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