This page is created to inform readers with information that will allow everyone to decide for themselves, regardless of my own views/opinions.

For the first posting of this page, here is a PDF copied from the website. Friends, family, strangers, do the research, it’s YOUR choice, make it wisely.


I will be adding to this page from time-to time, and adding ONLY articles, videos, whatever, that I feel are irrefutably proven information, so, if you have done research and found solid evidence as an example, that this entire COVID-19 is BULLSHIT, and the greatest hoax in human history, please submit it to me and I will consider adding it to this page.  Thank you.

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Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, السلام والالتزام , שלום ושמירה, Paix et Demeure, Խաղաղությունը եւ մնալը, Мир и пребывание,, 平和と遵守, 和平與恪守, Aştî û Abad, صلح و عبید, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite, शांति और निवास, Hòa bình và ở lại, Мир и Абиде, שלום און בלייַבן, สันติภาพและการปฏิบัติ, Mir in bivanje,

Yadhum oore yaavarum kelir, “The World Is One Family”

Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE

Here’s a new website:

For those who have been keeping up with my progress with “The Dead Armadillo” story, here’s my latest:


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This website is not filled with a bunch of “Click-On” ads for the latest in “Toothbrushes” “Fashion” or “Free trips to wherever” generating millions of pesos in income. If you do decide to donate a few Pesos because you enjoy reading my essays, that’s awesome, and I sincerely thank you.